I installed Bikespeed-RS on my Sduro Trekking Yamaha today..it works! I only got to 25mph before spinning out on the stock 38t ring (I have a 40 I haven't added yet), but honestly that was plenty. I don't really need the higher top speed, it's just nice to not get to 20 and have everything drop out. I like it!

Hey Joe, where you goin' with that bike with a chip? (Hendrix?)

Welcome to the RS Club! Let us know how it goes for you.
Hey Joe, where you goin' with that bike with a chip? (Hendrix?)

Welcome to the RS Club! Let us know how it goes for you.

Second ride today and the experience was the same: I topped out at 25mph, and didn't really feel the need to go faster. It's very hilly around here so I'm usually under 20 up hill, or sailing down the other side at an unassisted 25-30..25 on the flats seems sufficient. I still may add the 40t chainring since it's bought and paid for, but I should have installed the RS dongle before deciding if I needed a higher front gear. I don't.
Just checking in. After about 6-weeks of daily use...at least 20-miles a day. Weekdays hitting 30MPH for short bursts, and cruising at about 25MPH in Touring-mode, weekends moderate off-road/trail riding, all in mixed and harsh weather, I can say I am well pleased not only with the FatSix, but also the Bikespeed-RS. Incidentally, I keep my HaiBike almost exclusively stored on my trailer-hitch when not in use; it has been inadvertently exposed to some rather harsh conditions, but its accessories, and ESPECIALLY the Bosch motor and the RS have been working like champs. Bosch did a great job in designing a rugged package that protects the delicate innards. The only problems I've experienced are two popped chains, and chain-skipping at higher gears. The skipping seems to disappear after the chains become broken-in though. I can only imagine that the load I'm applying is beyond the expected limits of the design. I weigh about 270#, and the skipping occurs on the top two gears under load in Touring-mode and above. I'll let you all know if it still happens after I loose 20#!

Whelp, after my last post here, I quickly got used to the higher speeds available and swapped the larger chainring on. I spin out at about 27mph which is tolerable, but I'm leaning towards adding a second ring and front derailleur/shifter now. I would prefer that the "spinout" happen at 30-32mph, which is above what I would usually run at. I'll chime back in here if I ever get around to that project.
I am interested in your posting but not understanding really what you mean when you say "spinout". Is this when you reach a pedalling cadence which is your max or something governed by the bike's computer. I realize you use a dongle. Please excuse my ignorance.
I am interested in your posting but not understanding really what you mean when you say "spinout". Is this when you reach a pedalling cadence which is your max or something governed by the bike's computer. I realize you use a dongle. Please excuse my ignorance.
Sorry, I meant when I get to where I can't pedal any faster. The bike is probably capable of hitting a higher top speed, but I need a bigger chainring to get there.
I installed the Bikespeed RS last week, and it has been great. Much improved over the ASA eSpeed I had previously.

No display glitches, easy to activate. Much better product.
Been away for a while. The bike speed rs works well, no issues to date. I've settled for the haibike 20t on front ring which allows me enough gearing to climb and enough to hit 40mph on flat but only managed this twice for a few seconds. I can cruise at 30mph on turbo, but i generally ride at about 25 mph in eco/tour.
I am trying to purchase an ASA espeed B32.14 in U.S., or shipped to U.S. and having problems finding one. Any help?
I third Christopher...Bikespeed RS is the way to go.
My understanding is Bosch will be updating their firmware in July. Does anyone know if the RS will still work properly after the update is installed? On their web site they offer different versions based on the year and firmware of the various motors ....does that mean any new updates will effect it's performance?
Well if they update the firmware doesn't mean you have to take the upgrade on your bike. If its working now, just leave it with the RS in it.
I had my firmware updated recently with the RS installed, and it did not affect the functionality of the RS. Also, the diagnostic run by the shop made no mention of anything related to a dongle. Everything was in spec just as it should be; I have a four-page printout of everything that includes the individual diagnostic reports on the display unit, the battery, and the motor.
I also use the Bikespeed RS (which is awesome!) with my Bosch motor and picked up a 22 tooth front chain ring from Miranda which is equivalent to a 55.
I don't get spun out, but there is one 16% climb on my route for about a block that is a bit challenging.
I also use the Bikespeed RS (which is awesome!) with my Bosch motor and picked up a 22 tooth front chain ring from Miranda which is equivalent to a 55.
I don't get spun out, but there is one 16% climb on my route for about a block that is a bit challenging.

FYI .... Contacted Bikespeed concerning motor firmware updates. They replied that should not be problem but no guarantee which is what I expected. They recommended putting RS in service mode (deactivate) before dealer does firmware update.
I also use the Bikespeed RS (which is awesome!) with my Bosch motor and picked up a 22 tooth front chain ring from Miranda which is equivalent to a 55.
I don't get spun out, but there is one 16% climb on my route for about a block that is a bit challenging.

Are you in the US? How much did Bikespeed charge you for shipping?
Yes, I am in the US and the total cost to me was $175 not sure of the exact amount for shipping.

Thank you. In my cart with them so far I have the module and the crank-puller totalling appx $189.00 but they haven’t mentioned anything about shipping yet, all the way to PayPal. Not sure if I even need the tool? I have the Bosch Performance Line CX.