Here is an announcement of sorts. Got my new Optibike today.

Good for you brother!!! :D Now are you and your bike ready for this:

Good for you brother!!! :D Now are you and your bike ready for this:


Say what? I have trouble maintaining control over my etrike at 15 mph. Perhaps tonight in my sleep I will be king of the mountain. Perhaps tonight I can find something better to be the king of than a race.

Were you able to get out for a ride today? I saw the Northeast has a one day window of good weather.

Do you ride with studded tires or do you wait for spring?
(Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) (Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists) I was able to get out for another ride in the foothills this afternoon and got in 27.99 miles. It was telling as I had the trailer with the dog in it and the bike did very good on all the steep roads.

Photo attached of Lake Ming with the Sierra Nevada foothills start at their southernmost spot.

Next month I am going to start with some over night camping trips to Lake Ming. I am pretty happy the way the trike is performing with and without the trailer.(Link Removed - Attachment No Longer Exists)


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Hey Tommy:
What a cool-looking ride. That's a lucky dog you've got. How much does (s)he weigh? I'd better not let Miss Callie see that picture or she'll want me to get a trailer for her.
Yeah I installed Nokian Hakkapeliittas on the Grey Ghost a few days ago, so naturally it was about 57º today.
Pumped up to 45-50 psi, the Hakka W106s (with "only" 106 studs) roll almost as easily as my Summer tires. (At least it seems that way to me. My eBike's motor might disagree.)
No matter mounting the snows; we'll get the s**t kicked out of us soon enough for sure. I commute to work by bike in all but the crappiest weather, when I call in the waaambulance (my boss) for a ride.
I just ordered Bar Mitts from Amazon because when it goes below 20º, my heaviest Winter cycling gloves aren't up to the task. Sweater-weather probably won't be back for the next five months or so. Thankfully my commute is only 25 minutes (in dry conditions); five miles, give or take.
Hey Tommy:
What a cool-looking ride. That's a lucky dog you've got. How much does (s)he weigh? I'd better not let Miss Callie see that picture or she'll want me to get a trailer for her.
Yeah I installed Nokian Hakkapeliittas on the Grey Ghost a few days ago, so naturally it was about 57º today.
Pumped up to 45-50 psi, the Hakka W106s (with "only" 106 studs) roll almost as easily as my Summer tires. (At least it seems that way to me. My eBike's motor might disagree.)
No matter mounting the snows; we'll get the s**t kicked out of us soon enough for sure. I commute to work by bike in all but the crappiest weather, when I call in the waaambulance (my boss) for a ride.
I just ordered Bar Mitts from Amazon because when it goes below 20º, my heaviest Winter cycling gloves aren't up to the task. Sweater-weather probably won't be back for the next five months or so. Thankfully my commute is only 25 minutes (in dry conditions); five miles, give or take.

Good evening Allen,

Thanks for the compliment. I do think it is a cool looking ride but I would much rather be riding my Manhattan. Trikes are not the way to go unless a rider has problems. I will tell you I ride the trike so I don't fall at red lights but it is nothing like a bike. The trike keeps my hips from hurting. After about 20 miles on a bike I hurt where as I can ride the trike all day with no pain.

My dog weighs 15.2 pounds. Smallest dog I have ever had by far. Her name is Sara and I think you should get Callie a trailer as I think you should get anything that will keep you warm.

At least it isn't real far to work.

Stay upright in that snow and yes the s*it (I do speak some French) is going to hit the fan soon as far as cold weather is concerned in Connecticut.

The photo is the same bike I have except I have the hub motor and saddle bags. It has the same 1000 watt motor with a 48 volt battery as the trike but the wheel is 26". This is the bike I will be using out of state as I think it will be easier to ship.


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Yippy ky yeah, I went on my ride and the bike handled the steep grades without any problems. The small 24" wheel made a huge difference. No flats or problems of any kind. I really enjoyed the ride and will be riding this route again. Pretty happy the trike ran flawlessly.

I was wrong, it was only 35.1 miles long. Average speed was 14.4 mph.

I was able to go 20 miles on the first battery and it was all uphill. I was constantly pedaling.

The photos I took are too large for this site to accept. I have changed the setting in my camera and have resolved the issue.
Hi all:
Wowzer!Here is a picture of my new Optibike Pioneer Allroad. Is this ever one sweet bike. It took eight weeks, which is the longest I've waited for anything except losing my virginity, but this was worth the wait. (So was that, but that's another story.)
This machine is a climbing fool, which was of paramount importance as there is a s***-kicker of a hill between home and work. They just paved most of my commute, so the route is as smooth as butter. So life is good and I just wanted to share my joy with some other eBike enthusiasts.
(Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
Nice bike. Why this bike and not the City Pioneer? I am looking at both of them, and I am probably going to buy one. Would like your thoughts on why the Allroad, since they are both the same price.
Thanks Phronesis:
There was no Pioneer City when I ordered the Allroad back in September.
And even if there had been, I would have gone with the Allroad because of the unbelievable hill on my commute. I need the triple chainring up front.
I can get up my side of Brinton Hill (going in to work) on the middle front chainring, but coming home from work I need the granny gear to make the grade.
The Pioneer City looks like a compelling machine and Court certainly gave it high marks in his review here. But for my purposes, the Allroad seemed the perfect machine. It has proven to be just that. I am very pleased with the design and construction of this least expensive member of the Optibike family.
Plus how could I use a bike called the City? Even though I am a commuter, I live in cow country. The "big city" where I work—Lakeville, Connecticut—is a small town (or more correctly a village) with a population of just 928 souls at the last census.