30 Chinese Cities are on Level 1 lockdown

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4210
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Minnesota location of infected.
Screen Shot 2020-04-15 at 2.31.41 PM.png
Do your own homework...or not. Doesn't matter to me. There is a ton of stuff out there about this issue. TTFN
Do your own homework...or not. Doesn't matter to me. There is a ton of stuff out there about this issue. TTFN
I know that issue.
Your claim regards
liar in chief had done so many things differently and earlier
and the one thing you have doesn't even match. BTW, proving your story is on the claimant. Not my homework to look for something odd you claim exists...somewhere.

interesting chart , and worthy of reflection

Many euro countries are currently running around 400 corona deaths per million, so with 7 800 000 0000 world population we would have been around 3.1 million deaths by corona at the moment? Watch this space in 3 more days....it's more than double that in san marino

So, if we could fix world hunger AND cure cancer by staying at home / turning down greed , should we? WILL we after this is over , and we've had some time in our rooms reflecting on how naughty we've been?

All those years when we quietly laughed at the beauty contestant with her magic wish answer.....

Or, on a more sobering note - lifestyle deaths ( smoking, alcohol, traffic ) that's only about 2 million so we'd better throw in suicide as well, oh, and perhaps the flu - oops , still less than 3 million, but I guess that's ok because we waited a bit too long to act this time and have killed just enough with corona to equal the balance sheet.
Time to rise up and not bother to engage. Notable quotes,

Eat me. Waffle out your own rear end.

Oops...another libtard. Sure, blame it all on Trump. So lame. FB is the place for you!!

Yes, indeed you are pathetic. And ill-informed. But we won't hold it against you.

the entire country is tired of all you whiners and your pathetic fussing and whining. You are a bunch of losers.

How does this fit in a reasonable discussion?
interesting chart , and worthy of reflection

Many euro countries are currently running around 400 corona deaths per million, so with 7 800 000 0000 world population we would have been around 3.1 million deaths by corona at the moment? Watch this space in 3 more days....it's more than double that in san marino

So, if we could fix world hunger AND cure cancer by staying at home / turning down greed , should we? WILL we after this is over , and we've had some time in our rooms reflecting on how naughty we've been?

All those years when we quietly laughed at the beauty contestant with her magic wish answer.....

Or, on a more sobering note - lifestyle deaths ( smoking, alcohol, traffic ) that's only about 2 million so we'd better throw in suicide as well, oh, and perhaps the flu - oops , still less than 3 million, but I guess that's ok because we waited a bit too long to act this time and have killed just enough with corona to equal the balance sheet.

Is San Marino in Australia?
And they're at 800 deaths per million currently?

Our county is 3.2M, currently holding at 19. Admittedly, I'm having trouble understanding this.
These stats pissed a few people off, but they are what they are. The total covid death cases are dated - now more like 120K worldwide, but just for comparison sake it's rather revealing. I mean come on - 120K vs 1.9 million for cancer? Twice as many suicides? This all came as a real shock to me. We have to figure out how to manage this thing. We are currently at 19 deaths for a population of 3.2M in our county. Seriously. And 90% of those were elderly with underlying health issues. Something has to give.

Cool. OK so we're counting deaths again, got it.

I agree it is rather revealing to see where we are now vs when the chart was made.
Worldwide Deaths March 26-April 15th
Coronavirus: 112,989
Malaria: 55,682
Suicide: 60,370
Traffic Fatalities: 76,646
HIV: 95,436
Alcohol: 141,987
Smoking: 283,778
Cancer: 466,253
Hunger: 853,306

If it was sobering before, what is it now? Twice as many Covid-19 deaths in the last 20 days as suicides, it will likely surpass alcohol within the next week. The fact that it's even in the same ballpark as cancer is shocking to me. Yes we have to get a handle on how to respond to this, but it's REAL in a lot of places and getting more real by the day.
Cool. OK so we're counting deaths again, got it.

I agree it is rather revealing to see where we are now vs when the chart was made.
Worldwide Deaths March 26-April 15th
Coronavirus: 112,989
Malaria: 55,682
Suicide: 60,370
Traffic Fatalities: 76,646
HIV: 95,436
Alcohol: 141,987
Smoking: 283,778
Cancer: 466,253
Hunger: 853,306

If it was sobering before, what is it now? Twice as many Covid-19 deaths in the last 20 days as suicides, it will likely surpass alcohol within the next week. The fact that it's even in the same ballpark as cancer
The is shocking to me. Yes we have to get a handle on how to respond to this, but it's REAL in a lot of places and getting more real by the day.
“Don’t let it get you down it’s only castles burning...”
Fearless Leader breaks the rules but it's ok, he's not one of the little people who have to deal with the mess he helped create.
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Is San Marino in Australia?
And they're at 800 deaths per million currently?

