Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect... Mark Twain
The President's state of the union speech was a normal speech about the economy and domestic policies with a warning to Russia tacked on the beginning.
Nothing much about the environment or energy.
There is nothing for Russia to gain by this war. Russia has more fossil fuels in the ground than anyone else.
Putin seems willing to destroy the Russian economy over hurt pride and paranoid fears. A ex US president calls it "genius".
Switzerland froze Russian financial assets, setting aside a tradition of neutrality. Germany sent military equipment to the Ukraine, changing their constitution to do so.
Russia appears to have lost more soldiers in a week than the USA did in 20 years in Afghanistan.
The USA has engineered regime change over oil before ...Osama, Saddam, Assad, Qaddafi, etc.
I sound like my paranoid uncle worrying about "Jewish bankers", but like I said before, something is wrong here, and I'm outta here for a while.