30 Chinese Cities are on Level 1 lockdown

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Let's see who minimized the threat of the virus. Can we start with the UN's WHO. Sure we can. Delaying calling it a pandemic and even changing the standards to accommodate China. How about the health officials in Canada and US stating low risk and some pointing to the flu as a much worse threat?
Right? Suddenly all conveniently forgotten as the open borders people stab at the president.
With all of the bickering and arm chair quarterbacking going on in this thread, I decided to go for a ride after the rain here stopped and the roadways dried off. Hadn't been able to ride for the last couple of days due to weather and commitments, and after today's ride it really hit me how much of a slug I had felt like without getting a daily ride in.

Got to ride my new Tamland iE for the first time, even though I've had it for a couple of weeks. Display mount broke during shipment from the store and I finally got the replacement yesterday. What a bike!!! Don't know why Raleigh discontinued it. I used to work high tech in the Silicon Valley, and always needed the newest and bestest. But since retirement I've found I can be very happy with technology that might be a couple of years old, but is available for half or less of the original MSRP. Boy, it felt great to be clipped into the pedals of a road-type bike again, and the bike was much more comfortable than I had thought it might be.

So go for a ride if you can! It will clear your head, make the virus talk go away for a bit, and make you healthier at the same time. Tonight my county goes on lock down but we still get to legally walk, ride, exercise the dog, etc. But I still feel this afternoon's ride as a 'last hurrah' before the lockdown.

And let's see if this thread might revert from finger pointing and name calling to something along the lines of "how can we help each other get through this thing", at least emotionally...
With all of the bickering and armchair quarterbacking going on in this thread, I decided to go for a ride after the rain here stopped and the roadways dried off. Hadn't been able to ride for the last couple of days due to weather and commitments, and after today's ride, it really hit me how much of a slug I had felt like without getting a daily ride in.

Got to ride my new Tamland iE for the first time, even though I've had it for a couple of weeks. Display mount broke during shipment from the store and I finally got the replacement yesterday. What a bike!!! Don't know why Raleigh discontinued it. I used to work high tech in Silicon Valley, and always needed the newest and bestest. But since retirement, I've found I can be very happy with technology that might be a couple of years old but is available for half or less of the original MSRP. Boy, it felt great to be clipped into the pedals of a road-type bike again, and the bike was much more comfortable than I had thought it might be.

So go for a ride if you can! It will clear your head, make the virus talk go away for a bit, and make you healthier at the same time. Tonight my county goes on lock down but we still get to legally walk, ride, exercise the dog, etc. But I still feel this afternoon's ride as a 'last hurrah' before the lockdown. And let's see if this thread might revert from finger-pointing and name-calling to something along the lines of "how can we help each other get through this thing", at least emotionally...

The best advice I received all day... just went on a local ride in the hills of Silicon Valley.

Strangely quiet with very few cars on the roads due to the lock-down... perfect for cycling! ;)
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Yeah, just ignore that the purveyors of lies just cut out the part showing what Trump is referring to.
The video is stuff for simpletons with derangement syndrome to believe.
“Our path forward right now is together, the left and the right united to fight this crisis,” Ms. Regan told viewers. “We’re all in this together, and we need to stay safe.”
I love how they say this right after driving a wedge between members and society members and then immediately after posting the kumbaya thank someone else for driving a wedge. Virtue signalling like mad while poisoning the atmosphere.
go for a ride if you can!

Good advice. I'm riding everyday now, so my BBS01 kit motor has loosened up so I'll have to take off the crank arm to tighten up the lock ring again, so today I bought a BSB-1 stabilizer bar from California Ebike to replace the loosey-goosey bafang mounting plate and intend to affix it to the chainstay with a hose clamp. Hopefully this will mean fewer occasions for me to have to take off the crank arm.
Why won't these people give an uncut video or verbatim quote of what Trump was referring to instead of posting a video clip with the item being talked about just previous, cut away ?
A full video doesn't support the lie. So they won't. Simples. They lost the election. Crooked Hillary Dirty Bernie and now Joe the Count Chocula fighter with golden leg hairs all standing up for the kiddies to rub up and down and up and down and ... winners all!
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Illinois now will be under lockdown, effective 5 pm CST, 3/21/2020. Only allowed to go to gas stations, medical trips, groceries etc. Can walk outside. Practice social distancing. Almost 2 months since I first started this thread, that our own state implements near Wuhan style lockdown.
I was going to post these two links where you can get good (more accurately the "least poor") numbers on the outbreak worldwide:

