2023 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

Yes, in canada my friend was asked by a woman in a subway where he was from because his English wasn't very good.
'Im from England' he said.
Woman had her world readjusted.
On the same tour of Wales mentioned above, our tour guide told a story ( maybe true) of an incident on a train where an Englishman objected to a mother apparently talking with her son in a foreign language.
He said " If you are in England, speak English. "
Another passenger said " We are in Wales, and she is speaking Welsh " .... 😬.
well the urban myth/probably true story is that the welsh are the true britons.
Us English are really German invaders.
Hell, I thought y'all were actually decendents of Franks ( French) or Danes (Norse) invaders . Doesn't matter ...England is still England.
The most diverse place I have ever been. And all the folks I met there know it doesn't really matter where you're from.
The Welsh even tried to recruit us to change our citizenship . I loved them but no, I am just too damn old.
Photo of the castle by @Brix ;)
Indeed! I should have credited you, honey! ❤️


@Brix in Holyhead, Anglesey, Wales, UK, May 2022 (the same trip). Anglesey was the target of the Roman offensive under Gen. Agricola against Celtic druids in year 77.

Meanwhile, Wednesday July 26th, 2023:
  • I walked (!!!) for 5.3 km to the Jakoobcycles shop in Brwinów to collect my Fearless (with a repaired spoke in the rear wheel). My medical condition (intermittent claudication) made the walk hard and painful but I completed it successfully!
  • Rode back to my place (bikes are a wonderful invention!)
  • Rode in the rain for 14 km to see the "Oppenheimer" movie
  • Returned in heavy rain :)
Still using Roadrunner (Vado 6.0) for local rides until I will decide to switch back to Vado SL as my daily ride.


Collecting Fearless from the shop.
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Hell, I thought y'all were actually decendents of Franks ( French) or Danes (Norse) invaders . Doesn't matter ...England is still England.
The most diverse place I have ever been. And all the folks I met there know it doesn't really matter where you're from.
The Welsh even tried to recruit us to change our citizenship . I loved them but no, I am just too damn old.
The English consist of the invaders only, starting from the Romans and ending in the latest Polish invasion :)
The English consist of the invaders only, starting from the Romans and ending in the latest Polish invasion :)

Interesting topic for all the Anglophiles in duguð hûsscipe.

Current scholarship points to intermingling rather than outright genocide of the succeeded people groups (ie. Celts, Britons). It's all absorbed into the potpurri of regional racial makeups. There is evidence of dramatic regionalised depopulation at several times in British history though (thanks no thanks, Normans).
I'm back from the first group road racing workout I was admitted to. It was an amazing experience! The ride was very fast and I can only confirm Vado 6.0 allowed me match the group performance (and even exceed it!) Let me report it in more detail after I have had some sleep 😊 Full of endorfins!
A Vado 6.0 Day
July 27th, 2023

Last Thursday was the day my Vado 6.0 fully proved the real purpose it was designed for: a road e-bike :)

As A Delivery Courier For Magda :)
Magda kindly reminded me I had forgotten bringing some snacks for her name-day! Having the products bought the day before, I set off for an afternoon ride to deliver the goods! Recently, Specialized has released a new e-bike app (by the name of Specialized); the brand has come up with new ideas as to e-bike assistance plans (Universal, Battery Friendly and Racing), so I was eager to test how the Battery Friendly ECO mode (or 20/80% assistance) would work. Just to say it worked very well with 1% of the battery use per a kilometre, good cruising speed, and great responsiveness as to the rider's pedalling leg power. Had a short merry meeting with Magda and then happily pedalled home to prepare for the next ride, and recharge all the batteries (e-bike, Wahoo, smartphone).


The average speed here was just 23.3 km/h (14.5 mph), which is what I expect from that kind of the commute.

The Commute For The Group Ride
It was the same familiar route by which I ride to the cinema. The same assistance as before but I just pedalled harder. 15 km to get to the IKEA Janki area.

The Night Road Racing Workout
Ania has been a cycling friend for more than two years now. We do not ride together often as she cannot be happy with my long stops on the rides! :) On last Wednesday, she posted the following announcement on a FB cycling group:

"A Night Radziejowice Ride. [Date, time, the meeting point]. Distance: 65 km and some. GPX provided. Surface: 100% premium asphalt. Cruising speed: 28-32 km/h (the outward leg), 32-34 km/h with possible sprints (return). A single stop at the supermarket in Radziejowice. It is not a sight-seeing trip as there nothing to see on the service road. We make a fast round trip ride to sleep better. You must wear a helmet, have lighting on your bike, and take two water bottles with you!"

