BBS*** Settings for a Smoother Ride

Great thread and I applied your settings to my BBS02 and my initial observation is that the start up is a bit too sluggish so have changed from 10 to 20 and it's a lot improved. To compensate I've also changed the max amps to 18 to lessen the load on the controller. Thanks for posting your settings as they have been extremely useful.

just one question as a new member I'm struggling to search for your revised settings in post #80. Does it have a title or is there a way to search for post numbers?
Glad it was helpful.
#80 is the last post on page 4 of this thread. The # is located on the right side at the top of each entry.. Yours is #83, this is #
As with these settings... I suggest that you try a personalized version of this recent discovery.
Have you seen this thread... I think it may be a better place to start as the other is only addressing one particular setting.
As for throttle ramp up what are all your settings on page 3 Throttle? Maybe post a screen shot.
Have you set the Start and End Voltage for your particular throttle?
One other thing to consider is your global current at the top of page 1...if you don't require the full 30a of the HD, I would lower that. I find 20a on the BBS02B more than adequate. YMMV
Have you seen this thread... I think it may be a better place to start as the other is only addressing one particular setting.
As for throttle ramp up what are all your settings on page 3 Throttle? Maybe post a screen shot.
Have you set the Start and End Voltage for your particular throttle?
One other thing to consider is your global current at the top of page 1...if you don't require the full 30a of the HD, I would lower that. I find 20a on the BBS02B more than adequate. YMMV
I have jumped around all these thread over the months and forget where they are and thought the other thread and this one were the same one 🤦.

My current is locked out at 28A. I'm not allowed to change it. I guess I got that newer controller that's a bit neutered.

Throttle start is 11
Throttle end is 42
Start current is 2
Using current not speed.

This is all I can remember off the top of my head. Throttle has improved greatly from the utter insane start current of 50 that the controller was set to prior to my fiddling. I will post screen shots tonight when I can, probably after 9:30pm est
I have jumped around all these thread over the months and forget where they are and thought the other thread and this one were the same one 🤦.

My current is locked out at 28A. I'm not allowed to change it. I guess I got that newer controller that's a bit neutered.

Throttle start is 11
Throttle end is 42
Start current is 2
Using current not speed.

This is all I can remember off the top of my head. Throttle has improved greatly from the utter insane start current of 50 that the controller was set to prior to my fiddling. I will post screen shots tonight when I can, probably after 9:30pm est
No worries.
Depending on your throttle you may be able to widen the throttle range by setting the Start and End Voltage. Some are easier to open for a measurement than others. Also you can take note of how far you have to move the throttle before it engages.
Another important setting is Designated Assist Level on the Throttle page
No worries.
Depending on your throttle you may be able to widen the throttle range by setting the Start and End Voltage. Some are easier to open for a measurement than others. Also you can take note of how far you have to move the throttle before it engages.
Another important setting is Designated Assist Level on the Throttle page
Yes I do also know the designated assist is at 9
Right now the only setting I think I'm unsure of was the slow-start. It may be a 4 or 5. I'm wondering if there is any harm in a start current of 2 with a slow-start of 7 or even 8
I have jumped around all these thread over the months and forget where they are and thought the other thread and this one were the same one 🤦.

My current is locked out at 28A. I'm not allowed to change it. I guess I got that newer controller that's a bit neutered.

Throttle start is 11
Throttle end is 42
Start current is 2
Using current not speed.

