Moving Away From Heavy E-Bikes

On some of Fords 90s pickups you didnt have to worry the rear brakes didn work anyway( kelsy Hayes?)
My '94 Tracker (the one with the cable clutch) had no rear brakes at all after the rear wheel antilock brakes failed.
I ignored it for over 2 years until it went to the scrapper.
Front brakes are enough, same with an ebike. 😂
I think u'll find that has changed if it wasn't just a question of the quality of the system. Interestingly enough some vehicles have been made with 4 disc and a small drum in the center of the rear disc for the emergency brake. Anyway, back to ebikes for the most part hydraulic disc brakes are the best choice for todays ebikes.
the basic emergency circut is the split paralell hydraulic circut, very confusing after being around 50-60 year tech most of life.
Here is my favorite go to eBike. It is a three-speed, handmade in Poland, with a coaster brake. I love it. It is fun to take into a mountain bike park and pass the full suspension 12-speeds. The bike now has an 85 Nm torque sensor mid-drive. We are renting lovely bikes like this at Smith & Bergan, 7 Petaluma Blvd. N. Petaluma, CA for day tourists. The bikes are not like off-the-self fast faission bikes. Quality, qualities, refinement, and elegance. Off-the-rack mass-produced is okay for some. This lightweight bike kicks their butts, with style and speed.
A classic beauty. 👍
the basic emergency circut is the split paralell hydraulic circut, very confusing after being around 50-60 year tech most of life.
The simplest way to do is a separate cable activated emergency brake, but you need to use it regularly or it will sieze up.
Just some food for thought in downhill They have come to a conclusion that there's a thing about being to lite.

Who are " they" and what is this mythical too light point?

Or are you being literal re "lite " bikes - lacking substance ?
Who are " they" and what is this mythical too light point?

Or are you being literal re "lite " bikes - lacking substance ?
I know nothing about it but it makes sense to me.
You need to have some mass and inertia for gravity to keep you and your machine connected to earth.
Some Pro downhill riders I think it was somewhere around thirty some odd pound
Yep. I saw that. Think it’s because having trained on emtbs they are missing the stability of the heavier bikes when competing on their unassisted mtbs (or y’no, mtbs) so are adding some weights near the bottom bracket to make the bikes a bit heavier. Read something about it or saw an interview where it was raised. It’s not widespread I think just in the higher realms of down hill competitions.
  • "Controller Sinusoidal"? What cr*p are they putting for electronics?

I guess that means that you don't know if your Vado runs on square wave or sine wave?

My controller/display has 8 choices of sine wave phases to pick from.

Screenshot_20230326-155738_Acrobat for Samsung.jpg
I guess that means that you don't know if your Vado runs on square wave or sine wave?
It means I do not need to care what controller is used in either of my Specialized e-bikes. That is that big difference between e-bikes that have been made to be ridden and the others you need to jump with a multimeter around :)
All my vehicles were made to be driven, but I still knew how many cylinders they had.
I'm not comfortable not knowing how my tools operate.
If I know how they work then I know how to operate them better.
All my vehicles were made to be driven, but I still knew how many cylinders they had.
I'm not comfortable not knowing how my tools operate.
If I know how they work then I know how to operate them better.
I'm only interested with the peak power and assistance settings for my Vado and Vado SL. And what motors & batteries are used. I can tell you any detail of the componentry of my e-bikes.
It would be rather sad if you had to measure battery voltage in your car or fiddle with the engine most of the time you were not driving it.
What surprised me three years ago was while I had full information on the battery (in %, Wh, including motor and battery temperature) on the display or in smartphone, and I could set the assistance for automatic assistance so I could make a ride and still return with specific battery charge...
Other people were using a multimeter to find out the status of their battery.
And were talking about the battery in the terms of meaningless Ah.
Because I own my bikes I can program them the way I like, just for me, tailored, not off-the-rack, not mass market. I have by the way ridden, worked on, and sold many brands with brand specific training, including Specialized. When removing data logging the controllers loose the ability to second guess. I will also often set the wheel diameter to 37cm and the speed limit to 45kph. Generally the fewer sensors is better. Most of my bikes now are getting cargo motors that are super smooth. I never need to say, 'Mother may I,' to do want to create & service, beautiful, lithe, practical, and strong eBikes that are tailor made for each ridder.
My display shows me real-time voltage and wattage consumption as well as an odometer.
That's all the the information I need to make the calculations for myself.

I've ridden my new ebike about 6 times now and twice with my new controller/display. Once I get everything set up, I'm leaving the computer analysis at home.

I want to control my ebike.
I don't want it to control me.
Why do you guys bother... Different thread but ever the same a$$hole 🙃

Yeah, you're right.
If Mr. Mikes wanted to impress me, he could learn how to ride no hands.

Every kid can do it, and I was doing it today, no hands, no peddling, leaning sideways into the wind smoking a cigarette.

I had fun today.
Didn't like pulling over to adjust my settings. Fricken computers. They're so damn demanding. Lol
It was great to see everyone out on bikes today. Now we are in for more storms. The freeway, 101, that links my town to the next town to the South is closed in the S. bound direction. The frontage road above it collapsed in a land slide, exposing twin 16" gas lines and threating to cover the freeway. The frontage road is also the bike path and the only way to the dump. The rains will hit staring Monday night and lasting until Wednesday night. I just finished working on an M620 with 120Nm and a throttle, it is heavy but will smoke a whole pack of Vados. Smoking Vados is addictive once you try.
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