Chili Verde

That is in really poor taste, but still funny🤣
Oh my! Those are fresh local strawberries grown in a hothouse. Bursting with flavor! The crust has powdered sugar. It is not flaky. It is like a butter cookie crunch at the edge and tender on the bottom. It was free form and not from a pie pan.
I had pie yesterday of a different sort. That was also free form but Swedish from a Swedish street food place. Do not go to their website if you are hungry.
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You should see the video of Ukrainians lined up on the streets cheering the russians as liberators.
You should, but you won´t. This is a tragedy. Nothing will happen, not worth the blood shed. It
gives 45 goosebumps & putin chuckles.
Just read on The Daily Beast how some soldiers…regiments of them, are recent conscripts with little training. The green soldiers had their phones taken and were shipped to the border. Evidentially their are mobile crematoriums trailing the formations to obscure deaths back home
If I were a General I would take the phones away from young solders. Particularly if they were young girls. They would all be walking around the battlefield looking down while texting. Are you sure those are not mobile pizza ovens to keep the teen solders happy since they don't have their phones to play Pokémon Go in a minefield? The location and movements of cell phones is easy to track. In seriousness what is happening is dreadful. There will be many deaths. I suspect cyber attacks here and in Europe as part of the plan. Chernobyl has been taken hostage to be used as a threat and weapon.
The epitome of "Ivan the terrible" has something terrible up his sleeve, we will set back starve the peasants and let the conquerers get firmly entrenched, the People of the "Ukraine" will hate us as much as they do the Russians. I say end it now, it wasn't like this wasn't brewing for a long time.
I do not expect any Aliens from Zeta Reticula or Angels from Heaven to end the conflict- Remember the "Art of war" the losing higherups lose their heads.The Oligarchs have fomented these wars for are very long time-Smedly Butler said"War is a racket". End it now!
This is a serious question: HOW do we end it now? There are probably not very many Americans up for sending our troops into Ukraine, and I don't see Putin responding to anything but overwhelming force.
HOW do we end it now
It will be a long process. Remember how two years ago we had alienated the Western Democracies? We were buttering up dictators then and turning a blind eye to bloody monarchs. One murdered a US resident in an embassy for a marriage license filing with no real consequences. In this case the situation is bringing us together. As long as we stand together we will be able to fight this action. And denture imitations. But if we can be divided it will guarantee similar actions as with Taiwan. The only reason to capture Chernobyl is to weaponize it.
Chernobyl is ideally located on an invasion route…whether their soldiers die fro radiation, or inept targeting spreads the nasty stuff across Europe, who cares if you’re a brutal autocrat trying to hold on. This is only a popular decision to those who believe RT…you know, the propaganda spigot in Russia that runs clips of Tucker and and the other pro-Putin bozos..
The anti-democratic forces are always present. We can be communal, social, democratic and brave. All things are built from the bottom up. Things are managed, maintained from the top down. I have been free from management for two years. It is wonderful. It allows me to be more connected to my community locally without my creativity and initiative being exploited and sent to other places. I get to build with others to make positive change. Eisenhower was not perfection, but he would never align and associate with the likes of someone like Putin.
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Found where I saw that. Still trying to understand it. From the NYTimes...

"Anders Stephanson, a historian of foreign policy at Columbia University, recalled an earlier Russian invasion. “Could one imagine Dwight Eisenhower praising Leonid Brezshnev for invading Czechoslovakia in 1968?” he asked in an email. “I think not.”"

Putin seems willing to destroy the Russian economy over hurt pride and paranoid fears. A ex US president calls it "genius".

Something is very wrong here.
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Found where I saw that. Still trying to understand it. From the NYTimes...

"Anders Stephanson, a historian of foreign policy at Columbia University, recalled an earlier Russian invasion. “Could one imagine Dwight Eisenhower praising Leonid Brezshnev for invading Czechoslovakia in 1968?” he asked in an email. “I think not.”"

