Bosch Connect Module (GPS)

Are you sure about that? The youtube guides mentions nothing about an extra port. To me it looks like this module just plugs-in between the display an engine with the cable marked with red. It seems to be a 15 minute thing. Only thing I worry about is the engine cover. I'm not convinced it will fit on the Gazelle Ultimate c380 bike.
Ah than that wouldn’t be a problem.
Are you sure about that? The youtube guides mentions nothing about an extra port. To me it looks like this module just plugs-in between the display an engine with the cable marked with red. It seems to be a 15 minute thing. Only thing I worry about is the engine cover. I'm not convinced it will fit on the Gazelle Ultimate c380 bike.
I thought the same thing with the cover not fitting however, both Bosch and Gazelle assured me it will fit. It looks like it may be in two pieces which can be separated. Regarding activating extra ports, nothing I came across. Unplug one wire from the bike, plug into port 1 of module, take the supplied wire plug into port 2 of the module and the other end into where you unplugged from the bike, done. After install, the Flow app recognized the Connect Module upon connecting to my bike. However, to utilize the module you do need to sign up to an annual subscription to activate the module. My current offer is first 12 months for free and then $49.99/yr or $4.99/month. Cancel at anytime, renews 2 days before expiry unless cancelled.
Parts arrived today. I really hope that engine cover will fit. I'm not totally confident that it will.


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I thought the same thing with the cover not fitting however, both Bosch and Gazelle assured me it will fit. It looks like it may be in two pieces which can be separated..
Tried the cover and it doesn't fit out of the box. And it is in one piece. Maybe I got the wrong part? It is part no EB1120003x. Or maybe I also need to switch the right part of the cover?

But I think if I trim it with a dremel then I might get it to work, but it just doesn't feel right.

Neither Bosch or Gazelle seems to want to help me with advice.


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Your LBS AND Gazelle should both be helping with this. That’s why we went to them instead of direct to consumer bikes.

This is also a highly advertised feature.

Gotta say this is an extremely disappointing response and journey that you’re undertaking. I would be clear that you expect them to help solve this by answering a couple basic questions.

@Stephen - Bosch Team - Checking in case you can help with this.
Just noticed something interesting. The original engine cover is actuallt an original bosch part. I thought it was made by Gazelle and it is this one
This is very disappointing given the fact that both Bosch and Gazelle gave me the exact same part number that was required. From the pics posted I’m noticing that in the first, the original cover’s top half is indented which hinders where the connect module is mounted. The second pic however, the new part, shows the top half as having an outward bulge which would give the connect module more room and thus be able to properly re-insert the screws. However, the rounded lower end is where the problem likely lies. Unfortunately my replacement doesn’t get here until April 12th so am having to wait. Now not optimistic it’s going to work but, as you suggested, may be able to dremel the bottom half off, not ideal but better than the original cover. Thankfully the part is not expensive.
Tried the cover and it doesn't fit out of the box. And it is in one piece. Maybe I got the wrong part? It is part no EB1120003x. Or maybe I also need to switch the right part of the cover?

But I think if I trim it with a dremel then I might get it to work, but it just doesn't feel right.

Neither Bosch or Gazelle seems to want to help me with advice.
You definitely have the part number that was given me by Bosch and Gazelle.
I wrote to Bosch customer care again. I hope I get a better answer this time.

I don't understand why they don't have an engine coner that has the same shape as the original, but with room for the connect module.
I wrote to Bosch customer care again. I hope I get a better answer this time.

I don't understand why they don't have an engine coner that has the same shape as the original, but with room for the connect module.
Hopefully that’s the case. One thing that came to mind, touching on a comment you made prior, and looking at the pic where you had attached the new cover, wether in fact you need to change out all 3 covers, both left and right? Looking back on my emails from Bosch, they did provide 3 part numbers Although saying nothing about needing all 3. The additional part numbers were EB11.200.03V and 03W as in these pics.


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OK, so I finally got an answer from Bosch that we could use.

The TLDR is that the cover on the Gazelle is a custom cover, even though it has a bosch logo. The original Bosch Design covers will not fit the Gazelle bike.

Next step is to find out if Gazelle has an engine cover that will fit the bike and the connect module. But I do not have high hopes for that - at least the Danish Gazelle department does not know. I had a look at the Gazelle bikes with GPS tracking but none of them has the same engine as the Ultimate, so there is no chance that a cover from another model will fit.

The answer from Bosch:

The problem with the design covers are quite difficult. The problem is the cover you can buy EB1120003X only fit it the exiting covers that are pure Bosch cover.

Some manufactures make their own covers, with Bosch logo. Other have Bosch covers but made special by Bosch for their brand.

So we could fear that it will not match you bike you will need contact the manufacturer and ask about it, but some do not even know this clearly.

Here below you can see the detailed description, how this will work and we strongly recommend contact a Bosch dealer about this.

See here below our description and read it carefully.

"The first you need to know is the connect module only will work with the smart system.

You can purchase a connect module after marked kit for drive unit BDU 33YY in MBPS with number EB1390000Z

Or if it is BDU 37YY it has MBPS number EB13200014. ( You can see which drive unit it is in the diagnostic tool or on the motor label. The YY is wildcard numbers)

But before you purchase this it is important to check if the connect module can have space under the design cover.

Here you need to contact the manufacturer of the bike and ask if the design covers that are made for their bike can have space for the connect module, even if they have their own special cover for this.

You can also check the exiting covers if they are pure Bosch covers, when you take them off the number normally are inside the cover.

The cover Bosch deliver which have more space have number EB1120003X.

The connect module are on the left side.

If the existing covers have number EB1120003U left top and EB1120003T left button it can be replaced with MBPS 1 piece cover EB1120003X.

