Congratulations, Gary! The fasterestest colour!My new toy!
Yes the Specialized Vado stem is peculiar one. I've seen people replace them with adjustable ones but they don't look right as they don't have the same shape. Your best best is to change the handlebars to some with a larger riseThat's why I just took it out for a chilly ride this afternoon at 4pm -- it SHOULD be winter here too! Snowed about 15cm last week. But we have a couple of beautiful days before we go back to winter. It's supposed to be 15-17C for the next two days, then back to 2-5C. Winters in Colorado are pretty easy to tolerate... we get "spring" 4-5 times each winter.So I'll take advantage of the warmth while I can.
Say, I meant to ask you a question in another thread, but it was an old thread and I waited until I got the bike. You talked about raising the handlebars on your Vado 6.0. I may need to do that too, but I'm not sure it's possible. The LBS says you can't do it for some reason -- the Specialized part is too specialized, or something?
Do you know if it's possible to raise the bars on a Vado 4.0?
I'll try to adapt to the bike instead of adapting it to me, possibly knocking the balance/handling out of whack.
* Like I suspected, this thing has way more power than I need. I did the whole ride in ECO mode. Granted, it was a short flat ride, but I still felt a bit smug -- until the app rudely pointed out I'd only been putting out 47 W, or 63 W "adjusted" rider power. Well I said it was a laid-back ride ... But I even took the steep-ish hill up to my house in 3rd-4th gear ECO.
It is not to be comfortable. It is to be efficient* The forward position doesn't feel too comfortable. Maybe moving the seat will help, or maybe I'll just get used to it.
After you have ridden enough to decide you hated the fenders, remove the long mudflaps.* I haven't had a bike with fenders since junior high! Or elementary school ?? It was kinda fun to splash through puddles and not get soaked. They're a bit noisy though, picking up leaves and sticks and rubbing them on the tire. I also rode through some snow, which was a little squirrelly -- those are not snow tires!! -- but it worked.
I don't CARE about efficiency. I have an overpowered motor that will drive me faster and farther than I need to go. Efficiency is a non-issue. Comfort, though, is HUGE. I'm not likely to ride many miles if I'm in pain the whole time, and aching (like I am now) for a day or two after a ride.It is not to be comfortable. It is to be efficient![]()
I have a Vado 3 with the same post and it's actually not bad. I think the Suntour suspension post is better. My wife has the Vado 4 and its post was super stiff when we got it. It adjusted to be comfortable but I ended putting on the Suntour because I had one and hadn't yet bought my Vado. I may get another Suntour but might just live with the stock for awhile.I don't CARE about efficiency. I have an overpowered motor that will drive me faster and farther than I need to go. Efficiency is a non-issue. Comfort, though, is HUGE. I'm not likely to ride many miles if I'm in pain the whole time, and aching (like I am now) for a day or two after a ride.
Some of that comfort issue comes from the seat, and yes, a more-upright position would make it worse. But some of it comes from the forward position, and the strain that puts on my shoulders/elbows/wrists.
It's weird. Today I rode only 15 miles, and I was fairly uncomfortable, and I'm aching now. But when I test-rode the Large Vado 15 miles, I don't remember any discomfort during or after. That's why I bought it.
@Ebikelife72, thanks! I'll look into that. And "educate" the LBS mechanic if he's wrong.That'll be a huge help if it can reduce the pounding on my butt bones.
I find I’m regularly making small fit-based changes over the year. Sometimes because my handlebar got whacked carrying the bike. Other times my saddle slipped and it took several (on going) attempts to get right. (This saddle/seat post saga is for another thread.) I’ve also had to make adjustments as I’ve aged. I need to be slightly more upright - to a position where it feels as if I’m putting no weight on my handlebars. I try to ride with almost no tension in my hands.@GaryInCO do you have a LBS to work with who can do a proper sitting and fitting with you on your new bike? Or have you been down that path already?
The reason I ask is my local Specialized retailer did this for me when I picked up my bike. A few things stood out to them immediately looking at me seated on the bike, and them watching me pedal it around the store some. While I had ideas of small changes I was going to make, they helped me tweak it a little bit more.
After I rode for a while, 3-4 times, I then made more minor adjustments myself, moving the seat back where it was when I started, and rotating the bars up a tad after I replaced them, cut/narrowed them a tad, and moving controls slightly for better hand/control positioning. All subtle changes that did help it feel more natural. In your case, maybe adjustments in different directions being its a different model and geometry. I had two different people at the shop looking at me, alignments, seating, seating to leg extension, bars, width, elbows, sight angle, and more.
The human body is a whole, not the sum of individual body parts. The bike-fitter might indeed quickly resolve your comfort issues. No bike-fitter would, however, even think of installing the SQlab Innerbarends that were a game changer for me.Comfort, though, is HUGE. I'm not likely to ride many miles if I'm in pain the whole time, and aching (like I am now) for a day or two after a ride.
Some of that comfort issue comes from the seat, and yes, a more-upright position would make it worse. But some of it comes from the forward position, and the strain that puts on my shoulders/elbows/wrists.