Chili Verde

That image is so sad that it makes grown men weep. I reduced its size so we don't cry every time we come to Chili. Maybe because of that image and the situation, I took a mental health day. Three nice rides, socializing, and wonderful food. I also did some good deeds and that makes me the happiest. Isn't it funny that the most selfish thing you can do is doing something selfless for others? Nothing makes me feel better, nothing. If you are feeling blue try it. It is not pretending that everything is hunky dory. It is a coping technique when it is not.
That image is so sad that it makes grown men weep. I reduced its size so we don't cry every time we come to Chili. Maybe because of that image and the situation, I took a mental health day. Three nice rides, socializing, and wonderful food. I also did some good deeds and that makes me the happiest. Isn't it funny that the most selfish thing you can do is doing something selfless for others? Nothing makes me feel better, nothing. If you are feeling blue try it. It is not pretending that everything is hunky dory. It is a coping technique when it is not.
I don't usually get political in any of the EBR treds, but this Putin guy is no good. Needs to be stopped pronto by whatever means it takes. Back to regular programming and I am back on to my Pinot Noir...
That image is so sad that it makes grown men weep. I reduced its size so we don't cry every time we come to Chili. Maybe because of that image and the situation, I took a mental health day. Three nice rides, socializing, and wonderful food. I also did some good deeds and that makes me the happiest. Isn't it funny that the most selfish thing you can do is doing something selfless for others? Nothing makes me feel better, nothing. If you are feeling blue try it. It is not pretending that everything is hunky dory. It is a coping technique when it is not.
I'm looking through charities working to address the humanitarian/refuge crisis.
I don't usually get political in any of the EBR treds, but this Putin guy is no good. Needs to be stopped pronto by whatever means it takes. Back to regular programming and I am back on to my Pinot Noir...
Well said. Yet, occasionally poking some fun at hypocrisy and power relives the tension almost as much as bike rides. The guy is bad news and especially vile after he got my ex-wife's Playbook of Destruction. A friend today gave me a sip of Old Hill Ranch, Bucklin, Sonoma Valley. Serenity Prayer users accepted.
I'm looking through charities working to address the humanitarian/refuge crisis.
Some people are booking Airbnb, with no intention of staying. The money evidently goes straight there now, with minimal strings or administrative overhead. If you look into it, please relay your findings.
Yeah the airbnb idea is pretty cool. The plan is to use the fully booked but unoccupied rooms to house refugees without the landlord having to foot the whole bill. It's certainly not enough to handle the incredible number of refugees, but it helps put a roof over some of their heads for a while.
Well said. Yet, occasionally poking some fun at hypocrisy and power relives the tension almost as much as bike rides. The guy is bad news and especially vile after he got my ex-wife's Playbook of Destruction. A friend today gave me a sip of Old Hill Ranch, Bucklin, Sonoma Valley. Serenity Prayer users accepted.
I picked a bad time to give up alcohol for lent 🤣😱🤣😱!
I picked a bad time to give up alcohol for lent 🤣😱🤣😱!
The joke is, the girl says, 'I can't, its lent.' The guy says, 'Then get it back.' Interestingly, it is thought that the 'Mediterranean' diet as studied in the region works not because of the diet. It is because of the practice of holy days and their associated fasts in the region.

There are four major fasting periods in the Orthodox liturgical calendar: the Christmas Fast, lasting forty days from November 15 to December 24 (fish can be eaten up to December 17, except on Wednesdays and Fridays); the Fast of Lent, the forty days leading up to Holy Week and the week itself; the Fast of the Holy Apostles, which runs from All Saints’ Day (which depends on the date of Easter) up to the eve of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul on June 28; and the Fast of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, lasting from August 1 to August 15.

What’s more, every Wednesday and Friday throughout the year are fast days, except for certain dates that follow major feast days.
If Mississippi lent Missouri her New Jersey, what did Delaware?
I don’t know; Alaska!
Lent only makes sense with Mardi Gars.
Some people are booking Airbnb, with no intention of staying. The money evidently goes straight there now, with minimal strings or administrative overhead. If you look into it, please relay your findings.
Was mentioned at Church yesterday our undesignated is going to Ukraine relief, through "Shepards Purse" or something.
If Mississippi lent Missouri her New Jersey, what did Delaware?
I don’t know; Alaska!
Lent only makes sense with Mardi Gars.
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"Fat Tuesday" use up all the rich foods (sugars, fats, alcohol) before Lent so the family isn't tempted by it. Here the tradition is "Donut Day" when the Brethren make up donuts for the same reason.
Qlent my last ebike to a work buddy, and he bought it. 😇

I lent my last ebike to a work buddy, and h

Was mentioned at Church yesterday our undesignated is going to Ukraine relief, through "Shepards Purse" or something.
I read up on the air BnB thing last night. People are booking places in Ukraine, with no intention of going, to provide owners of those places direct financial assistance. Several articles started that now that it's known people are doing that, be prepared for a rash of fake listings (many by Russians) to scam people out of their money, and to access USD. Sad.

Also, the charity arm of air BnB says it is providing free housing to Ukrainian refugees ...

I think I'm going with International Rescue Committee.