Hello from a Newbie


New Member
My names is Rick. I enjoy finding simple solutions to problems and then writing them up. I see my eBike as a partial replacement for my car rather than riding for the fun of it. However, it sure is fun to ride.

I got my XP last Thursday by visiting their showroom/warehouse. The bike I picked out had a broken support leg. Here is an article I wrote on how I fabricated a replacement leg: https://rick.sparber.org/SupportLeg.pdf

I had a lot of trouble inserting the key without hunkering down. I solved that problem by attaching a special key fob. Now the key goes in every time on the first try while I am standing: https://rick.sparber.org/KeyFob.pdf

When my bike is folded up, I didn't like how the front of the bike would sometimes swing forward as I lifted it. I fixed that problem by attaching a strap from the main lift handle to around the seat post.

Lectric gave me one of their panniers. It is very handy but I do not trust those short straps. I was also concerned that someone might unhook it and flee. In the end, I used my Speedy Stitcher to sew it in place. A thief is going to have to cut the straps, rendering the pannier worthless.

