The Windsor park ride, we stayed in travel lodge right near this incredible University, Royal Hollyway, the picture doesn't do it justice, it looks like something from a fantasy movie close up.
This is Windsor Castle in the centre of the nearby town, its the oldest and largest continually lived in castle in the world and I think it's the official residence of the Royal family.
It was first built in the 11th century
Anyway, the park, straight away you get a glimpse of the rules.
A nice lake, but I was expecting something more grand, I don't know what, but it just seemed very ordinary.
There is the most amazing children's play area, its like a small village built for a movie.
I rode down the sandy horse paths for a laugh, only to be met with a sign.
No cycles on the horse paths.
Two quid for a KitKat!!!
The effect cold weather has on lithium batteries, it was minus 1 and I was struggling to keep up with these fit riders who were pushing a continuous 25mph.
The GoPro failed as well after I took off the wind protector because it was impossible to use with thick gloves
More no cycling signs, they don't even let you push your bike.
London generally feels like sign world with added CCTV everywhere.
They should rename it 'DONT'.
This is where I was in Windsor when they closed the roads around me, I thought it looked a bit empty.
This copper was walking over to ask me to move my bike out of the road, I didn't realise there was a march coming around the corner.
It was quieter than usual due to the road closure, the guards entire job is smiling for selfies and the vast majority of tourists here were Indian or Pakistani.
There was a huge fire a few years back and it was so expensive to repair the Queen threw in a few quid herself.
All in I was a bit underwhelmed by the park, a lot of it is just boring tarmac through empty fields, maybe it was all shut down for the winter.
16 quid to park for four hours, not that bad.
Hearing Landan accents everywhere was a reminder how far I was from home, but everyone is hyper polite and friendly.
Don't bother cycling it if you ever visit, you can't get to any of the good bits.