bosch nyon 2021 release date

Does anyone know if the 2021 Nyon supports music controls? Also why doesn't the smartphone hub phone app work with kiox, I'm sure many of us have phone mounts with our Kioxs and it seems like the lack of integration is a purposeful decision by Bosch but physically possible.
Does anyone know if the 2021 Nyon supports music controls? Also why doesn't the smartphone hub phone app work with kiox, I'm sure many of us have phone mounts with our Kioxs and it seems like the lack of integration is a purposeful decision by Bosch but physically possible.

The Nyon does not have any support for third-party music controlling, like the Smartphone Hub does.

The Cobi.Bike app (Smartphone Hub) is a different software avenue and these two will be kept separate. They Nyon and Kiox sync up to our Bosch eBike Connect app and the SPH to our Cobi.Bike
Hi all, does anyone know if, with a new Nyon 2020/21 if you have Custom Rides paid for & enabled, with eMTB enabled do you get:
Off, Eco, Tour, eMTB, Turbo and then all the Custom Ride modes. Does Custom #3 become special or anything like that?

Just to officially answer this, you will not have the benefits of eMTB mode if you elect for Custom Riding Modes to be turned on. Custom Mode 3 will not work in unison with eMTB.
The Nyon does not have any support for third-party music controlling, like the Smartphone Hub does.

The Cobi.Bike app (Smartphone Hub) is a different software avenue and these two will be kept separate. They Nyon and Kiox sync up to our Bosch eBike Connect app and the SPH to our Cobi.Bike
Thanks for the reply, why the separate software avenue given the hardware (kiox) can likely support both. Also, do you know of any effort to allow Nyon to control (or even play) music? I ride with music on all the time (with pass-through audio helmet speakers) and given Nyon's niche, to replace a mounted phone, would love to not have cluttered handlebars.
Thanks for the reply, why the separate software avenue given the hardware (kiox) can likely support both. Also, do you know of any effort to allow Nyon to control (or even play) music? I ride with music on all the time (with pass-through audio helmet speakers) and given Nyon's niche, to replace a mounted phone, would love to not have cluttered handlebars.

Given the heritage of Cobi.Bike being integrated into our Smartphone Hub----the software architecture written for Bosch's eBike Connect app for Kiox and Nyon is completely separate. No plans at the moment for music control through Nyon.

When I ride with a bluetooth speaker, I ride with my Smartphone Hub that has very clean integration.
Given the heritage of Cobi.Bike being integrated into our Smartphone Hub----the software architecture written for Bosch's eBike Connect app for Kiox and Nyon is completely separate. No plans at the moment for music control through Nyon.

When I ride with a bluetooth speaker, I ride with my Smartphone Hub that has very clean integration.
Not everyone has the option to switch units, that's what software is for, which is the point of concern here overall, which bosch seems to be ignoring by maintaining distinct software feature sets for seemingly no reason.
Not everyone has the option to switch units, that's what software is for, which is the point of concern here overall, which bosch seems to be ignoring by maintaining distinct software feature sets for seemingly no reason.
Steve, all understood. Thank you for your feedback. Gathering feedback in the field helps us improve our product portfolio and connected experiences for riders.
Hey @SteveBorough , I wanted to take a few more minutes to share some more insight on your questions. I am with you, I totally wish that the integration between the Cobi.Bike app and Nyon/Kiox platforms existed 😓 It is a question i've posed myself, many times! I very much echo the music control.....for me, music while riding is a must 🤠🤟✌️

It boils down to just two different products. The Smartphone Hub w/Cobi.Bike is intended to be a smartphone solution---making the phone the heart of the connected biking experience. For Nyon/Kiox, the Bosch eBike Connect app aims to serve as a connected outlet for performance-oriented displays. The Bosch eBike Connect app in its early roots simply served as an outlet for activity tracking, giving riders a way to see their detailed stats and GPS of their rides. With updates and advancements, the Bosch eBike Connect app now has longer legs of its own allowing route planning and premium functions such as Lock Function (Kiox/Nyon) and Custom Riding Modes (Nyon).

All three displays have a plethora of pros and as discussed, some may have a connected barrier here or there. Knowing that very few have the luxury of switching between our displays, I always try and learn about the rider and their priorities before recommending one of our connected displays.

For day in, day out riders with major needs on navigation, I tend to steer toward Smartphone Hub with its 2D, 3D mapping, turn by turn with voice commands, and live ETAs. Immediate upload to Strava upon ride completion is also a big favorite of mine.