But you should also check the right side if these 2 covers have number EB1120003V right button and EB1120003W right top, it will match with the one piece of left cover for the connect module EB1120003X.

If all these covers have other numbers they are specific for the manufacturer even if they look like Bosch covers and again if they do not confirm they have a cover where there is space for the connect module or the existing one do not have space. It will not be OK."
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Following up on this topic with further information received from Royal Dutch Gazelle today. I'll paste the email thread from my first inquiry to today's response. My original question to both Bosch and Gazelle was whether I had to change out cover, note I didn't specify left or right, to add the ConnectModule to my Ultimate C380:

(1) Thank you for your message, we will contact you as soon as possible.
Kind regards,Royal Dutch Gazelle

(2) Hello,
Correct you do need to replace the motor cover.
The Bosch part numbers are below and any bike shop would be able to source them for you.

Right bottom EB11.200.03V
Right top EB11.200.03W
Left side motor cover, EB11.200.03X

Let me know if I can help with anything else.

(3) Hello Again:
I have a quick follow up question regarding my inquiry on the performance motor replacement left cover when you install the connect module.
You’ve noted the applicable replacement part numbers but my question is, do you need to change out all 3 covers versus just the left side? The reason I ask it that there is a significant difference in the original cover versus the replacement cover and the fitment doesn’t work as it should.

Would appreciate any input to assist.

(4) Hello
That is correct. All of the covers need to be replaced to fit the connect module on your bike. We tested it multiple ways, but unfortunately couldn't get it to fit correctly without doing so.

So, there may be some hope that this is indeed possible. However, it does require further expenditure and I would expect that Gazelle knows of what they speak and would provide correct information to its loyal owners.
OK, that might explain why my bike dealer wanted almost $300 then. I’m not sure i really want to try to replace all those parts, and to be honest I don’t really trust that it will work.
OK, that might explain why my bike dealer wanted almost $300 then. I’m not sure i really want to try to replace all those parts, and to be honest I don’t really trust that it will work.
You may very well be right but I am determined to see if it does or not. I have ordered all three pieces which cost $17.50 USD each. So all in with the connect module kit I’ll have spent $300 CAD, including shipping cost, which is equivalent to approximately 200 Euro. Then of course there’s the $50 USD annual subscription. I suppose it’s debatable whether it’s worth the cost although having the bike stolen will cost $6,500 CAD to replace. Assuming the tracking works and it can locate the bike, money well spent. That’s the part I’d be more skeptical about.

I’ll post the result once I have completed the install project.
You may very well be right but I am determined to see if it does or not. I have ordered all three pieces which cost $17.50 USD each. So all in with the connect module kit I’ll have spent $300 CAD, including shipping cost, which is equivalent to approximately 200 Euro. Then of course there’s the $50 USD annual subscription. I suppose it’s debatable whether it’s worth the cost although having the bike stolen will cost $6,500 CAD to replace. Assuming the tracking works and it can locate the bike, money well spent. That’s the part I’d be more skeptical about.

I’ll post the result once I have completed the install project.
I assume your motor is the smart system. Unfortunately with my forthcoming Reise and Muller SUperCharger 2 it does not have the smart system so this is not an option and being in Australian none of hte non-genuine options are available either :(
Ok, so I went for the hack and trimmed the Design Cover with a dremel, and I actually think I got a pretty good result out of it. The trimmed cover is not a snug fit like the original but it's pretty close, and it's only because of my dremel skills that it's not.

Here are some pictures of the process.
1) The two engine covers
2) The hacked engine cover
3) Module wirering
4) Module installation
5) Cover installation
6) Small gap because of my dremel skills.

Bike: Gazelle Ultimate 2024 HMB
Motor: Bosch Performance Line Smart System 75Nm
Connect Module BDU33YY: EB1390000Z
New engine cover: EB1120003x


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I've testet the alarm and it works as expected. If I move the bike a couple of meters a pretty annoying alarm starts and I get a push notification on my phone.

I can use the kiosk 300 display or phone to lock and unlock the bike.

Only thing I haven't found, is the page in the flow app where I can see the bike location. Maybe it does not work as I had expected.

EDIT: I found out about the location tracking. So it seems like the bike only transmits locations when it is parked or when the alarm is triggered - which makes sense. I can see where I parked my car in the flow app under the “Protected” headline. It writes the street name and city, and if I click it I get it on a map. 👍 Later I’ll try to see how it looks when the alarm is triggered.

Overall I’m pretty happy about it. It works as expected - given that it will scare thiefs away. Only time will tell if it was a waste of money.

Now I just need to find a nice bright “GPS Tracked” sticker that I can put on the bike. Would be cool if Bosch had included a sticker in the kit. There is a “Bosch protected” sticker but I don’t really like it and it broke when I tried to ut it on my bike.
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Glad to hear you got it working!

Also ran into some silliness in the frame design that made adding the Enviolo Automatiq impossible. It would have worked on all of the competing bikes.
Completed the three new motor cover install today, to anccept the Connect Module, and will say it was a little more complicated than I had anticipated. Took me a while to figure out what needed to be done to remove the two right side covers but finally figured it out. As usual You Tube was a great help. Pretty straight forward but took little time once I had the steps figured out. The sketchy part for me was removing the belt ring to get enough room to remove the top right cover. But that was necessary to install the new cover. Luckily I own a torque wrench which is necessary to retorque all the bolts per the specs. In hindsight, probably would have taken it to my LBS but learned a lot including how to remove and reinstall the rear wheel which I expect will come in handy the day I get a flat. So far everything works as it should.

Here’s a few pics I took along the way.


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