I am finding it too hot to ride

Today, tomorrow, and likely Tuesday, are too hot for my asthmatic senior butt to be on my bike (contemplating trying a ride really early tomorrow morning, but probably won't) 🚳. And, to think I came home from NC for this 😱!
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i’ve lived on the west coast my whole life, various places around the bay area, and oregon, southern washington, etc.

never lived in a house, dorm, apartment, or condo that had air conditioning.
People in the Eastern US adopted A/C hard and fast in the 1960s heat and humidity...
We had an “evaporative cooler“ rooftop ac unit in the Tri-Cities. Then we had normal ac.
Man it was 102 at noon today so I said I need to get home before it gets too bad. drank a can of highball to get some water and caffeine. my ride was 8 miles and I cranked it up to turbo so I was not working and monitored my heart rate. I stopped half way at a convince store got another quart of water and some gum as my mouth was so dry. cooled ff a but then rode mire. stopped in the shade once more to finish off the water. it was a bad ride so hot it almost hurt. if I had too there were plenty f stores I could go into to cool off so I was not too worried. but this is the temp my garmin got on the roads.
and the asphalt temp a hour later at home and even the sidewalk temp.
we left it was 84 now its 98 at 11:30 our ride averaged 93 degrees with a peak of 108
We typically see only max highs (94°F/34.5°C) in that range mid-summer in August in Tokyo and the surrounding region. You won’t do your health any favor out in that type of weather unless you’re well acclimated and it’s dry as a bone. Basically at 35°C everything shuts down outside. On the other hand 45°C + high humidity is typical in parts of India!

Riding (or charging) in very hot weather is bad for your battery though.
I was talking about real air temperatures, not heat indexes or surface temperatures that are being referenced or pictured here.
Yep riding in 100+ with the sun out is no fun at all I tried riding on shady roads as much as possible but it still was miserable and like getting blasted bu a furnace most of my ride my Garmin was showing 120.
I was talking about real air temperatures, not heat indexes or surface temperatures that are being referenced or pictured here.
For the most part people here are talking about outside ambient air temperature. There’s a large swath of the PNW where many conventional small aircraft can’t fly right now - that’s never been the case ever.