Putin seems willing to destroy the Russian economy over hurt pride and paranoid fears. A ex US president calls it "genius".

Something is very wrong here.
" Wars and the threat of wars also legitimate huge military expenditures and giant military bureaucracies. America is already spending $776 billion a year on the military, a sum greater than the next ten giant military powers (including Russia and China) together. Wars also create fat profits for big corporations in war industries." From Robert Reich Newsletter.
This is a serious question: HOW do we end it now? There are probably not very many Americans up for sending our troops into Ukraine, and I don't see Putin responding to anything but overwhelming force.
Doing nothing will only embolden the despots and lunatics of the world, would I go? Yes I believe I would, being an "armchair General' is easy, I am usually not "Hawkish" - the point is I have been around long enough to see where this leads,its always the same with bullys.
This is a serious question: HOW do we end it now? There are probably not very many Americans up for sending our troops into Ukraine, and I don't see Putin responding to anything but overwhelming force.
Ponder this worn out cliche'" For Evil to triumph it only requires good Men to do nothing"( paraphrase)
My Early years( to close to "Nam) I would have said be neutral, now I say use the "Powell and Swartzkoff" doctrine, It must be stopped. we may be on the road to Armageddon, I seriously doubt it, most of the Russian immigrants I know of must certainly be indoctrinating the Folks lesft behind in the Motherland about the pros and cons of the "Western Way'( mostly pros)
"Crime is as crime does- there is nothing laudable about the "KGB" or Russian Mobsters. Thats all I am going to say about this serious matter.
The epitome of "Ivan the terrible" has something terrible up his sleeve, we will set back starve the peasants and let the conquerers get firmly entrenched, the People of the "Ukraine" will hate us as much as they do the Russians. I say end it now, it wasn't like this wasn't brewing for a long time.
I do not expect any Aliens from Zeta Reticula or Angels from Heaven to end the conflict- Remember the "Art of war" the losing higherups lose their heads.The Oligarchs have fomented these wars for are very long time-Smedly Butler said"War is a racket". End it now!
If we were to engage now, an awful lot of civilians would die for naught. I want pu & 45 to get what they
have coming, but I want ´em to suffer 1st. They´re not gonna get away with this. I´am afraid there will be
no way to keep the Russian people from suffering too. Yet, I know there are many Russians for whom
this is abhorrent. We need to close Russia down. nothing gets in, nothing gets out. With luck, the
russians,(some at very least), will finally turn on pu in a big way as so many did here on the fruitless
war in Viet Nam. He will find himself under attack from within & without. We must not relent for one instant. Something else you might find in the Art of War is strategic withdrawl to exhaust enemy resources with
small hit & run assaults to frustrate advance. That tactic drove Russia from Afghanistan. It drove us from
Viet Nam. A showdown will come when we have the advantage. We actually have it now, but to use it
would be apocalyptic.
Follow the money and go for that. When the oligarchs and gangsters have their assets frozen and their mistresses cannot go to the French Rivera or buy Gucci in Milan there will be blow back. The #45 org was largely a oligarch money laundering operation. That money needs to then go to NGOs to help with the rebuilding process.
How to piss off a dictator. Hit them in the wallet.

"Three countries provided almost 70% of liquefied natural gas received in Europe in 2021... In 2021, a large share of Europe’s supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) originated in the United States, Qatar, and Russia. Combined, these three countries accounted for almost 70% of Europe’s total LNG."


"United States became Europe’s largest source of LNG in 2021, accounting for 26% of all LNG imported by European Union member countries (EU-27) and the United Kingdom (UK), followed by Qatar with 24%, and Russia with 20%."

