Known Issues & Problems with Giant Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

Yes, apparently Giant Canada had 4 guys in the e-bike warranty department but recently 3 of them left. Leaves 1 guy for all of Canada.....yikes.
There dealers should be equipped to deal with there Ebikes as far as things like having a known good charger on hand for testing and a battery or at least be able to test the battery. Then if the battery or charger is bad Giant can get a new one sent out . For the most part something like that should be easy to rule out as far as being the problem. I like my Giant but it does seem like they are a little slow as far as responding to there dealers but we don't the whole story. So Giant keep working on solutions as far ability handle the work load ,communications and supply Keep those wheels turning.
There dealers should be equipped to deal with there Ebikes as far as things like having a known good charger on hand for testing and a battery or at least be able to test the battery. Then if the battery or charger is bad Giant can get a new one sent out . For the most part something like that should be easy to rule out as far as being the problem. I like my Giant but it does seem like they are a little slow as far as responding to there dealers but we don't the whole story. So Giant keep working on solutions as far ability handle the work load ,communications and supply Keep those wheels turning.
I went into the shop a week ago for a chat and they told me that they still hadn't heard anything back from Giant.
They can't get past the switchboard, which instructs them to leave a message and then follow it up with an email to confirm that they left a message. Sigh....

As for the bike, it still will not stay powered on. The initial "Giant" screen comes up for about a second and then goes away.
The battery is showing itself as fully charged, so who knows.
But here I am at 5 weeks without a bike......sad.
I went into the shop a week ago for a chat and they told me that they still hadn't heard anything back from Giant.
They can't get past the switchboard, which instructs them to leave a message and then follow it up with an email to confirm that they left a message. Sigh....

As for the bike, it still will not stay powered on. The initial "Giant" screen comes up for about a second and then goes away.
The battery is showing itself as fully charged, so who knows.
But here I am at 5 weeks without a bike......sad.
I had the inverse problem. After a drive through rain my bike would not power off. A couple of days in a warm and dry room fixed that problem. Lucky me!
I had the inverse problem. After a drive through rain my bike would not power off. A couple of days in a warm and dry room fixed that problem. Lucky me!
Well there's another concern for me....haha. I live in a rainforest and will be (supposed to be) commuting on the bike daily.
I ended up with a new motor - original one was replaced this month due to failure to start and error code that Giant Canada had never seen, so didn't know how to repair - they asked for the motor to be shipped to them so they can study it. This after I had to have the speed sensor replaced earlier. My bike takes some abuse - I ride in the wet a lot and our trails are quite rough so the motor housing takes regular rock bashings.
I ended up with a new motor - original one was replaced this month due to failure to start and error code that Giant Canada had never seen, so didn't know how to repair - they asked for the motor to be shipped to them so they can study it. This after I had to have the speed sensor replaced earlier. My bike takes some abuse - I ride in the wet a lot and our trails are quite rough so the motor housing takes regular rock bashings.
What sort of "down-time" did you experience with Giant Canada?
I'm still waiting.....approaching 7 weeks.
Wow! Nothing like that - the speed sensor replacement took about 6 days including a weekend. The motor replacement about the same.
I had issues with my Revolt E+ turning off under bumps or a big bump, so I posted a possible fix involving a 2.4mm thick gasket under the male battery connector on the bike that has been holding up for 68mi. You can find details of the fix here.
Well the end of November was when my bike went in and still haven't heard anything.
Maybe the shop I'm dealing with is very low on the Giant totem-pole.

After I sent a very pointed email to the shop, wouldn't you know it a day later I got a "Your bike is ready" message.
Arrived at the shop and they told me that a new screen was sent and they installed it and all was good.
The story is that if the warranty guy didn't have a part to fix the complaint he wouldn't respond until he did.
My point to them was, "Well, if he could diagnose the issue from the symptoms why not just send you a message saying, 'You need this part, but it isn't available yet' so then we'd all know what was going on. A lot easier to deal with it then knowing what was going on rather than this song and dance we'd just been through.
They just shrugged their shoulders.