This is all I can remember off the top of my head. Throttle has improved greatly from the utter insane start current of 50 that the controller was set to prior to my fiddling. I will post screen shots tonight when I can, probably after 9:30pm est
Flashing firmware can restore BBSHD 30A settings but why? Very little gain and many resellers think 28A better protects the motor. Riders pushing even higher than 30A are prepared for repairs. I’m in the 28A for longevity. A view argued by the over 30MPH goofs.
Yes I do also know the designated assist is at 9
Right now the only setting I think I'm unsure of was the slow-start. It may be a 4 or 5. I'm wondering if there is any harm in a start current of 2 with a slow-start of 7 or even 8
Well Slow Start is a PAS setting and I'm not sure it comes into play here. That said unless you are bogging the motor down on a hill in a high gear I don't see how those settings would have an ill effect. I don't use my throttle much other than to get rolling up a hill, especially if my knee is acting up or to blast a cross a busy street.
Also I think a Start Current of 2 (at least for me) is on the low side and I'm usually between 5 - 10.
Flashing firmware can restore BBSHD 30A settings but why? Very little gain and many resellers think 28A better protects the motor. Riders pushing even higher than 30A are prepared for repairs. I’m in the 28A for longevity. A view argued by the over 30MPH goofs.
I had suggested that he possibly set it lower, not higher. I would try 20 - 25a if possible and if it still does what you need it to.
Flashing firmware can restore BBSHD 30A settings but why? Very little gain and many resellers think 28A better protects the motor. Riders pushing even higher than 30A are prepared for repairs. I’m in the 28A for longevity. A view argued by the over 30MPH goofs.
🤣 I was wondering when you were going to chime in. The 28A cut off was a bit disappointing when I first found out about it back in March or whatever but I've since almost forgotten about it. Are you saying that last 2A is what keeps me stuck right on the threshold in of 30+ mph?

The firmware also thinks I'm running a 48V battery. I have dual 52V batts. Frankly I would rather the nominal voltage be fixed and leave the 28A as is.
Well Slow Start is a PAS setting and I'm not sure it comes into play here. That said unless you are bogging the motor down on a hill in a high gear I don't see how those settings would have an ill effect. I don't use my throttle much other than to get rolling up a hill, especially if my knee is acting up or to blast a cross a busy street.
Also I think a Start Current of 2 (at least for me) is on the low side and I'm usually between 5 - 10.

I had suggested that he possibly set it lower, not higher. I would try 20 - 25a if possible and if it still does what you need it to.
I played with start current. Anything above 5 and I can hear my IGH, chain and tensioner chirp under the strain. Start current at 2 gave me the buttery smooth take off from a stand still I have always wanted.

About 90% of the time that I am riding, it is for exercise (doctor's orders), so throttle is only when I've reached peak exhaustion and need a cool down, or for helping in those quick intersection maneuvers.

Also as far as being in the wrong gear under throttle, well I only have 3 gears. One of which is completely useless for throttle as top speed is achieved in 2nd gear
🤣 I was wondering when you were going to chime in. The 28A cut off was a bit disappointing when I first found out about it back in March or whatever but I've since almost forgotten about it. Are you saying that last 2A is what keeps me stuck right on the threshold in of 30+ mph?

The firmware also thinks I'm running a 48V battery. I have dual 52V batts. Frankly I would rather fix the nominal voltage be fixed and leave the 28A as is.
If firmware was set for 48V(54.6), as Bafang tried to force, you’d get a 07 over voltage error. My 30A ran 32-33MPH w/ 52V
If firmware was set for 48V(54.6), as Bafang tried to force, you’d get a 07 over voltage error. My 30A ran 32-33MPH w/ 52V
Ok because when I read flash the section to the right with version number says 48v nominal. And my low voltage cutoff on the main page is selectable but only in a range of 43-38v which I know is way too low for a 52v batt.

*Edit* I think this will make more sense when I post some pictures of my screens tonight. Be sure to tune in 👍. We can have a little round table discussion. Maybe work our way up to a podcast.
I’m working on starting a thread devoid of “experimenting” to assist those that want to improve but not get in as deep as the big 3 here. Good stuff here for advanced users.
Just got back from a 10.7 mile ride with the new throttle and pedal assist settings (I left my basic page as is with the exception of changing the low voltage cut off to the highest it could go. Was 40v, now 43v).

