I want a Hydrogen fuel cell E-bike

Lithium aluminum battery is a proven breakthrough in Uk then the company went to France but is not supported due to massive marketing of Li ion co concept/tech.
That sounds good Mr Coffee but I was looking for improvements in weight and range? Which format will bring us a light bike that goes all day?

Well, Lithium batteries are doubling in power density about every fifteen years, so it is reasonable to figure that $10 e-bike battery in the late 2050s will be around 3kwh.

Note that charge rates are unlikely to improve. So that battery might take 20-30 hours to charge from a standard outlet. The most likely thing is that most homes at that time will have at least some higher-current outlets to support electric vehicle charging.

Solar panels are on a similar cost curve to Lithium batteries (cost per watt is halving about every four years). So if you are an investor I think a reasonable technology bet is that the electricity infra of the future will be overwhelmingly dominated by solar plus lithium batteries for storage. The interesting part is that in only a very few years solar is likely to be the cheapest form of electricity you can buy (and it already is in many locations). Only a few years after that solar will be cheaper than any electricity has ever been. No foreseeable technology is likely to catch up with that in our lifetimes. Even at today's prices it likely costs more to just pour the concrete for a nuclear or coal-fired plant than a pv solar plant of equivalent power output.

This isn't all happening in a vacuum. It is happening because a lot of very smart people like @Ravi Kempaiah are pushing the envelope. And the reality is that I doubt most people can even wrap their brains around what is happening before their very eyes.
I have started carrying 3 (sometimes 4 ) powerpacks on long hilly trips . My bike is solid and comfortable with fat knobby tires. There are some steep (18% grades) and some long ski hill roads as well as many high resistance gravel trails. I also like to tour with a lot of stuff sometimes so the bike can get heavy. So fellow dreamers, what if there was a hydrogen fuel cell powered bike that only needed one small light battery which could be refilled quickly at any gas station? The result would be a light bike with infinite range. If it cost a dollar to fill up instead of a dime per powerpack I would pay. Make it so!

I want an H2 ebike too Steve! My purpose would be multi-day off-grid ebike touring/camping. Ideally I would be able to switch between battery and H2 canister on my Levo Fat Bike. Who makes this and how do I get one or a conversion kit????
The company I work for also built one - Linde H2 eBike. It was built mainly as a prototype and was never brought to full production.

You will also notice the range of the Pragma Bike (per fuel charge) is about what a standard eBike range is (60 miles) and it weighs 60 lbs (about the same as most eBikes). Advantage is fueling time if available, but TBH easier to carry a spare battery.

Ha! Thanks NeweBikeMan! I was wondering what happened to the Linde H2 bike!!! I though the concept was brilliant and was really hoping it would go into production. Being able to carry H2 canisters v. batteries seemed like the perfect solution for off-grid/backcountry ebike touring/camping. Not only way lighter but don't have to worry about finding re-charge spots. Do you think any version of the H2-canister bike will re-emerge? Is there a way to use the Linde tech to swap w/ batteries on existing ebikes? Thanks!