Time for a reality Check...
Actually we are way PAST DUE.
- curve flattening has ONLY mitigated a peak hospital visits related to covid 19, in SOME cities that had a major risk of over-whelming their hospitals. BUT yet the entire country is locked down. Economically devastating more and more as each day passes. Governors and mayors dont seem to 'get it.'
- If all actual cases were truly being counted, (we are missing millions by not doing adequate testing) the mortality rate is less than 0.5%.
- In many states you still cannot get tested without all the RIGHT symptoms, and a doctor's order. Well guess what ? This is one personal example : Two doctors (from two PREMIER HOSPITALS in Chicago) reviewed my sisters symptoms, and said she not only did not have Covid 19, but was not allowed to get tested. (had the typical no taste, no smell, respiratory issues, and many other symptoms) She found a way anyway to get tested (her two daughters are nurses who felt she should be tested), and when she got the test done, she tested POSITIVE. Fortunately she is ok, BUT she is also a care taker for my parents, who are in high risk categories. She needed to have been tested sooner ! Thus The symptom checking is likely FAILING in many more places that just here. You have all seen the stories from multiple sources, and probably know people personally who have experienced the symptoms. Way more people have this than anyone is admitting, yet they likely don't even know they had it.
- we need to be testing for ant-bodies NOW. as germany is doing, and they found 15% of population has anti-bodies, meaning they were indeed exposed, even if not showing symptoms, and yet most doing fine.
- Many hospitals in areas (representing over 75% of the US) barely even being hit with any Covid patients are sitting virtually empty (i.e. no elective procedures allowed), losing tons of revenue, a system that was already on the verge of sinking our entire economy, and sucking well over 25% of our GDP if you count the REAL numbers. Staff is being laid off, healthcare salaries being cut, creating even more economic hardship even for the people at deemed 'essential businesses' - how much more essential can you get than health care workers ? (relatively speaking of course)
- What are the plans for when lockdowns are lifted ? Does your governor, who locked down your state have a plan ? If so, What is it ? This is not federal government territory. Its YOUR STATE, since it was the states who ORDERED the lockdowns.
- Who is going to cover all the economic damage, and businesses that will never again be able to re-open ? Are you going to go to restaurants right away, sitting less than 2 feet from others again ? Who is going to replace all the farmers who grew produce exclusively for restaurants, who cannot revamp at all with no viable supply chain to supply indivdiduals or grocers, who now as we speak are going bankrupt ? The list of broken supply chains is endless.
- Do you want to live in a bubble or cave forever now that this has happened ?
- Do you really actually believe that a SAFE vaccine will be here in less than 18 months ? Do some homework, real homework, if you think that [fantasy] is going to happen.
- Life must go on. We must get back to work, and back to our lives, and as we do everyday, willing to live with risks, and do so very very very soon. The fear and reaction to the fear has made for many many irrational reactions, and very harmful over reactions.