Bike is definitely so much smoother. There is also more power in PAS1 (I'm guessing this is the change in keep current. Was 60%, now 80%). I was climbing highway overpasses without having to bump it up to PAS2.

During the ride I never used the throttle and never took it out of PAS1. I felt that I wasn't working as hard. This route I call my "exercise route" because it takes me about 40minutes and I can average about 125-130bpm heart rate and burn around 400 calories. I was expecting poor numbers because it just didn't feel like I was working nearly as hard. Turns out I was only half right. My average BPM was a lowly 119 but calories burned was 480.

As far as battery usage, not enough data to know for sure yet. May have used fractions more than usual but going by my display is rarely ever accurate. Sometimes it doesn't "see" the second battery depending on how quickly I turn on the display after flipping the switch on the second batt. I'll just assume for now the batt usage is higher but negligible. Anyways here are my settings.


Just got back from a 10.7 mile ride with the new throttle and pedal assist settings (I left my basic page as is with the exception of changing the low voltage cut off to the highest it could go. Was 40v, now 43v).

Bike is definitely so much smoother. There is also more power in PAS1 (I'm guessing this is the change in keep current. Was 60%, now 80%). I was climbing highway overpasses without having to bump it up to PAS2.

During the ride I never used the throttle and never took it out of PAS1. I felt that I wasn't working as hard. This route I call my "exercise route" because it takes me about 40minutes and I can average about 125-130bpm heart rate and burn around 400 calories. I was expecting poor numbers because it just didn't feel like I was working nearly as hard. Turns out I was only half right. My average BPM was a lowly 119 but calories burned was 480.

As far as battery usage, not enough data to know for sure yet. May have used fractions more than usual but going by my display is rarely ever accurate. Sometimes it doesn't "see" the second battery depending on how quickly I turn on the display after flipping the switch on the second batt. I'll just assume for now the batt usage is higher but negligible. Anyways here are my settings.
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I see that you went to the dark side and tried a Stop Decay of 100. I believe that is what is giving you the "so much smoother" feeling. I don't use my throttle enough to be certain but it may be affecting the softness you now feel as well. You could try a lower setting, say 80 or 60...and then try to find a happy medium between how it affects PAS and Throttle. But I would ride it for a while and see if the throttle does what you need it to do rather then what you feel it should be doing. No setting is going to be absolutely perfect in all riding situations.
Have you tested the V on your throttle to know if the range is actually 1.1V to 4.2V?
And this was why I was saying if possible to lower your global current.. If you are riding around in 1 gear and 1 PAS, I feel that the motor provides more than enough power for your needs Additionally you are leaving a lot of your bikes capabilities on the table if you aren't comfortable using all the gears and at the very least half of the PAS available
Have you tried adjusting the PAS so that you use Lower PAS at a lower speed and cadence? This will add to your riding options and experience.
I see that you went to the dark side and tried a Stop Decay of 100. I believe that is what is giving you the "so much smoother" feeling. I don't use my throttle enough to be certain but it may be affecting the softness you now feel as well. You could try a lower setting, say 80 or 60...and then try to find a happy medium between how it affects PAS and Throttle. But I would ride it for a while and see if the throttle does what you need it to do rather then what you feel it should be doing. No setting is going to be absolutely perfect in all riding situations.
Have you tested the V on your throttle to know if the range is actually 1.1V to 4.2V?
And this was why I was saying if possible to lower your global current.. If you are riding around in 1 gear and 1 PAS, I feel that the motor provides more than enough power for your needs Additionally you are leaving a lot of your bikes capabilities on the table if you aren't comfortable using all the gears and at the very least half of the PAS available
Have you tried adjusting the PAS so that you use Lower PAS at a lower speed and cadence? This will add to your riding options and experience.
I believe that first page, the basic one with each PAS setting, is how the bike came so I haven't played with any of that yet. As far as using gears, I only have 3 gears (IGH) and I do use them all but when I'm exercising on flat ground it's 3rd gear, PAS1, 16-18mph.