Riders looking for a compact, yet robust display, Kiox becomes a must. Finally, our newest Nyon blends strengths from both aforementioned displays into its own rich recipe.

I hope this sheds some more light into our thinking--definitely around to chat more, cheers!
Hey @SteveBorough , I wanted to take a few more minutes to share some more insight on your questions. I am with you, I totally wish that the integration between the Cobi.Bike app and Nyon/Kiox platforms existed 😓 It is a question i've posed myself, many times! I very much echo the music control.....for me, music while riding is a must 🤠🤟✌️

It boils down to just two different products. The Smartphone Hub w/Cobi.Bike is intended to be a smartphone solution---making the phone the heart of the connected biking experience. For Nyon/Kiox, the Bosch eBike Connect app aims to serve as a connected outlet for performance-oriented displays. The Bosch eBike Connect app in its early roots simply served as an outlet for activity tracking, giving riders a way to see their detailed stats and GPS of their rides. With updates and advancements, the Bosch eBike Connect app now has longer legs of its own allowing route planning and premium functions such as Lock Function (Kiox/Nyon) and Custom Riding Modes (Nyon).

All three displays have a plethora of pros and as discussed, some may have a connected barrier here or there. Knowing that very few have the luxury of switching between our displays, I always try and learn about the rider and their priorities before recommending one of our connected displays.

For day in, day out riders with major needs on navigation, I tend to steer toward Smartphone Hub with its 2D, 3D mapping, turn by turn with voice commands, and live ETAs. Immediate upload to Strava upon ride completion is also a big favorite of mine.

Riders looking for a compact, yet robust display, Kiox becomes a must. Finally, our newest Nyon blends strengths from both aforementioned displays into its own rich recipe.

I hope this sheds some more light into our thinking--definitely around to chat more, cheers!
Thanks for the feedback, sincerely appreciated! IMO, Nyon, as a flagship seems to be "master of none." Kiox w/ smartphone mounted for music & navigation is my current setup, but I wanted a true all in one device with Nyon as I cannot use smartphone hub w/ my Rohloff. As a former software engineer, and knowing that electronically all 3 platforms share much of the same tech (wiring to motor & Bluetooth), this compromise is frustrating.
Thanks for the feedback, sincerely appreciated! IMO, Nyon, as a flagship seems to be "master of none." Kiox w/ smartphone mounted for music & navigation is my current setup, but I wanted a true all in one device with Nyon as I cannot use smartphone hub w/ my Rohloff. As a former software engineer, and knowing that electronically all 3 platforms share much of the same tech (wiring to motor & Bluetooth), this compromise is frustrating.
As a long time user of the old Nyon, and a new Nyon on a new bike, please let me chime in.

I spent most of my working life as a professional mariner. In the world of marine electronics innovations in navigational equipment, system monitoring, radar, depth sounder etc. two distinct paths came to market. One was either individual, single function sensors and displays resulting in an array of screens across the dash of the pilot house. The other path was sensor and black boxes displayed on PCs with fewer screens and a less cluttered look on the dash.

Over time I came to develop a strong preference for the first choice, dedicated marine sensors with their own displays, especially after companies started integrating logically associated functions into single displays, such as navigation charts with radar imaging overlaid on the chart with weather and depth information lined up along the side of the integrated screen. In this case multiple functions are displayed on one dedicated marine quality unit rather than on a PC that is used for document production, gaming, surfing the internet, email, and sundry other uses.

I found that the marine only displays were much more reliable and had way fewer crashes that those the went through a PC that would be connected to the internet, get viruses, malware, and were generally a far less stable platform. Whenever there is a firmware glitch on the dedicated marine electronics and simple turn off and turn on hard boot always did the trick...something that works sometimes on a PC but not always.

Given the safety consideration of people's lives depending on good reliable information in real time of stress and crisis due to weather, the more stable the information flow the better. No depending on hinky and trouble prone wireless or Bluetooth connections, no sharing a unit with many different peripheral functions that amplify the possibility of device and driver conflicts. When your life or your safety depend on it, keep it simpler, always choose stability and reliability. More complicated is almost always a bad choice.

I love my music too. I use Terrano communication system in our helmets that allow my wife and I to communicate during rides. They have decent sound, solid bluetooth connection to the phone, a 1 mile range for bike to bike coms, excellent wind noise dampening and an open air rather than closed ear or ear bud speaker that allows me to hear what is going on around me. I mount my phone to a quadlock on the handle bar so I can see calls coming in and control my music.

