"It's not on fire, it just overheated"


Well-Known Member
Piedmont Highlands
That's what he said to a passerby, as he tried to blow it out. Then this:


He calls it an ebike, I call it a moped. This guy just lost a brand new $6000 bike! Very sad and laced with a little dark humor. "Get an ebike, they said, it'll be fun."

We really need to tighten up our import regulations. This was an expensive loss. Seems like a nice guy.
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You're probably right about import regulations, but I'd be curious to know more about the specifics of what caused this.

If the brand was identified I missed it. Do we know what it was?

It's an older youtube thread. As I recall, the author bought a custom ebike from a local builder, based on a copy of the Stealh Bomber frame, The batteries caught on fire, and I'm not sure he ever got any money back.
The guy and his dad post videos mostly about gas powered bicycles; "Father and son on fast motorized bicycles." He posted the video 9 months ago. The company: TOB ebikes by Mike Moser.
He wasn't trying to blow it out... He was trying to clear the smoke to unplug it. Not sure that's what I would do but it does have an inkling of merit.
That's what he said to a passerby, as he tried to blow it out. Then this:

View attachment 161850

He calls it an ebike, I call it a moped. This guy just lost a brand new $6000 bike! Very sad and laced with a little dark humor. "Get an ebike, they said, it'll be fun."

We really need to tighten up our import regulations. This was an expensive loss. Seems like a nice guy.
What an utter piece of schlitz...
Here's the ebike — I mean e-motorcycle...

Fitting pedals to 18,000 watt electric motorcycles tells you everything you need to know about that company.
Here's the ebike — I mean e-motorcycle...

I couldn’t help but notice in the first image that they have it conveniently parked right beside a pool…. just in case. ;)
This picture confirms my bias against lithium batteries mounted between the legs. My battery is mounted out front where it is least likely to be hit, and 2' from my body. Rear mounted batteries also strike me as intensely stupid, with all the drivers motoring around blinded by their cellphone.
Rural fire departments send a bill. My summer camp is in such an area. Not to people who have paid an annual subscription. I've told the neighbors that if my 1975 trailer catches fire, let it burn. Debris disposal is $100 a thousand pounds at the county dump. Plus the dumpster rental and haulage fees. If the wood garbage burns away, the trailer steel frame is worth $100 a ton.
Hazmat cleanup is cheaper if all the lithium battery is oxidized. Use a broom.
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It seems his brakes overheated when he was trying to stop. He said they were bad when he started out. The rotors were probably red hot trying to slow down that much speed and weight. Just a guess but maybe the rotor heat caught a battery cable on fire, shorting out the system. No telling how many batteries that thing had to take it to 50 mph. I'd think a few. Bad build for sure. Demand a refund or sue. 6k too much to lose on one ride.