I haven't tested voltage of the throttle yet but I do plan to (always forget my meter at work 🤦).
I’m working on starting a thread devoid of “experimenting” to assist those that want to improve but not get in as deep as the big 3 here. Good stuff here for advanced users.
Please forgive me Santo B' (I'm doing a lot of sinning lately :- )
But a bit of experimenting... or perhaps a better description is a bit of customization.. is what everyone should be doing with a BBS*... It is (was) one of Bafangs strong points.
Accepting that someone else's settings will be perfect for you when no two people have the same bike, motor, operating voltage, gearset, weight, terrain, physical ability or expectations on the amount of assistance they desire seems overly cautious. There's hundreds if not thousands of DUI everyday, but that's no reason to stop me or anyone else from drinking responsibly.
I hear things like... I only use ***'s special sauce settings. To me that is silly as most of these settings can be adjusted without harm. Current, Start Current and Slow Start Mode are really the only ones that can get you in trouble and anyone who has done 30 minutes of research should know this .
My mom's (special) tomato sauce is undeniably one of the best I've ever tasted and she always gets raves from family and friends... But when I make it I delete the fennel seed as I HATE (I mean really HATE) biting into one. So as good as it is, it's not perfect for everyone.
Sorry.. most of my analogy are food related 🙃
Please forgive me Santo B' (I'm doing a lot of sinning lately :- )
But a bit of experimenting... or perhaps a better description is a bit of customization.. is what everyone should be doing with a BBS*... It is (was) one of Bafangs strong points.
Accepting that someone else's settings will be perfect for you when no two people have the same bike, motor, operating voltage, gearset, weight, terrain, physical ability or expectations on the amount of assistance they desire seems overly cautious. There's hundreds if not thousands of DUI everyday, but that's no reason to stop me or anyone else from drinking responsibly.
I hear things like... I only use ***'s special sauce settings. To me that is silly as most of these settings can be adjusted without harm. Current, Start Current and Slow Start Mode are really the only ones that can get you in trouble and anyone who has done 30 minutes of research should know this .
My mom's (special) tomato sauce is undeniably one of the best I've ever tasted and she always gets raves from family and friends... But when I make it I delete the fenal seed as I HATE (I mean really HATE) biting into one. So as good as it is, it's not perfect for everyone.
Sorry.. most of my analogy are food related 🙃
I mean it is lunch time (at least here on the east coast)

Suddenly I'm in the mood for sauce
Opinion. Not everyone wants to. You are not the average DIY guy. I’m not clear on why you take umbrage with someone not following your path.
Because there are many benefits to personal controler programming. And honestly the way these things are delivered... They're dangerous.
I'm not suggesting that anyone use my settings... My point is that anyone's settings are not for everyone and that they should not be afraid to tweak things.
Obviously if a user finds this all to be Chinese.. They may be better off with a Big Brand bike that comes refined off the shelf. Or at the very least something with a lot less power.
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Just did another 9.5 mile ride. Had several motor cut outs only immediately after pausing pedalling to take a turn. Sometimes the motor wouldn't kick back on until I jabbed the throttle.

It's entirely possible this is not related to the changes in programming. I have issues with my gear shift sensor getting too close to my right brake lever and causing electrical interference which the controller interprets as pulling the brake lever. I haven't had this specific issue since I zip tied the sensor down but today I did shift the handlebars in the stem before I went out. Turns out the 4 bolts for the stem loosened up and my handlebars have been slowly turning down when I lean on them. This may have also caused the cable tension to my IGH to tighten up which could also have triggered the gear shift sensor to cut power.

Bike needs a little inspection.

The whole ride was done in PAS1, different route than my usual. This route had a little more elevation change. Maybe the keep current at 80% was too much for some hills. And I mean fairly low grade hills. My pedalling was in 1st and I never felt much strain in my legs but was definitely on the pedals and not ghost pedalling.
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