Our county is 3.2M, currently holding at 19. Admittedly, I'm having trouble understanding this.

Nah, San Marino is next to Italy.

Australia and NZ might produce good merino wool....but we're very much NOT san marino. Our death rates are around 2 per million.

BTW, worldometer has the us at 86/ million not 19 - or do you mean 19 th place? ( now 14th) How competitive.....

I have found Chris Martenson vids useful. He called the need for masks early on, and look what we have now. EVERYBODY needs to wear a mask. Seems like a smart and reliable guy.

The low denominator he was referring to is what we have here in our locale. Likely due to test availability, they ONLY test if you think you need to go to the hospital, so those numbers are definitely affected by that.

We likely have a much higher case count but don't know about them simply because people haven't been tested. I find it odd that there could be such an extreme presentation in people - those with nothing, and those that are killed by it. I would like to learn a solid reason for that, or if that is just a normal part of this type of disease. There seems to be some suspicion of antibodies in as many as 15% of the population, so as that testing ramps up it will tell us more. We've talked to a lot of people that were really sick around the holidays this year, all the same symptoms. Hard to not think they already had it and got over it. Or maybe those were just regular flu cases.

Yes, I do think the way death counts and case counts can have skewed numbers, is due to the simple reason they're not counting everything. Still just too much unknown.

Good informational vids. I really liked ZZdogmd too - smart guy. DON'T LISTEN TO CHIROPRACTORS. 😆

I wonder if my MD I saw in January that really downplayed this has changed his tune any. Good ol' Kaiser. I'll bet he wouldn't even respond to an inquiry. He was a 'flu is worse' guy.
What I do know is nobody thought this was going to be as fast as it is, or as transmissible.
Nah, San Marino is next to Italy.

Australia and NZ might produce good merino wool....but we're very much NOT san marino. Our death rates are around 2 per million.

BTW, worldometer has the us at 86/ million not 19 - or do you mean 19 th place? ( now 14th) How competitive.....

I was saying our population of our county - a group of cities called Orange County. It's between LA and San Diego, on the coast. 3.2 million population, 19 deaths total, 1200 cases so far. So I suppose that could easily be any number of times more since only the sickest have been tested. Daily new case counts are dropping, but there are no numbers for resolved. If half the people that are ICU die, there could be quite a few more victims before all the cases are resolved. How long does that take? How long do we wait for that?
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I thought this was a particularly relevant radio story that addresses a lot of the between-the-lines commentary going on in this thread:

Planet Money: #991: Lives Vs. The Economy

The journal Nature, widely believed by skeptics to have been co-opted to push the Communist Party's dream narrative of catastrophic anthro climate change, now is being exposed for again pushing the China-favoring narrative of the Communist Party presented through the W.H.O.

In January Nature decided it had to knock down speculation that the Wuhan lab was the source of the novel pathogen by revisiting one of its own articles from 2017 Inside the Chinese Lab Poised to Study Worlds Most Dangerous Pathogens to post a pseudo-debunking :
Editors’ note, January 2020: Many stories have promoted an unverified theory that the Wuhan lab discussed in this article played a role in the coronavirus outbreak that began in December 2019. Nature knows of no evidence that this is true; scientists believe the most likely source of the coronavirus to be an animal market.
...which also happens to be an unverified theory... promoted by the Communist Party of China


It will focus on the control of emerging diseases, store purified viruses and act as a World Health Organization ‘reference laboratory’...
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I thought this was a particularly relevant radio story that addresses a lot of the between-the-lines commentary going on in this thread:

Planet Money: #991: Lives Vs. The Economy

I'll see your episode 991 and raise you one...
Basically it explains how the headline in the above op-ed is ignorant.

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Let's explore why the health affects of the virus are so extreme amongst individuals. Chris Martenson does a great job of explaning how when and where it attacks the human body and it's organs, how it can cause a shut down and death. Seems so deleterious.
So why do we have such a contrast with thousands of people with few or no symptoms? IMO something is just not right here, something is missing. A piece of the puzzle that is not present, that's creating a false view.
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