Getting What You Need From a Cycling GPS

I mapped out a 60km ride on the Ride with GPS site.
The Garmin Edge 530 was right on the money at the end.

Similar "on the money" results for today's ride:

Ebike-connect (via display internal GPS) 36.5km
Ebike trip distance (internal bike odometer?) 36.5 km
Remote Tracking (via phone GPS) 36.51km
Osmand (OpenStreetMap) route planning 36.6km (about 0.3% higher)

Close enough!

The trip was 50:50 urban and rural riding.

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Wahoo ELEMNT Bolt V2

Vado 5.0, the wheel circumference of 2255 mm specified for 29x2.0" Electrak tyres. Accuracy 0.3%. (The data given by TCD-w display are greatly off, as the wheel circumference stored in the bike -- and it is a read-only value for my specific e-bike -- of 2300 mm is absolutely wrong).
Vado SL, the default wheel circumference of 2180 mm specified for 38-622 Pathtfinder Pro. Accuracy: 2%. (The data given by TCD display are really off).

Necessary to mention I stopped worrying, and did not calibrate the Wheel Circumference for my SL this Summer. I was very meticulous about that for my Winter tyres though.
I agree with @mschwett that elevation gain data recorded by the barometric altimeter are pretty off the reality. I was hoping the Bolt v2 (in which the maps include the elevation data) would be more accurate then the Roam. Yes, Bolt v2 is more accurate regarding the elevation gain but still off compared to map data. If one is concerned with precise elevation gain data, the "Correct Elevation" button in Strava is the only remedy.
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Wahoo ELEMNT Bolt V2

Vado 5.0, the wheel circumference of 2255 mm specified for 29x2.0" Electrak tyres. Accuracy 0.3%. (The data given by TCD-w display are greatly off, as the wheel circumference stored in the bike -- and it is a read-only value for my specific e-bike -- of 2300 mm is absolutely wrong).
Vado SL, the default wheel circumference of 2180 mm specified for 38-622 Pathtfinder Pro. Accuracy: 2%. (The data given by TCD display are really off).

Necessary to mention I stopped worrying, and did not calibrate the Wheel Circumference for my SL this Summer. I was very meticulous about that for my Winter tyres though.
I agree with @mschwett that elevation gain data recorded by the barometric altimeter are pretty off the reality. I was hoping the Bolt v2 (in which the maps include the elevation data) would be more accurate then the Roam. Yes, Bolt v2 is more accurate regarding the elevation gain but still off compared to map data. If one is concerned with precise elevation gain data, the "Correct Elevation" button in Strava is the only remedy.
As mentioned often by others, "perfect is the enemy of good enough," so I won't worry about it 😉