CCS owners who have changed the length of your chain

Captain Slow

Well-Known Member
How many links are you running in your chain?

I have had numerous chain drops but been too lazy to do anything about it. I have reached the 3,000 km point and will be considering replacing the chain soon. I figure when I replace the chain I'll reduce the number of links. According to the specs provided by Juiced the stock chain has 128 links. Have people only removed a couple of links, or is it more?
I went with the guide of number of links & did take some off the original chain. THe replacement chains though have come with pretty that exact number of links. It didn't really help with chain drop though. In the tips/fixes thread someone suggest swapping out the chainring for a narrow wide chainring. I've only use the one I got one day, but it feels like it could be the answer to chain drops since the design keeps the chain from flopping from side to side in the front.
Hi - new CCS purchaser (not received yet) - I've seen the chain drop topic here a few times, and have been wondering if/why a long cage derailleur is needed in this application. I'm not positive, but I think 21 teeth is within the capacity of short cage derailleur.
FWIW, I also was worried about chain drops when I ordered. I put this cheap chain catcher on my CCS the day I got it. I have had 2 chain drops in over 2250 miles of riding. I did learn that positioning of this is important, because one drop was to the inside, and the catcher made getting th chain back on the chainring nearly impossible. I adjusted it after that with no further issues.
Also, it seems shortening the chain may help somewhat (based on the reports I've read, I haven't changed mine), but those who have frequently been dealing with this seem to need to find a better solution.
I went to a chain 2 links shorter when I replaced the 52T chain ring with a 50/34T compact, I think this gives me a bit more torque
with the 50T. The 34 is mainly for powerless pedaling. I didn't bother mounting a front derailleur; I just shift in manually.
I had zero chain drops the first 700 miles and several in the next 300. No change in riding pattern. I suspect it has to do with taking a while for the various transmission components to loosen up / wear down. I took two links out of my chain and for now that seems to have helped quite a bit. I plan to switch to a narrow-wide chainring sometime soon, too.
Hi team. Has anyone found a replacement narrow wide chainring for the Juiced CCS? 52 teeth, 120 bcd, 5 bolt? I’ve been searching online and can’t find anything.
I didn't know it was 120 bcd, I didn't know anything was 120 bcd. Hmmm, not great to have an odd size like that. Mike end up changing the whole crank in the future. Wonder if there would be chainline issues.
After a better measure, I’m pretty confident it’s 130mm. I’ll try the Deckas 52T narrow wide and see how it goes.
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I installed a Deckas 52T narrow/wide chainring @ 130mm bcd on My Crosscurrent S and it's changed my life. No chain drops so far after 600km. The best $40 NZD I've spent in ages.
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