Well, well, well... Interesting. Would I match the group? There were Ania and two men (Krzysztof and Paweł) at the meeting point. Krzysztof felt the natural group leader. He started with adjusting the saddle height for Ania! I expressed my concerns if I could keep up with the road racing group on my e-bike, to which they say they were afraid they might not match my e-bike :) I had a big concern as to the assistance plan: fortunately, I set the SPORT assistance to 60/60% and that was OK!

What happened next was just amazing. Ania was not aware who she chose to ride with! The group went on a very fast pace (36-40+ km/h, 22-25+ mph) with elevation gain and against mild headwind! The riders were "drafting" and giving changes in the lead. As my 60% assistance had some power surplus if I pedalled hard, I was giving the changes too. I was in the lead just before Radziejowice, with two ascents in front of me. I downshifted, went on high cadence with the group tightly following me and so we arrived to the trip midpoint.


(L to R): I, Paweł, Krzysztof. The photo by Ania.

As we stopped by the supermarket, I was sweated and panting. I told the guys: "You've given me a solid workout!" to which one of them said: "No, it was you! You were pulling us at high speed uphill!" :D He must have been joking of course! Anyway, I was terribly hungry so I started chewing the energy bars I brought on the ride, and drank almost the full water bottle on the stop. And we rode back.

It was dark. It got cold. I noticed I could not keep up with the group anymore, so I had to help myself with the bursts of Turbo mode. I felt unhappy. Then, the energy bars kicked in... I brightened up and thought: "Why feel miserable? It is a fine ride! My legs work fantastically good, it is a nice night ride, and we are so fast!" I only could not give changes as I did not feel safe riding at night despite my amazing Supernova headlight. We were just eating kilometres with a single short stop for my e-bike battery swap, and then we reached the point to split. I spent some 45 minutes at a service station in Pruszków to eat, drink, and take a rest, then pedalled at high speed home :)


These are the data for the actual workout as extracted from the Specialized App. Note the average speed of 20.3 mph. I have never been on such a fast ride before!

Ania was the person the most surprised with her own performance! She is a strong rider, and raising the seat was the proper action to improve her performance. She (and Krzysztof) rode on gravel tyres!


Commute + workout. The average speed of 30.8 km/h (19.14 mph). 133% of batteries used. (135 km for the day).

Now, I have fully realised my Vado 6.0 has never been a gravel e-bike: it is purely a road e-bike! (It is Vado SL that is a gravel e-bike) :)

An E-Bike Anecdote
As we were taking the rest by the supermarket, Paweł asked me: "What is the peak power of your e-bike motor? Because I was watching my power meter on the last ascent and I pedalled at over 500 W to keep up with you!" -- to which I said "It's 520 W if you pedal really hard!" -- and he understood the Turbo Vado power. Later, I checked my leg peak power and that was 434 W... :D

There was a roadie on a solo workout who we had to overtake. I could see him in my rear-view mirror: the man tried to keep up with us but he failed...
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Finally broke through the 10 mile barrier (just barely) 🥳🥳🥳!


I hope my conversion is correct...16.3k = 10.1 miles...

The best part is I was able to do the ride, AND get through the rest of my day without feeling like I got run over by a truck!
Finally broke through the 10 mile barrier (just barely) 🥳🥳🥳!

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I hope my conversion is correct...16.3k = 10.1 miles...

The best part is I was able to do the ride, AND get through the rest of my day without feeling like I got run over by a truck!
Rooting for your recovery! I was recovering from a different kind of medical adventure when I bought my ebike 9 months ago. The bike really sped up the recovery, and that only made me a stronger rider. Hope you get into the same positive feedback loop.
Still warm and humid but much better today so I went 21 miles today. I rode by a quarry and snapped a couple of pictures of, also an Amish field with small haystacks. I’m a retired land surveyor so I couldn’t help but take a picture of a centerline monument in the highway.
Today, I am very tired post ride as I rode for 112.8 km (70 miles) with a lot of climbing with the Battery Saving ECO mode just...

To Have Genuine Fresh Strawberry Ice Cream in Caffe Adriano, Biała Rawska, Land of Łódź, Poland
(You will find the ride map, metrics, and photos with English descriptions there). Despite what Strava says, it was a very warm day! The chosen assistance of 20/80% was only adding 64 W for 100 W of my leg power but the weakest Vado 6.0 battery I own was good for 109 km!

Tomorrow, I'm repeating the trip but on my Vado SL. I will set exactly the same assistance as for the Vado 6.0 (Roadrunner) and will see how my lightweight e-bike fares on the same route, especially with climbing (my Fearless has poor gearing as for climbing!)