Chili Verde

Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect... Mark Twain

The President's state of the union speech was a normal speech about the economy and domestic policies with a warning to Russia tacked on the beginning.

Nothing much about the environment or energy.

There is nothing for Russia to gain by war. Russia probably has more fossil fuels in the ground than anyone else, but
Putin seems willing to destroy the Russian economy over hurt pride and paranoid fears. A ex US president calls it "genius".

Switzerland froze Russian financial assets, setting aside a tradition of neutrality. Germany sent military equipment to the Ukraine, changing their constitution to do so. Russia appears to have lost more soldiers in a week than the USA did in 20 years in Afghanistan.

I sound like my paranoid uncle worrying about "Jewish bankers", but like I said before, something is wrong here, and I'm outta here for a while.
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Would you like to wager that the "top advisors" at the other end of the big table above had to go through a metal detector to get that close ?
Just read airstrikes have clobbered the column. I feel sorry for the poor bastards, but whatever it takes to
save Ukraine. Also hearing a lot of conscripts are going over the hill. This insanity must end. Poland
has leant mig 29s to Ukraine which are literally leveling the playing field. What´s happening to Karkiv
is blatant war crime.
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect... Mark Twain

The President's state of the union speech was a normal speech about the economy and domestic policies with a warning to Russia tacked on the beginning.

Nothing much about the environment or energy.

There is nothing for Russia to gain by this war. Russia has more fossil fuels in the ground than anyone else.

Putin seems willing to destroy the Russian economy over hurt pride and paranoid fears. A ex US president calls it "genius".

Switzerland froze Russian financial assets, setting aside a tradition of neutrality. Germany sent military equipment to the Ukraine, changing their constitution to do so.

Russia appears to have lost more soldiers in a week than the USA did in 20 years in Afghanistan.

The USA has engineered regime change over oil before ...Osama, Saddam, Assad, Qaddafi, etc.

I sound like my paranoid uncle worrying about "Jewish bankers", but like I said before, something is wrong here, and I'm outta here for a while.
I don´t know if sanctions that are crippling ordinary russians are really a good idea. They too deserve some
compassion as victims of pus regime. Pretty sure they´re not thrilled about this either. their sons are dying.
Biden isn´t exactly what I´d hoped for, but anything would better than 45. Romney has stated that members
of his party that show support for pu & 45 are ´almost treasonous´. No mitt. they are treasonous. pu interfered
to give us for 45 though he lost the popular vote. That´s not democracy. 61 senators voted to impeach, but 39
gop said acquit. That´s not demcracy either. The senate is flawed; the 2/3s rule is flawed. When a sparsely
populated state like Wyo. wields as much power as California & the senate has more power than the house.
something is terribly wrong with our system.
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I read in theNYT (yeah, I know!) This morning that Russian agricultural and oil experts have so far been exempt from our sanctions. It's time to include them! Turn your thermostats down and carpool, America - this is war.
Just read airstrikes have clobbered the column. I feel sorry for the poor bastards, but whatever it takes to
save Ukraine. Also hearing a lot of conscripts are going over the hill. This insanity must end. Poland
has leant mig 29s to Ukraine which are literally leveling the playing field. What´s happening to Karkiv
is blatant war crime.
I hope the airstrike story is true - where did you find it, John?

Hope it wasn't buried in a recent Ebike review...
I hope the airstrike story is true - where did you find it, John?

Hope it wasn't buried in a recent Ebike review...
Yahoo, so who knows? I don´t have a lot of faith in most media. I´m not even sure most
of what we see is not deep fake. Wouldn´t take more than a few well placed shots
to stall that column; it´s a sitting duck. (yahoo i think, cudda bin bing, I´m all over the
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I read in theNYT (yeah, I know!) This morning that Russian agricultural and oil experts have so far been exempt from our sanctions. It's time to include them! Turn your thermostats down and carpool, America - this is war.
I am so saddened by this; I really fear the worst. It may yet be necessary for us to throw our full
weight against pu & not just sanctions. Too many have already suffered, & too many more will
suffer if this mad man is not eliminated by any means necessary. He´s crazy; I don´t think his
ego & paranoia will ever let him back down. I think he is prepared to fight even if it destroys
the world.
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I'm wondering how long the rest of the world is going to let him continue to destroy Ukraine before really stepping in to help. I don't think he cares about economic sanctions. Brute force is all he understands. Are we really willing to sacrifice 44 million people? There are no easy choices...
I read in theNYT (yeah, I know!) This morning that Russian agricultural and oil experts have so far been exempt from our sanctions. It's time to include them! Turn your thermostats down and carpool, America - this is war.
And then there’s. . .
Has anybody tried Chili made with Morel mushrooms?( pure synergy!)
Mushroom chili sounds so good. Now I need to do it. Fragrant, meaty, earthy, ethereal morels, Yes Please! What would pair to wash it down? Hey, @Stefan Mikes, we have been discussing your neighborhood. How are you? What have you been seeing? Perspectives and opinions please. This thread is mostly about green stuff, Verde. And Chili, against warming. Also a bit about electric bikes. It is both serious and whimsical. Jump in.

If I had anything to do with it the 225 would have been evacuated long before Russian planes or missles would have had a chance at it of course I
Interesting. And they still let him trip on his own D. But just after their show, so it wouldn't spoil it.
Xi no dummy... He's going to sell him all he needs and more during this clusterfuck. That and it's also a test to see what he may be able to get away with in the future.
Win - Win for China
It is heartbreaking for me to KNOW that Russia is going to absolutely crush Ukraine in the end, and the west is going to allow him to do that. It's 1939 appeasement all over again, I'm afraid. We are going to have to face Putin, but, we won't, until the situation, like 1940 (for Britain) is beyond dire. I understand there may be horrible consequences for acting now but there will definitely be horrible consequences later, for NOT acting now.

I need to ride my bike...
It is heartbreaking for me to KNOW that Russia is going to absolutely crush Ukraine in the end, and the west is going to allow him to do that. It's 1939 appeasement all over again, I'm afraid. We are going to have to face Putin, but, we won't, until the situation, like 1940 (for Britain) is beyond dire. I understand there may be horrible consequences for acting now but there will definitely be horrible consequences later, for NOT acting now.

I need to ride my bike...
We are starting WW3, we need to go in now and stop it or if Putin was smart He would say" Mission accomplished, drill was excellent" and withdraw. This crap is starting to turn into a bad "James Bond" movie.
As horrible as this war is, this may be as close to "just a mistake" as PU gets. There is no support from any of his "allies" and no blaming someone else for the suffering of the people of both countries for years to come from this "mistake ".

Eight days in, and he is admitting to hundreds of Russian casualties and vast economic damages, while still savagely attacking citizens in front of the whole world.

NATO has ( I think wisely ) stayed out, making his original claims of a NATO threat seem like just a cover for his aggression .

If he invaded just because he thought he could get away with it, by now he is hopefully/probably looking for an exit through the negotiations.

This appears as a result of leftover "cold war" thinking ... the world has changed and PU did not.

As a NY Times columnist said "This is the Cossacks meet the World Wide Web". Perhaps China will consider this and reign in their own expansionist thoughts.