e-bike withdrawal

So far we have been lucky in Scotland, I think winter is going to be late again...next week its going to be around 40F all week which for me is an ideal cycling temperature for this time of year! As long as there is no ice or snow I will be out there! We are very lucky here as it never gets too hot for cycling and for the most part it never gets too cold, now that I said that we can expect arctic weather soon ;)
Just got home from bike ride. 41 deg, wind 15 mph from nw, gusting to 23. I used about 50 W to maintain 8 mph coming home from delivering Christmas tree cakes. Yeah battery.
I'm so happy I have native Am hair & features. Rain hits my face, drips off my oily eyebrows and my long eyelashes flick it away. Without a helmet, the oily hair makes rain drip off behind my ears on my jacket collar. I'm built to hunt deer with an atlatl in this weather. Summer 100+ deg is not miserable either, I only sweat on top of my head where it wicks off. Sweat won't run in my eyes for reason above.
Just got home from bike ride. 41 deg, wind 15 mph from nw, gusting to 23. I used about 50 W to maintain 8 mph coming home from delivering Christmas tree cakes. Yeah battery.
I'm so happy I have native Am hair & features. Rain hits my face, drips off my oily eyebrows and my long eyelashes flick it away. Without a helmet, the oily hair makes rain drip off behind my ears on my jacket collar. I'm built to hunt deer with an atlatl in this weather. Summer 100+ deg is not miserable either, I only sweat on top of my head where it wicks off. Sweat won't run in my eyes for reason above.
Everything has a reason and a purpose :)
Yesterday, on the left coast, we had a piss-cutter storm come through with peak winds of 75mph, piercing rain going horizontally and temperatures around 58f (14c). Lots of trees down and people without power. Today is starting out in the mid 30s going up to 42 with bright, sunny weather predicted.

After my morning coffee klatch, I am heading down to the Centennial Trail in Snohomish County for a 45 mile Winter Solstice ride. Tomorrow the days start getting longer....hip, hip, hurray!!!
Yes - this is the happiest day of the year!
Happiest day of the year?.. We had rain yesterday and today it's all frozen into a skating rink with 1/4" of snow on top to trick you into thinking it's safe to walk w/o slipping and falling. Nobody is outside even walking, much less riding e-bikes