Chili Verde

Wait...are you telling me that now that pot is legal out your way , it's becoming a source of pollution? shocked shocked.png
In the late '60s and earliest '70s persons known to me drove 1000 miles one way to buy Coors and a Kilo.
Cowboy Kool Aid, no problem for me as I was in Colorado. ´Meanwhile´, 45 has just praised putin
for his genius plan for Ukraine, sucking up for a rescue no doubt. Ain´t gonna happen if he don´t
pay the Rooshins what he owes. Putin desperately needs the Ukraine & is fixated on nothing else.
Also not happening. Sanctions or appeasment will solve nothing, but if push comes to shove,
he´s out numbered & out gunned. His long term plants here enjoy living in the US too much to help.
Cyberattack would backfire. China, for all saber rattling, doesn't want a war, hard enuff to govern 1.6
billion as it is.
Coors wsn't available here. The margin on selling that crap beer was better than the kilo. I'm told...;)
Cowboy Kool Aid, no problem for me as I was in Colorado. ´Meanwhile´, 45 has just praised putin
for his genius plan for Ukraine, sucking up for a rescue no doubt. Ain´t gonna happen if he don´t
pay the Rooshins what he owes. Putin desperately needs the Ukraine & is fixated on nothing else.
Also not happening. Sanctions or appeasment will solve nothing, but if push comes to shove,
he´s out numbered & out gunned. His long term plants here enjoy living in the US too much to help.
Cyberattack would backfire. China, for all saber rattling, doesn't want a war, hard enuff to govern 1.6
billion as it is.
I hope you're right, John!
Coors wasn't available around here until relatively recently.. A few decades ago? Maybe ?

But very few people around me ever seemed to care .. I think even PBR was preferred over Coors... at least I've seen more of it.

Today it seems like most of the shops sell more Bud Light , Busch Light, and super cheap stuff like Milwaukee's Best than anything .... except Yuengling of course .
Coors wasn't available around here until relatively recently.. A few decades ago? Maybe ?

But very few people around me ever seemed to care .. I think even PBR was preferred over Coors... at least I've seen more of it.

Today it seems like most of the shops sell more Bud Light , Busch Light, and super cheap stuff like Milwaukee's Best than anything .... except Yuengling of course .
In college in the mid 70s you could get Old Milwaukee for about 4 bucks a case. That was the beer of choice.
The illegal trade it far larger. I did not want to be the one holding the bag. Who ever lost it would be looking for their bag of skunky red hairs.
That sucks pretty badly. I always figured that legalize, regulate quality, and collect taxes was the best way to go. I guess the official price is the problem now?

I think it won't be legal here in my lifetime except for prescriptions that are aparently hard to get

We got hit hard in this part of the world with the whole opiates thing (still going on, people are dying) before I started wondering about the best option for drugs.

It seemed like there were legal pain clinics popping up everywhere then there weren't any at all, and people were overdosing .

Anyway not cool not green and not spicy or beer so I'll shut up.
I’m the guy who drove friends around in HS while they drank their beer. When 4 or 5 I couldn’t get my grandfather’s joke (with mom frowning) “Did you hear that PBR just won 2nd place at the fair. 1st was a bucket of warm horse piss.” I’ve never drank so thanks grandpa.
I remember Saint Paulie Girl being the go-to jungle drinking beer for my extremely upstate NY nursing school (!!!) chums, in the near mid-70s 😵
I hope you're right, John!
me too, but i live distant from major nuke targets. putin & kim make a big show about hyber-mach
rockets, but my dad was building ´em back in the 60s. This may be as much about as scaring the begeesus
out of his own subjects as anything else.
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´nother item just saw: ´ukraine warns war with russia could be the end of the world as we know it.´
Too late, that wuz 45 & covid. The way it is, the planet is dyin a slow bring it puto, it´s
a good day to die. Nature will fix it, with or without humans.
The planet will be fine, and even better when we’re gone. Let’s hope Musk doesn’t spread us onto Mars…human kind in the scale of things is but a moment in earth’s history. A book I recently read about North American geologic history…How the Mountains Grew…sums us up in the final pages describing our leavings, what was left of our presence 500 years hence…answer…very little…so the Earth, like the Dude, abides
look, I´ve been a pacifist for decades. John Lennon´s ¨Imagine´ has been my anthem, but
I am sick of evil men getting away with their crimes. I´m tired of impotent government that
achieves little but endless deadlock. One way or another, nature will restore order eventually.
I no longer fear anything that might expedite the process.
Looking like your previous posts are correct. Putin is flexing muscle. What is USA response.
Let's air lift some 🌶 Chillies!!!! to Russia.
The sins of our own oligarchs, our miltary industrial complex may yet be visited upon us.
Hatred of us has smoldered around the globe. That said, putin is better only in his lack of
pretense. We are guilty, guilty of accepting the pretense of democracy while a priviledged
few determine our existence. None-the-less, we cannot surrender Europe to the likes of
putin or his quisling trump. 45´s praise of putin´s ´genius´ plan for Ukraine confrims once & all
his treason. There are enomous wrongs in this country that need to be set right, but putin
is no solution at all. ¨Russia are you listening¨ Make yourself free & just & we will try to do the same.
I do no wish death on Russians. We endure just as much pure propaganda as they. Our
sanctions have hurt only their people while those at whom they are directed are unscathed.
Free yourselves of putin or die for his ego.
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