I really like both the new and the old Nyon and have found both remarkably stable, robust and quite comprehensive in their capabilities and as fully customizable as I need. I like the larger form factor and excellent brightness for visibility. I have read too many story of screws coming loose and $1,000 smart phone being hurled to the pavement.

I strongly prefer a dedicated and capable bicycle display/navigation/data reporting device like the Nyon.
I keep imagining Bosch keeping just 3 or 4 code base's (engine, display, phone (maybe splt between ios & android)) instead of what must be 13 + however many seperate bases there are for their engines.
- mobile generic Bosch app X 2
- mobile Cobi app X 2
- mobile SmartPhoneHub app (updated Cobi app but most likely seperated) X 2
- Purion display
- Intuvia
- Kiox
- Old Nyon
- New Nyon
- Old Cobi
- SmartPhoneHub

I know if i was leading the software dep. i'd be trying to merge at least some of the newer one's which in turn would enable them to share functionality but also streamline the logic, etc.
Not to mention the server side of things.

I hope one day it can be implemented and in turn allow across the board features like:
Lock function
Gear shifting & finely detailed configuration options
Suspension settings
ABS settings
Custom ride modes
End-user control of power reserves
End-user control of lighting power output
Granular control of shift detection & what to do when triggered
Auto slow-discharge of battery(s) if standing too long at 100% charge
End-user control of charging (charge battery1 to 100%, stop charging battery2 at 85%)
End-user updating of any firmware's with changelog's that end-users can see
I strongly prefer a dedicated and capable bicycle display/navigation/data reporting device like the Nyon.
Pretty sure i would too and what i said above (all that software base stuff) would still be possible - to make it like iron clad robust.
However if you're going to offer an option of let's say nyon or smartphone then it would be nice if they operated the same to as high a degree as possible.
The fact that only:
  1. Nyon does custom ride modes
  2. Kiox & Nyon do Rohloff
  3. Smarthub & Nyon do Navigation (Kiox turn screen is a step in the right direction but poorly implemented)
  4. Smarthub does music frustrating. Why not allow Kiox to do custom modes, Nyon & Kiosk to see/manage "now playing" and Smarthub to display gear updates from Rohloff? Each devise must have its strengths in order to differentiate products but it seems Bosch made arbitrary software decisions keeping the 3 platforms from resembling a cohesive product lineup.
It isn't always guaranteed, but if sober adults are managing the development process that level of fan-out isn't that difficult with modern dev tools. I suspect that there is one big code base with some weird end points.

Most likely controlling different generations or types of motors is probably pretty similar with a very small number of tweaks.

Most of the displays are probably (Purion, Intuvia, Kiox) more similar than different. Smarthub, Cobi, and Nyon probably also have a lot in common too.

I keep imagining Bosch keeping just 3 or 4 code base's (engine, display, phone (maybe splt between ios & android)) instead of what must be 13 + however many seperate bases there are for their engines.
- mobile generic Bosch app X 2
- mobile Cobi app X 2
- mobile SmartPhoneHub app (updated Cobi app but most likely seperated) X 2
- Purion display
- Intuvia
- Kiox
- Old Nyon
- New Nyon
- Old Cobi
- SmartPhoneHub

I know if i was leading the software dep. i'd be trying to merge at least some of the newer one's which in turn would enable them to share functionality but also streamline the logic, etc.
Not to mention the server side of things.

I hope one day it can be implemented and in turn allow across the board features like:
Lock function
Gear shifting & finely detailed configuration options
Suspension settings
ABS settings
Custom ride modes
End-user control of power reserves
End-user control of lighting power output
Granular control of shift detection & what to do when triggered
Auto slow-discharge of battery(s) if standing too long at 100% charge
End-user control of charging (charge battery1 to 100%, stop charging battery2 at 85%)
End-user updating of any firmware's with changelog's that end-users can see
Oh, and forgot the big one:
GPS theft tracking, route recording, etc.
Bosch is a multi-national, it makes sense for them to have this somewhere within the Bosch ebike product.
And i realize that the Purion & Intuvia lcd display's are set as far as pixels go. But they figured out a way to get eMtb working where it say's "sport".
Us people with older display unit's could work around a few key combinations to get some of the newer features.
Just heard from my LBS that original expected delivery date of mid-MAR has been pushed back to AUG per his distributor. Disappointing.

Anyone else get an ETA for delivery of a new Nyon?
Just heard from my LBS that original expected delivery date of mid-MAR has been pushed back to AUG per his distributor. Disappointing.

Anyone else get an ETA for delivery of a new Nyon?
Which bike & what configuration and extra accessories did you order? To what country is the bike being delivered?