The latter site is particularly interesting because you can observe the case count and fatality rate over time and by state (and I think province for our Canadian siblings). Those graphs are telling us a story. In particular, compare the state by state graphs for New York, California, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, and Washington.
@Handlebars ...you clearly have issues. As a fellow Canadian I would respectfully ask you to quit embarrassing yourself. Hopefully others here will not think all Canucks act with the fevered pitch of a lunatic.....Trump is their problem to deal with. Not ours....unless your plan is world domination. Political rants of this nature do nothing for the forum...seek help..
...Says one with personal attack instead of response on topic. It's telling. I've never said anything about you, ever. You only expose your lack of awareness and your political intent with your personal attack. Perhaps it would be easier to simply report the unprovoked personal attacks, but I prefer to defeat their purpose.

You should know very well that Trump is a subject of intense interest in Canada, naturally. In fact, a team of Soros-funded Canadian Bernie Grogs recently travelled to the US to attempt to undermine Trump in the next election. So give up yer frontin', dude.

Steve Mercier was the Canadian member repeatedly insisting on initiating here with repeated anti-Trump commentary and continuing political stirring through pages.
Do not fear people , the president has your back. He will make sure this virus is the best, the greatest of all time ,second to none. Get your MVGA ( make viruses great again ) hats before they sell out.
But that doesn't count for the crushed Canadian Hilborts and Berniegrogs. They as usual, can stand only their own message - they make it ugly quick in order to stop open discussion.

And I use their own trusted sources to debunk their follies. Their own trusted sources.
They hate it. Too bad; the right way is simply to be more honest.

For months, young people on university campuses across Canada have gathered to call and text American voters in the hopes of convincing them to support Sanders as the 2020 Democratic nominee.

"I see this as really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, not just in American politics, but for left-wing politics around the world," said Vancouver student Quentin Rowe-Codner.
The former Hilborts and now Berniegrogs are simply and embarrassingly wrong, in gobbling up what Crazy Joe with the Golden Stand-Up Leg Hairs, said. Not a smart move.

Somehow derision of any Republican President is always welcome, though, eh bruh?

We know the leader of America is by default the leader of the world. You know it. Our interest is natural and well-founded.
John Ivison: Barack Obama — the man who won the Canadian federal election
'It recharged the base – those people who had been embarrassed by Trudeau’s behaviour. Obama gave everyone the re-assurance that Justin was not a racist'

A tweet from Barack Obama praising Justin Trudeau exploded on Canada's federal election like a grenade, John Ivison writes.

The unsung story about the 2019 general election campaign is how vital Barack Obama’s endorsement was to Justin Trudeau’s victory.

“It recharged the base – those people who had been embarrassed by Trudeau’s behaviour (in the ‘blackface’ scandal). Obama gave everyone the re-assurance that Justin was a great guy and not a racist,” said one campaign staff member.
Prime Minister
In marketing terms, this was the cognitive dissonance moment, when people who had supported Trudeau, but been confronted with facts contrary to their beliefs, found a way to resolve that contradiction to reduce their discomfort. If someone of Obama’s stature was supportive, it allowed people to feel better about voting for Trudeau.


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@Handlebars ...not interested in your diatribe. I have ZERO political affiliations. In fact not voted in 30 odd years. Ran a locksmith company for 35 years and who was elected never really bothered me. I was just happy to make money and let the rest of the world get lathered up over things that have not changed since the days of Rome and before.

Who ever is in charge lies to the people, makes money off the people and never lives up to what most people want from them. So be it....my point being there is plenty of political forums to try and make yourself look like the people's hero and watchdog...around here you just come off as a mangy mutt.

This is an ebike forum. Let's discuss ebike related things. Peace out you crazy Canuck...
All that shouldn't have caused you to be ignorant of the magnitude America and the American President holds in the minds of Canadians. We used made-in-America history textbooks in the era you got whatever education you had.
You obviously need a reminder already, that Steve was who opened it up and continued into personal attack. You break the rules and civility to indulge yourself in more name calling as you virtue signal "for the forum"
Buh bye, erider_61.
Getting a Chinese virus test in Canada is near impossible, unless you're a politician. Our 'tested positive' numbers seem low only because we have so few test kits. We have no way of knowing how many Canadians have the virus, but I suspect it is way more than we think.
Americans have the same problem. It is excusable that both governments didn't get their acts together and plan for this earlier. Now the people will suffer because of their ineptitude.
Now Trudeau is finding out that borders do stop pandemics, but the horse has already left the barn.

I'm praying that Canada and the US don't go the same route as Italy and Spain.
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