Anyway, hopefully I can just ride now.
Confidence is a bit shaken on the whole thing, but here's hoping all goes well from hereon in.

After I sent a very pointed email to the shop, wouldn't you know it a day later I got a "Your bike is ready" message.
Arrived at the shop and they told me that a new screen was sent and they installed it and all was good.
The story is that if the warranty guy didn't have a part to fix the complaint he wouldn't respond until he did.
My point to them was, "Well, if he could diagnose the issue from the symptoms why not just send you a message saying, 'You need this part, but it isn't available yet' so then we'd all know what was going on. A lot easier to deal with it then knowing what was going on rather than this song and dance we'd just been through.
They just shrugged their shoulders.

Anyway, hopefully I can just ride now.
Confidence is a bit shaken on the whole thing, but here's hoping all goes well from hereon in.
Let us know if it all up and running right:)

After I sent a very pointed email to the shop, wouldn't you know it a day later I got a "Your bike is ready" message.
Arrived at the shop and they told me that a new screen was sent and they installed it and all was good.
The story is that if the warranty guy didn't have a part to fix the complaint he wouldn't respond until he did.
My point to them was, "Well, if he could diagnose the issue from the symptoms why not just send you a message saying, 'You need this part, but it isn't available yet' so then we'd all know what was going on. A lot easier to deal with it then knowing what was going on rather than this song and dance we'd just been through.
They just shrugged their shoulders.

Anyway, hopefully I can just ride now.
Confidence is a bit shaken on the whole thing, but here's hoping all goes well from hereon in.
Lol love it when you have to tell a shop how to do customer service (I'm siding with you here.).

I find it strange that Giant has all these problems from bumps and rain when it uses motors from Yamaha whose bread and butter is eMTBs. What gives?
In need of a little help please I'm trying to locate a part for my giant road e+pro 2, it's the freehub part number FH117K,does anyone know of any where in the UK I could get hold of one I've tried everywhere.
In need of a little help please I'm trying to locate a part for my giant road e+pro 2, it's the freehub part number FH117K,does anyone know of any where in the UK I could get hold of one I've tried everywhere.
What about asking your Giant LBS?
I find it strange that Giant has all these problems from bumps and rain when it uses motors from Yamaha whose bread and butter is eMTBs. What gives?
Me, too. No issues with my Giant e-MTB. Perhaps you look for issues Asher not riding a Giant yourself?
Just tried giant main dealer and apparently no stock in the UK due to Brexit and could be weeks before they get it sorted,so it looks like I'll have no bike for weeks.
I love my toughroad E+ bike. mine is a 2018 so one of the first one that isnt compatible with the app. I m having issue with mine currently. Power is cutting off very randomly and many times in a ride. It usually ok for the first 20-40min and then it starts. I usually will get a error message, either

-energypak error
-syncdrive error, no power support, then the control will go black.

I can turn the screen on again but if put the assistance on.... it stop. If i keep riding with the screen on but motor off.... screen stay on.

very strange and the bike as been so reliable for 1.5 year but now... it just isnt and will stop on each rides. The only thing i can think of is perhaps some water as go in the head unit as there was condensation in it a few times.

anyone as a idea? i dont have a dealer near me so this is annoying...
I love my toughroad E+ bike. mine is a 2018 so one of the first one that isnt compatible with the app. I m having issue with mine currently. Power is cutting off very randomly and many times in a ride. It usually ok for the first 20-40min and then it starts. I usually will get a error message, either

-energypak error
-syncdrive error, no power support, then the control will go black.

I can turn the screen on again but if put the assistance on.... it stop. If i keep riding with the screen on but motor off.... screen stay on.

very strange and the bike as been so reliable for 1.5 year but now... it just isnt and will stop on each rides. The only thing i can think of is perhaps some water as go in the head unit as there was condensation in it a few times.

anyone as a idea? i dont have a dealer near me so this is annoying...
Leave it in a warm and dry place for a couple of days.