Chili Verde

I am sure there are many from many nations eager to join this fight as am I, but in a guerilla fashion.
I do not want to see a beautiful city like Kiev reduced to rubble as was Berlin & much of Gernany.
My father did that with many missions over the Reich. He did his tour & stayed for a second to
finish the job considering himself already dead. it haunted him the rest of his life.
I am still trying to sort out how I feel about US military action to support the Ukraine.

My gut feeling is, this is the first war that has been waged in my lifetime that I would actually considering fighting in -- if I wasn't too old -- but I have learned not to trust my first impressions, to let them simmer and marinate in careful consideration before taking action.

It is very weird having lived through the 60s and 70s, and having been called a pinko commie hippie, and to find myself in the position of criticizing sycophants and enablers like Tucker Carlson as... pinko commie neo Nazis.

I think the red menace we were warned about back then was driven more by paranoia, but this one is far more real and dangerous. But I'm trying to set up phone calls with my European friends who have a better perspective on geopolitics, check my own thinking and make sure it's not being driven by a knee-jerk emotional reaction.
If we were to engage now, an awful lot of civilians would die for naught. I want pu & 45 to get what they
have coming, but I want ´em to suffer 1st. They´re not gonna get away with this. I´am afraid there will be
no way to keep the Russian people from suffering too. Yet, I know there are many Russians for whom
this is abhorrent. We need to close Russia down. nothing gets in, nothing gets out. With luck, the
russians,(some at very least), will finally turn on pu in a big way as so many did here on the fruitless
war in Viet Nam. He will find himself under attack from within & without. We must not relent for one instant. Something else you might find in the Art of War is strategic withdrawl to exhaust enemy resources with
small hit & run assaults to frustrate advance. That tactic drove Russia from Afghanistan. It drove us from
Viet Nam. A showdown will come when we have the advantage. We actually have it now, but to use it
would be apocalyptic.
@PatriciaK asked about a baked good yesterday. It was a type of pie. So to brighten the somber mood I am switching gears for a moment. Patricia, this is raspberry chocolate bread pudding made from croissants so it is extra flaky and buttery. To get to it you need to first eat your soup.


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I am still trying to sort out how I feel about US military action to support the Ukraine.

My gut feeling is, this is the first war that has been waged in my lifetime that I would actually considering fighting in -- if I wasn't too old -- but I have learned not to trust my first impressions, to let them simmer and marinate in careful consideration before taking action.

It is very weird having lived through the 60s and 70s, and having been called a pinko commie hippie, and to find myself in the position of criticizing sycophants and enablers like Tucker Carlson as... pinko commie neo Nazis.

I think the red menace we were warned about back then was driven more by paranoia, but this one is far more real and dangerous. But I'm trying to set up phone calls with my European friends who have a better perspective on geopolitics, check my own thinking and make sure it's not being driven by a knee-jerk emotional reaction.
I lived in a highly military town at that with a brand new H.S. with a planetarium of all things. It
aslo offered a course in Asian histoty which I took. I learned that at the end of WW2 Ho Chi Minh
very much wanted to ally with the US, thinking we represented liberty & justice. Unfortunately
we chose to support French colonialism & a puppet regime which left him no choice but to
seek help from China which meant adopting communism. Dreaded commies meant big bucks
for the military/industial complex & I became a commie pinko hippie too. I had learned the region
had been at war for a 1000 yrs with various warlords & later the French ftghting for control.
I just didn´t want any part of it; it wasn´t my problem. True, the Cong was brutal & many Americans
thought they were helping. Most were happy just to survive. The Ukraine is a very different game.
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There was a time when invading and colonizing another country had huge payoffs in resource extraction and cheap labor, with little risk. I do not think that has been the case in this century or for most of the last century. Let's hope it is not the case now.
How to piss off a dictator. Hit them in the wallet.

"Three countries provided almost 70% of liquefied natural gas received in Europe in 2021... In 2021, a large share of Europe’s supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) originated in the United States, Qatar, and Russia. Combined, these three countries accounted for almost 70% of Europe’s total LNG."


"United States became Europe’s largest source of LNG in 2021, accounting for 26% of all LNG imported by European Union member countries (EU-27) and the United Kingdom (UK), followed by Qatar with 24%, and Russia with 20%."

In January 2022, the USA supplied over half the LNG to Europe.
In February you know what happened. The pipeline runs through the Ukraine .
Wallet? Why not just hit ´him´ Rich make wars, the poor fight them.
Save Ukrainians... then get their country back. They will fight for that once given the means.
This might not have happened but for 45 deliberately witholding ald that had aiready past.
He is as much the enemy as pu. Should have met justice long ago.
Wallet? Why not just hit ´him´ Rich make wars, the poor fight them.
My comment may not have been clear.
Why is Putin so enraged now?
He built a huge expensive pipeline just to ship gas to Germany and over a year later, Germany still won't approve it, and is buying gas from the USA instead. He sees another doublecross by NATO
Edit for pic.3197.jpg
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My comment may not have been clear.
Why is Putin so enraged now?
He built a huge expensive pipeline just to ship gas to Germany and over a year later, Germany still won't approve it, and is buying gas from the USA instead. He sees another doublecross by NATO
Edit for pic.View attachment 115283
He´s insane. He´s driven by the same paranoia that infected his predecessors & a delusional fixation
of restoring the Russian empire. Already there are huge demonstrations in Russia against this.
No one wants to die for pu. His closest circle are terrified of him. I did not expect resistance in
Russia to erupt so quickly, but it has. He´s finished already, just a matter of time. I´d love to say
the same for 45. It´s Ivan´s ghost.
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@PatriciaK asked about a baked good yesterday. It was a type of pie. So to brighten the somber mood I am switching gears for a moment. Patricia, this is raspberry chocolate bread pudding made from croissants so it is extra flaky and buttery. To get to it you need to first eat your soup.
View attachment 115276
For that, I would even eat disgusting broccoli soup!!!
That is a great beer in Europe when it's a draft, but I don't think much of the bottled version. Now I sound like a beer snob.