I cannot believe it, my lbs just called, some a$$hol3 stole my Allant +8 S Stagger last night while the store was OPEN!!!!! I had dropped it off for its 300 mile free tune-up. Tech that does the diagnostic machine was off and was going to do it by tomorrow. I'm going to the lbs now to get the details...Grrrrrrr🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
That sucks Cheetah. Hopefully LBS will make you whole again soon.
I cannot believe it, my lbs just called, some a$$hol3 stole my Allant +8 S Stagger last night while the store was OPEN!!!!! I had dropped it off for its 300 mile free tune-up. Tech that does the diagnostic machine was off and was going to do it by tomorrow. I'm going to the lbs now to get the details...Grrrrrrr🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
So sorry. Hope your lbs stands by you.
I cannot believe it, my lbs just called, some a$$hol3 stole my Allant +8 S Stagger last night while the store was OPEN!!!!! I had dropped it off for its 300 mile free tune-up. Tech that does the diagnostic machine was off and was going to do it by tomorrow. I'm going to the lbs now to get the details...Grrrrrrr🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Sorry to hear this news... if the LBS drops the ball, do you have homeowners insurance?
USSA covered my loss a few years ago including all the expensive accessories less deductible. ;)
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Its just a thing, and at 300 miles, probably not very customized. A new one would be just the same. Happy shopping after the insurance companies grind their gears and delay settling a year.
I lost about 3500 items Sept 10-14 in a burglary, $34000 cost first estimate, and some of those LP & CD performances I'll never hear again. Too strange & unique to be replaceable. Oh, well, I survived covid19 this summer without entering the hospital, could be a lot worse.
Its just a thing, and at 300 miles, probably not very customized. A new one would be just the same. Happy shopping after the insurance companies grind their gears and delay settling a year.
I lost about 3500 items Sept 10-14 in a burglary, $34000 cost first estimate, and some of those LP & CD performances I'll never hear again. Too strange & unique to be replaceable. Oh, well, I survived covid19 this summer without entering the hospital, could be a lot worse.
His bike was stolen under the Care of The LBS . Who is responsible and has liability insurance to replacement cost of Consumer's belongings . This isn't a HomeOwners Claim . You won't have any delay .
I wonder if the LBS has a policy that they are not responsible for any bike left in their care for repairs/maintenance?
Sorry to hear this news... if the LBS drops the ball, do you have homeowners insurance?
USSA covered my loss a few years ago including all the expensive accessories less deductible. ;)
USAA....a really great insurance company. I am hoping this works out for Cheetah. Things that should be required of any repair facility. A written estimate of work to be done, this acts as a receipt of their taking possession of the eBike. Also make sure you check to see if there is a libility wavier when you are signing the work order. If your LBS does not offer one have something put in writing, even if its on blank typing paper. Make sure you let folks through social media what your experience is. If its a good experience make sure you sing your LBS,s praises, if not, well..... the opposite.
File a police report AND register the theft with bikeindex.org. I had my Pedego stolen 4 years ago, someone in an adjacent state bought it from a 'garage sale', with no battery, checked that site and contacted me just a few months ago!. Honest guy was willing to give it back to me but I had a replacement, wished him well in contacting Pedego for the battery/key, However, the LBS must have insurance, it's not your liability. Otherwise hopefully unlikely, small claims court an option.
I believe it doesn’t matter even if they have a sign up. They took control of it and they are responsible. Parking garages are notorious at this, if they have the keys they are responsible even with posted signs stated they are not liable.
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I cannot believe it, my lbs just called, some a$$hol3 stole my Allant +8 S Stagger last night while the store was OPEN!!!!! I had dropped it off for its 300 mile free tune-up. Tech that does the diagnostic machine was off and was going to do it by tomorrow. I'm going to the lbs now to get the details...Grrrrrrr🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Best of luck being made whole again!
The irony for me is that we have an ebike at my LBS getting the final touches done (update of firmware and handlebar stem) and I was just talking with my insurance agent about adding it to my policy. Almost $600 per year for the 2 of them!
So my question (if I may ask) is do you have any insurance on the 8s and, if so, what kind of coverage do you have?
Man, that's rough... Sorry to hear about your lost bike. You too @indianajo, sounds like you're keeping a good mindset, but losing artwork or something like a bike that you have setup perfectly and enjoy using is inconvenient, frustrating, and unsettling. I'm so sorry :(
@CheetahLee ,

That is terrible news. We hope you can get it back.
I am almost certain that the store will have some liability insurance to cover such incidents. Trek dealers, especially, carry insurance to be able to sell high-end road bikes.
I hope they will replace your bike and earn your loyalty.

Please let us know the outcome so the community can learn from it.
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