Chili Verde

As horrible as this war is, this may be as close to "just a mistake" as PU gets. There is no support from any of his "allies" and no blaming someone else for the suffering of the people of both countries for years to come from this "mistake ".

Eight days in, and he is admitting to hundreds of Russian casualties and vast economic damages, while still savagely attacking citizens in front of the whole world.

NATO has ( I think wisely ) stayed out, making his original claims of a NATO threat seem like just a cover for his aggression .

If he invaded just because he thought he could get away with it, by now he is hopefully/probably looking for an exit through the negotiations.

This appears as a result of leftover "cold war" thinking ... the world has changed and PU did not.

As a NY Times columnist said "This is the Cossacks meet the World Wide Web". Perhaps China will consider this and reign in their own expansionist thoughts.
I hope you're right...
It is horrible. He is sending missiles into apartment buildings. As @Art Deco says, in front of the world. I also think it is right for the US to stay out of the battle, China too. There will be a reckoning and trials at the ICC. Each atrocity compounds on his head.
@PatriciaK, look what I just picked up. It is handmade in Poland.


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They bombed a large nuclear power plant! That does have international ramifications such a birth defects in Great Britain.
They bombed a large nuclear power plant! That does have international ramifications such a birth defects in Great Britain.
That’ll kill more people including Russians than anything I can think of recently…I have to go all the way back to 2019 and our disastrous response to covid
If that plant provides power to Europe, that's an attack on Europe. I think he might be trying to get a military response...
Sick man Pu is. He needs to be taken out.
The region is the "Wheat Basket" for a large chunk of the world. Egyptians will starve and riot. What the hell do you do with nuclear wheat?
On another front, when taking a train today I saw huge new homeless encampments. California's Governor has a plan where the mentally ill can be forced into care and treatment, where it is clean and safe. Here he is.
I have been saying this for years. At one point 1:200 Californians were in clean and safe mental institutions. The right did not want to pay for it. The left said, set them free. Then came the homeless crisis.
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What if..... we send the homeless to fight Pu?
The wealthiest nation on earth? It is a shame and international em-bare-ass-ment. It is also expensive. For example they use ERs for health care at a frequent rate, sometimes once per week. Many are crazy and their circumstance does not help. I know you are joking. These street people would be less than useless in a battle.
Plenty of "terrorist bombers" never used planes. They blew stuff up.
Let Putin be, nobody is killing him.
Look US evaded Iraq and hunted Qaudaffy. RUSSIA did not meddle in It .

I read a report that the Russian destroyed the Antonov.

I went ride today hoping to see the Antonov land on Hickam Air Field.
If the Russians destroyed it? It was a very stupid thing to do.

Johnny chill out.
A russian business man has, suppossedly, put a $1m bounty on pu. Let bidding begin.
That bastard´s bin pizzin´ down our neck since long before 45, & there are a lot of
folks whose blood is on his hands. He´s got it comin´ 'in spades.
They bombed a large nuclear power plant! That does have international ramifications such a birth defects in Great Britain.
Pretty much like using a nuclear weapon if you ask me, & a dirty bomb at that!!! All he know how to
do is to deceive, threaten & destroy.
Time for an ultimatum, this cannot be allowed to destabilize the world, as a believer this bothers Me. I think Armageddon can be avoided, the example of 'Ninevah" comes to mind. Of course an ultimatum means little to a "narcissistic, maniac".
If that plant provides power to Europe, that's an attack on Europe. I think he might be trying to get a military response...
You nailed it I think.
It may not have been the original plan, but based on current events, they may have swiveled to further try to destabilize European power to try to enhance their own energy products and to reverse the pressure on their exports impacted by economic sanctions.

As in all my comments, "I reserve the right to be wrong".
Just another "Armchair Geo-Political comment" from a comfortable chair in western Canada from a guy who has 3 e-bikes.
Yes, a very privileged westerner who has never really been affected by war, has an opinion...

Speaking of Geo-Political commentary, I tune into "Beau of the Fifth Column" from time to time, and here is a little commentary from him on the subject.

Side note - from 1988 to 1992 I lived in a place called Vegreville.
A large percentage of Vegreville's population is of Ukrainian Canadian descent, and it is home to the Vegreville egg, the world's second largest pysanka (Ukrainian Easter egg).
Many of my friends and peers there had family back in the Ukraine, and this whole thing has me feeling pretty sad.
Time for an ultimatum, this cannot be allowed to destabilize the world, as a believer this bothers Me. I think Armageddon can be avoided, the example of 'Ninevah" comes to mind. Of course an ultimatum means little to a "narcissistic, maniac".
Heś a monster. I suppose apart from killing him he could back down if it meant saving his own life, but
I doubt it. He´s just as insane as hitler & utterly devoid of any morality. No one on the planet is safe
while he draws breath. He well & truly crossed the line by shelling a nuclear plant, that´s the same as
launching a nuke. It could have been another Chernobyl. Someone should tell the Russians that if they
can´t stop him he will ultimately destroy Russia the way hitler destroyed Germany...or worse.
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Let Putin be, nobody is killing him.
Look US evaded Iraq and hunted Qaudaffy. RUSSIA did not meddle in It .

I read a report that the Russian destroyed the Antonov.

I went ride today hoping to see the Antonov land on Hickam Air Field.
If the Russians destroyed it? It was a very stupid thing to do.

Johnny chill out.
Heś a monster. I suppose apart from killing him he could back down if it meant saving his own life, but
I doubt it. He´s just as insane as hitler & utterly devoid of any morality. No one on the planet is safe
while he draws breath. He well & truly crossed the line by shelling a nuclear plant, that´s the same as
launching a nuke. It could have been another Chernobyl. Someone should tell the Russians that if they
can´t stop him he will ultimately destroy Russia the way hitler destroyed Germany...or worse.

$4 gallon gas like the Ukraine adventure will be all on Biden. Fooking right wingdings.
The Gop consistently blames Biden for the results of their own obstruction.
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I know that high fossil fuel prices are considered politically unpopular. Kids want free candy too. Higher prices will move people away from unsustainable and destructive petroleum. Ideally energy should be local, decentralized, and distributed. You cannot shell one million solar panels with their battery back ups. The nuclear plant is now another hostage and another spiteful terror weapon of mass destruction. Pu has let it be know that he is willing to blow it up if he does not get what he wants. That is what terror is all about. He has the personality and tactics of my ex-wife.