In January 2022, the USA supplied over half the LNG to Europe.
In February you know what happened. The pipeline runs through the Ukraine .
If we were to engage now, an awful lot of civilians would die for naught. I want pu & 45 to get what they
have coming, but I want ´em to suffer 1st. They´re not gonna get away with this. I´am afraid there will be
no way to keep the Russian people from suffering too. Yet, I know there are many Russians for whom
this is abhorrent. We need to close Russia down. nothing gets in, nothing gets out. With luck, the
russians,(some at very least), will finally turn on pu in a big way as so many did here on the fruitless
war in Viet Nam. He will find himself under attack from within & without. We must not relent for one instant. Something else you might find in the Art of War is strategic withdrawl to exhaust enemy resources with
small hit & run assaults to frustrate advance. That tactic drove Russia from Afghanistan. It drove us from
Viet Nam. A showdown will come when we have the advantage. We actually have it now, but to use it
would be apocalyptic.
I am sure there are many from many nations eager to join this fight as am I, but in a guerilla fashion.
I do not want to see a beautiful city like Kiev reduced to rubble as was Berlin & much of Gernany.
My father did that with many missions over the Reich. He did his tour & stayed for a second to
finish the job considering himself already dead. it haunted him the rest of his life.
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Coors wasn't available around here until relatively recently.. A few decades ago? Maybe ?

But very few people around me ever seemed to care .. I think even PBR was preferred over Coors... at least I've seen more of it.

Today it seems like most of the shops sell more Bud Light , Busch Light, and super cheap stuff like Milwaukee's Best than anything .... except Yuengling of course .
I remember in Colorado in the 1970s, one problem was accidentally buying 3.2 Coors instead of the regular version, they were hard to tell apart!

I have become quite enamored with Old Milwaukee non-alcoholic beer-- really bizarre, because I hated it when I drank alcohol! Thanks to me, OM NA has become a cult favorite in my small circle of unknown C-List bar band rock musicians. The entirely fictional narrative we've created is that it creates a powerful 'false buzz' -- if my drummer and the other guitar player are taking a few weeks off from drinking, they will join me in drinking OM NA, and say things like, "This is insane! I'm so buzzed after two of these, but I don't feel like I'm drunk!"

It's all total nonsense, of course. In the winter? I like to drink OM NA warm.

NA beer is a grey area in 12-step. Officially, it's not recommended, but early in sobriety, a guitar player I knew and respected told me, "Meh, don't worry about it too much. A lot of us will have an NA if we're in a club playing or seeing a show, you shouldn't lose your time for that." It has .05 alcohol contact, so I guess you'd have to drink about 8 of them in 15 minutes to get the effect of a single beer. I think there's as much alcohol in orange juice that's been left in the fridge too long.

Another weird thing: Once you are used to NA beer, real beer tastes disgusting. I picked up my wife' Tecate once when I was drinking a coke -- the cans are the same color -- and before I spit out the swig I took, I was like, "Wow, this tastes as bad as NA beer tasted when I was drinking."
How to piss off a dictator. Hit them in the wallet.

"Three countries provided almost 70% of liquefied natural gas received in Europe in 2021... In 2021, a large share of Europe’s supply of liquefied natural gas (LNG) originated in the United States, Qatar, and Russia. Combined, these three countries accounted for almost 70% of Europe’s total LNG."


"United States became Europe’s largest source of LNG in 2021, accounting for 26% of all LNG imported by European Union member countries (EU-27) and the United Kingdom (UK), followed by Qatar with 24%, and Russia with 20%."

In January 2022, the USA supplied over half the LNG to Europe.
In February you know what happened. The pipeline runs through the Ukraine .

MOSCOW, Sept 10 2021 (Reuters) - Gazprom (GAZP.MM) said on Friday it had finished construction of the Nord Stream 2 subsea pipeline to Germany, which could allow Russia to double lucrative gas exports to Europe via the Baltic Sea while bypassing and cutting off a source of income for political foe Ukraine.

So Nord Stream 2 has been done for over a year, but hasn't carried a single gallon of gas yet. Annoying, to say the least.