e-bike withdrawal


Well-Known Member
I know I could get studded tires and brave the winter but our roads in the neighborhood have been icy for weeks. We just got our bikes in Oct and a few short weeks later the party was over. I bought a maintenance stand and have been through both bikes, lubing and checking torque on all fasteners, making gear adjustments etc. We've ordered a bunch of accessories for longer rides next spring but in the meantime there is no way we're riding around here. We did consider driving down south for a small e-bike vacation but I'd hate to leave the bikes on a rack overnight in motel parking lots where theft would always be on my mind, especially not being familiar w/ where we'd be staying. Sadly it's also a poor winter so far for snow, barely enough to cross country ski on and it rained today. (yes, the road still has a lot of ice, I checked) I guess it's good to have something to look forward to but the days sure are going by slowly. The e-bikes were/are so much fun we are way too anxious for warm weather now. We can't be the only ones bummed out at not being able to ride, what are you guys doing to pass the time?
I was on the point of composing a witty reply about how I'm skipping ebiking today because the temperature is in the low forties ( of course) - this really is true on both counts.

Seriously, are there places in the US where winter is by far the best time to go ride an ebike and summers are the time to stay indoors or, better still, to go out at first light (meaning heat) and be back before eleven in the morning (which is the time as I write this)?
... David
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Rode the bike 4 mi today to give away Christmas tree cakes bagged with cards near the church. Rainy, 50 deg. Will ride the bike tomorrow to play piano at the meal for the indigent at the church. Rode the bike yesterday to tune the piano there; 59 and sunny. I'm an Army vet, only ice stops the biking. Jan 1-8 usually.
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Seriously, are there places in the US where winter is by far the best time to go ride an ebike and summers are the time to stay indoors or, better still, to go out at first light (meaning heat) and be back before eleven in the morning (which is the time as I write this)?
... David
I would personally not want to ride a bike in summer in the Las Vegas region after probably 10am! Nor probably Tucson Arizona in the heat of summer days. But that is usually a dry (tho very high) heat, at least... Summers here in DC might sometimes break 100f--but it is the omnipresent soupy humidity that can really make things more miserable, beyond the upper 80s.
summers here rarely get over the 80's but winters can be brutal. I lived in south FL for a few years and couldn't stand the heat and humidity in the summer months.
Metro Denver...Went out Monday. Looks like it will be pushing 60 tomorrow so I'll try to get out again.

Gotta love the Denver/Boulder area!

Been a pretty mild winter so far, still doing 100miles/week. Trying to convince myself to get out tonight (36F right now) but will probably work a late day and take advantage of the nice weather tomorrow.
I was on the point of composing a witty reply about how I'm skipping ebiking today because the temperature is in the low forties - this really is true on both counts.

Seriously, are there places in the US where winter is by far the best time to go ride an ebike and summers are the time to stay indoors or, better still, to go out at first light (meaning heat) and be back before eleven in the morning (which is the time as I write this)?
... David

You're talking about Florida here, no doubt! Was on a 20 mile run here (about an hour north of Tampa/Gulf Coast side) yesterday. Temps in the mid 60's with just a light breeze. Wanted to get out prior to some rainy windy weather moving in today and tomorrow.

I'm not here in the summer, but the people that are and want to do something active, are out at sun up with plans to be in the A/C by noon. -Al
I was on the point of composing a witty reply about how I'm skipping ebiking today because the temperature is in the low forties - this really is true on both counts.
... David

It really is such a hardship when it's warmer in the shade than the human body was designed for....we run at 36.5 c so that's my limit for exercise! I guess that's why we have mountains amd a sea breeze - natures way of giving us a chance for daily exercise during summer?
I was on the point of composing a witty reply about how I'm skipping ebiking today because the temperature is in the low forties - this really is true on both counts.

Seriously, are there places in the US where winter is by far the best time to go ride an ebike and summers are the time to stay indoors or, better still, to go out at first light (meaning heat) and be back before eleven in the morning (which is the time as I write this)?
... David
Florida and Arizon have tempered winters and hot summers. Florida has the added bonus summer high humidity.
I was just going to post a weather related question and looks like this might be a good place to start. I just accepted a new job and my office is 4 miles away. The company gives incentives for alternative transportation and I want to use my bike but concerned about the rain. I bought a bike cover to protect the bike at work but for those of you that ride in rain, is there anything you do to cover the battery and control panel?
On the rain I wrap my control pad and battery area with saran wrap if we are transporting the bikes through rain, but whenever we get caught riding the bikes in the rain we just wipe them dry when we get back from riding.
Another thing worth mentioning, we bring our bikes in every motel we've stayed in. Just get a ground floor or make sure they have an elevator. We always ask first but apparently expensive bicycles are a somewhat common thing at many places because we have had no real issues.
I don't ride when it's under 10C which I think is around 50F. I do walk, run, and do the obligatory sit-ups and push-ups etc.
I know I could get studded tires and brave the winter but our roads in the neighborhood have been icy for weeks. We just got our bikes in Oct and a few short weeks later the party was over. I bought a maintenance stand and have been through both bikes, lubing and checking torque on all fasteners, making gear adjustments etc. We've ordered a bunch of accessories for longer rides next spring but in the meantime there is no way we're riding around here. We did consider driving down south for a small e-bike vacation but I'd hate to leave the bikes on a rack overnight in motel parking lots where theft would always be on my mind, especially not being familiar w/ where we'd be staying. Sadly it's also a poor winter so far for snow, barely enough to cross country ski on and it rained today. (yes, the road still has a lot of ice, I checked) I guess it's good to have something to look forward to but the days sure are going by slowly. The e-bikes were/are so much fun we are way too anxious for warm weather now. We can't be the only ones bummed out at not being able to ride, what are you guys doing to pass the time?

I hear you. The early onset of winter has us bummed out here as well I suppose it was a fitting end to a bad all around weather year in the northeastern US.
I also have my bikes disassembled for maintenance and prepping them for what I hope will be a better weather year in 2019.

In past years, we've traveled to warmer climates in winter to escape the biking withdrawal. I'd watch weather forecasts and sometimes fly on short notice to a chosen destination where we would rent bikes. I'm now to the point where I really like my own seat, suspension and handlebar setup. It can be difficult to duplicate on a rental. I've considered shipping the bikes but it's difficult to do on short notice when I'm watching for good weather.

Most of the time, I just pack the bikes in my pickup and drive to a better climate location. I sometimes do as Tasmaniman suggests and take the bikes into my motel room when stopping for the night. With the bikes in the bed of the pickup though, it's more difficult for a thief to get at them. I have them locked in place with a simple motion alarm setup. I always take removable gear inside like batteries, chargers, bike bags, etc. We're eyeing San Antonio for a possible trip in Jan or Feb.
Yesterday, on the left coast, we had a piss-cutter storm come through with peak winds of 75mph, piercing rain going horizontally and temperatures around 58f (14c). Lots of trees down and people without power. Today is starting out in the mid 30s going up to 42 with bright, sunny weather predicted.

After my morning coffee klatch, I am heading down to the Centennial Trail in Snohomish County for a 45 mile Winter Solstice ride. Tomorrow the days start getting longer....hip, hip, hurray!!!
My wife and I rode our ebikes on Wednesday. It was 46F in the Chicago area. Last ride of this year. We saw some other bikers. It's a paved bike path, A little muddy where it runs by a creek.