Apples to Apples? Bosch vs. Bafang Ultra

Once again, ride first and then judge. What motor did Pushkar use on his Watts Wagon ? I wonder why he would use that over powered monster motor. Any ideas ?
so your going to send me your bike so I can try it? otherwise not sure how I could manage to try it.
It is because Stromer doesn't follow the concept of the "Euro mid-drive e-bike". You could say something about the weight of Riese & Mueller e-bikes but those can take you for 100 miles or more and some of them are fully suspended (including the rack), and some are equipped with carbon belt and Rohloff IGH. Still powered by Bosch mid-drive motors and one Marc from Paris travelled for half of the world on one, including the Himalaya.
@Stefan Mikes There is nothing good to yet be accomplished by participating in this ill mannered and potentially flammable thread. I am done here and suggest you join me in that. You and I have experience and know how on our side. We offered well considered answers to a legit question and got guff and arguments in return. We are up against people with way more testosterone and way less decorum. Clearly what we offer is not welcome here. We both have better things to do with our time. Over and out. has a reputation scoring system. Readers can rate a post. If a member gets enough negative reputation marks their use is limited. And participants can see the reputation score and know what may be coming.
My only point was badmouthing bikes you never rode. Throw leg over it and take it around the block before judging or just keep your ill informed opinions to yourself. has a reputation scoring system. Readers can rate a post. If a member gets enough negative reputation marks their use is limited. And participants can see the reputation score and know what may be coming.
I don’t need or want the EBR forums to be a popularity contest, as a system like that is bound to become.
Endless, pointless, and unwinnable pissing contests sadly took over this thread, but I appreciate the attempts to steer it back. That Giant is a beautiful bike. I saw it's got an 80 nm motor but can't find any data on the site about the wh or ah of the battery? That's a crucial point. The good news is my preferred pair of LBS are a Giant and a specialized dealer, respectively, so I think I have some possibility of rentals for a tryout should I desire to.
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Endless, pointless, and unwinnable pissing contests sadly took over this thread, but I appreciate the attempts to steer it back. That Giant is a beautiful bike. I saw it's got an 80 nm motor but can't find any data on the site about the wh or ah of the battery? That's a crucial point. The good news is my preferred pair of LBS are a Giant and a specialized dealer, respectively, so I think I have some possibility of rentals for a tryout should I desire to.
The new 2021 Trance X E+ comes with the 625 Wh battery, at least in the 1 and 2 models.
Further queries to ponder: is the 80 nm offered via the Yamaha motor on the Giant enough to get my biggish self up the mountain, as opposed to the 160 nm I have on my Ultra-powered rig now? And will doing so sap its 650wh battery faster than the 840wh battery I have now? In other words, will the efficiencies of a more refined motor and a lighter bike make up for less power and less battery life/range? Probably would have to A/B test it ... take that Giant, for example, up the same trail I went on Sunday and see how it does:
