2023 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

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After 9 days off the bike due to freezing temps we finally got a thaw today, it was very windy but that wasn't stopping me! It was a bit murky and threatening to rain but when I set off it was dry so I wasn't bothered about some precipitation after 9 days with no cycling! It was a very murky morning with a chilly SW wind, the first 5 miles were directly into the wind so I decided to turn east and I was so glad I did! I decided to use quite a few cycle paths which is unlike me but they were ice free and car free so it was a joy to ride on them, some are pretty new so they were in great condition 👍

I wasn't going to bother with photos due to the conditions but it actually improved at my turning point near Linlithgow, where it was time to face that wind again! This is the road that leads to Beecraigs Country Park but the crosswinds were crazy here so I turned off towards Kingscavil where I freewheeled down the huge hill at 43.3mph:eek: I didn't have the bottle to pedal...well it was wet and lots of loose stones so I wasn't chancing my luck! This was looking back at the huge descent after I climbed out of the valley!
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This is looking towards Beecraigs Country Park which is way up at the top of the hill in amongst the trees!
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I was now heading for Linlithgow which was the best way to go today to get some shelter from the relentless wind, I think I did manage to pick the best route today! The weather decided to give me a break and it actually got a little brighter...
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My steed is closing in on 24000 miles and was in top form as always, what a bike!:D
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I continued on into the wind towards Standburn, passing over the canal near to the Avon Aqueduct! The ice can still be seen despite the rising temps today...
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Me and the bike stopped here for a break from the wind! Time to grab a well earned snack...
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I passed through Standburn where the twisty road rises and falls all the way to Avonbridge where I would have to make a decision about which road to take to avoid the strong crosswinds, I decided to turn north up the big climb towards Shieldhill where I would have the wind behind me for a bit! It was a great choice and meant I would miss out the exposed roads towards Caldercruix, the next decision was whether to chance the quiet back roads which may still be icy in parts! I reached Slamannan and turned off the main road on to the back road I use a lot, I passed a farm on a tight bend and the road was covered in thick ice and hard packed snow but thankfully it was only part way across the road so I decided to chance it! My luck was in, the road just past the farm was ice free and I had it all to myself!
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One final picture of my steed and I enjoyed a lovely ride back home to a very welcome hot shower, what a brilliant ride despite the wind!
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As i was getting near home it was threatening to rain but my luck was in and I only got a few sprinkles, it was so good to get out on the bike again and hopefully there will be more riding to come this week! 207 miles so far which isn't too shabby for January!
Aside from the weather, the scenery is still lovely regardless of what time of the year it is over there. Meanwhile, many of us will continue to feel the affects of the winter doldrums for some time yet. At least the days are getting longer. 👍
"The Dry Bus Is Calling Us" :)

I was really depressed not to be able to do the Saturday's "snowy ride". I had to prove to myself I could still ride in the Winter! So I decided to re-explore the greater neighbourhood on asphalt, the way I spent my first e-bike Winter (2019/2020). I needed to give my "new" Vado 6.0 a good test ride, too, on a single battery!


The first stop at 18th kilometre. I was riding with tailwind and was too happy! Especially to discover again the SR Suntour NCX-E25 was indeed not a bad suspension fork. (I especially like the hydraulic damping feature here).

A lot has changed in the neighbourhood over last 3 years. We have now an abundance of new asphalt roads (with only short segments of gravel or cracked tarmac) here.


Drybus is decidedly not a Polish location name. I attribute the name to the presence of the ancient Hollander settlers there. I took a couple of kilometres more just to take this very picture! :) (See me in my meticulously chosen "Armalite" winter armour haha).


I'm so happy with my recovered and upgraded Vado 6.0! (See the quality of asphalt; it is one of the previously damaged & hopeless service roads).


A rare gravel road segment (someone seems to have forgotten to pave it!)

While the westwards ride was just a pleasure, I had to counter a significant headwind on the return. My goggles got covered with a little of spray! And I started freezing :) My ambition was to do the ride on a single (533 Wh effective) battery, so I did not increase the 40/40% assistance. I returned from the 60 km ride with 16% battery left!


The 17 km/h ENE wind was not pleasant. It was a good decision of mine to limit the ride duration or I would start suffering from hypothermia!
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In 2 previous posts in this thread, I mentioned that the big waves here come armed with pebbles and cobbles picked up from the beach or just offshore. Sometimes the entrained rocks get airborne.

Yesterday morning, caught some rock-throwing waves in the act at the peak of a king tide (+7.0 ft) at South Ponto Beach. Left the bikes home cuz we didn't want to leave them unattended. But I ride there a lot, so hoping that counts.

The high surf was icing on the king tide cake. The tallest wave faces were a good 12 ft or more.



South Ponto's gravel beach berm can change its position, height, and profile overnight, its great mass and bulk notwithstanding. On this morning, we found it significantly steeper and higher than the day before, with an unusally sharp crest perhaps 20 ft above the lowest part visible here.

When the biggest waves overtopped the berm, the water would stall, but the rocks, having 3 times the density and therefore 3 times the momentum, would break free and keep on going.



Though quite impressive, these waves were small potatoes compared to the giant storm waves that occasionally come our way. Flying rocks damaged beachfront restaurants and zillion-dollar homes in Del Mar 2 weeks ago, and beachfront buildings were destroyed by wave-launched rocks in Oceanside in the great storms of 1982.
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"The Dry Bus Is Calling Us" :)

I was really depressed not to be able to do the Saturday's "snowy ride". I had to prove to myself I could still ride in the Winter! So I decided to re-explore the greater neighbourhood on asphalt, the way I spent my first e-bike Winter (2019/2020). I needed to give my "new" Vado 6.0 a good test ride, too, on a single battery!

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The first stop at 18th kilometre. I was riding with tailwind and was too happy! Especially to discover again the SR Suntour NCX-E25 was indeed not a bad suspension fork. (I especially like the hydraulic damping feature here).

A lot has changed in the neighbourhood over last 3 years. We have now an abundance of new asphalt roads (with only short segments of gravel or cracked tarmac) here.

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Drybus is decidedly not a Polish location name. I attribute the name to the presence of the ancient Hollander settlers there. I took a couple of kilometres more just to take this very picture! :) (See me in my meticulously chosen "Armalite" winter armour haha).

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I'm so happy with my recovered and upgraded Vado 6.0! (See the quality of asphalt; it is one of the previously damaged & hopeless service roads).

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A rare gravel road segment (someone seems to have forgotten to pave it!)

While the westwards ride was just a pleasure, I had to counter a significant headwind on the return. My goggles got covered with a little of spray! And I started freezing :) My ambition was to do the ride on a single (533 Wh effective) battery, so I did not increase the 40/40% assistance. I returned from the 60 km ride with 16% battery left!

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The 17 km/h ENE wind was not pleasant. It was a good decision of mine to limit the ride duration or I would start suffering from hypothermia!
Your bike looks so new and sturdy, Im imagining it silently bumping over rough roads, wheres as mine sounds like a rusty old cattle train.
I'll tighten it up tomorrow.....youre always a day away.
Another warmish day here, but a 'Beast from the East' incoming as they like to call it.
Us Brits always imagine a gale over Siberian copper mines, whistling past some disused tractor factory in Eastern Europe and then having the audacity to keep going to us without warming up first.
Yes, we still think in the 70s with regards to the far reaches of the EU.
I think most of us still think Bulgaria is actually ran by those guys out of Chitty chitty bang bang.
but a 'Beast from the East' incoming as they like to call it.
I think is might be coming from the North this time :) Although I own decent winter clothes, I am not very much motivated to set off for the rides now, especially below the freezing point... The distance ridden this year in January is as hopeless as I had in 2020!

Regarding your video, the images are breath-taking, only the audio is too depressive! :)
(You're) Too Young To Be (A) Herod :)

Gimme a reason to ride! :) I fancied riding to a friendly (and excellent) craft brewery, Artezan on Wednesday. Took a longer route than necessary for more workout and less boredom. Temperature oscillated between -1 and -2 C; there was a weak headwind on the outwards leg, strong enough to slow my low power Vado SL ride though. At least I felt warm to pedal hard! (That changed on the tailwind return when I started suffering from the cold a little).


Artezan "Too Young To Be Herod", 2022 Christmas Stout, 9% ABV. The last year batch tastes dry and is really bitter!

The name comes from an old Polish comedy movie:
A boy: 'I want to be a Herod in the nativity play!'
An older man: 'You're too young to be a Herod!'



26 km in one hour and seventeen minutes.
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(You're) Too Young To Be (A) Herod :)

Gimme a reason to ride! :) I fancied riding to a friendly (and excellent) craft brewery, Artezan on Wednesday. Took a longer route than necessary for more workout and less boredom. Temperature oscillated between -1 and -2 C; there was a weak headwind on the outwards leg, strong enough to slow my low power Vado SL ride though. At least I felt warm to pedal hard! (That changed on the tailwind return when I started suffering from the cold a little).

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Artezan "Too Young To Be Herod", 2022 Christmas Stout, 9% ABV. The last year batch tastes dry and is really bitter!

The name comes from an old Polish comedy movie:
A boy: 'I want to be a Herod in the nativity play!'
An older man: 'You're too young to be a Herod!'


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26 km in one hour and seventeen minutes.
hopefully you were able to fit a few bottles of this year's batch in that large saddlebag!
(You're) Too Young To Be (A) Herod :)

Gimme a reason to ride! :) I fancied riding to a friendly (and excellent) craft brewery, Artezan on Wednesday. Took a longer route than necessary for more workout and less boredom. Temperature oscillated between -1 and -2 C; there was a weak headwind on the outwards leg, strong enough to slow my low power Vado SL ride though. At least I felt warm to pedal hard! (That changed on the tailwind return when I started suffering from the cold a little).

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Artezan "Too Young To Be Herod", 2022 Christmas Stout, 9% ABV. The last year batch tastes dry and is really bitter!

The name comes from an old Polish comedy movie:
A boy: 'I want to be a Herod in the nativity play!'
An older man: 'You're too young to be a Herod!'


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26 km in one hour and seventeen minutes.
I need to see that movie now.
hopefully you were able to fit a few bottles of this year's batch in that large saddlebag!
That backpack-pannier would fit many bottles! Only I was afraid to break too many of them in case of a crash :)
"Herod" is only brewed once a year before Xmas. Had no chance to buy it in December last year!

I need to see that movie now.
That extremely funny grotesque about the life under Communism in 1970s is "Teddy Bear" (Miś) by Stanisław Bareja (1981). Unfortunately I could not find a version with English subtitles on YT :(

The scene from a fast-food bar. Turn the CC on for English subtitles!


The idea that metal plates could be screwed to the table, and the spoons could be connected with a chain (as not to steal the utensils) was so funny that you can find "Teddy Bear stylized" eating places in Poland today! :) (Here, a fast-food bar in Wrocław).
I have every reason to believe that its based on real events😂
Its the acceptance of fate thats the darkest of the humour.
We had a trendy cafe open up by the beach, you had to queue for a ticket and the kitchen called your number, you went up and chose your food, they gave you another ticket and you queued to pay for it.
I just looked at the first ticket and said
Ez dis Soviet Rusha?
Every grotesque has elements of truth beneath...
Perhaps not exactly the metal plates screwed to the table or the spoons on the chain but trust me: If you ever entered a "fast-food restaurant" in Communist Poland, you would never forget the looks or the bad smell...

I finally got a day without howling winds so it was time for an epic ride again! I decided to leave at first light around 8am, it was a bit chilly at -1C but didn't feel that cold due to the lack of wind! The downside of leaving at this time is fighting rush hour traffic as the back roads were ruled out due to possible ice so I had to use the main roads, thankfully it was mostly incident free! I decided to head to Callander which is always a favourite ride, more so in the warmer weather of course!

On my way I stopped at the Whitefield Pond in Lennoxtown to grab my first photos, the Campsie Hills were lit up in the morning sun!


The wildlife headed towards me in the hope of some food, it wasn't forthcoming ;)

I was still heading NW towards Aberfoyle and the weather was so lovely, I was in cycling heaven as these roads were pretty quiet and the scenery was so nice in the sunshine! The difference in temp was very noticable when I was out of the sun but I was well wrapped up and my heated gloves were keeping my hands nice and toasty! @Readytoride This was my first long ride since receiving the new batteries and they lasted for over 7 hours on the first setting, they switched off just a couple of miles from home so I was very happy with that👍 I had my original batteries in my bag just in case but I didn't need them!

You can see the frost in this photo which was taken near the village of Dumgoyne!

A couple of miles further and I took these contrasting photos, the first one is facing north towards the Dukes Pass and the second is facing south from the same position!


While I was stopped these 2 started trotting towards me in the field opposite, they suddenly stopped and turned away...maybe they didn't like the look of me🤣

I arrived at Braeval where I thought about using the high route over the Dukes Pass from Aberfoyle to Callander but on arriving at the roundabout at Braeval where it would be a left turn for Aberfoyle it was still very frosty so I turned right instead towards Port Of Menteith! I was pleasantly surprised to see some lovely new tarmac up the climb, sadly just as I crested the climb it was back to potholes and a very uneven road! Thankfully as I continued on the road improved again, I reached the top of a big descent and grabbed this photo before I descended! These 2 guys were pretty fit as they flew up the big climb, no electric assist for them!

I passed the Lake Of Menteith and just had to stop for some photos, the only Lake in Scotland as all the others are called lochs!

Right at the waters edge!

This one was taken from the village of Port Of Menteith!

I continued on towards the village of Ruskie and grabbed this photo from the top of the climb looking back down, this road had also received some lovely new tarmac and was a real joy to ride!

This is just before reaching Ruskie, the temp had climbed to a balmy 4C now!

The roads here were in pretty good condition thankfully!


A few miles later and I arrived at my destination of Callander, this is from the bridge in the centre of the town!


I had now covered 51 miles and was using my second battery after switching my first one at 26% with 39 miles covered, I was now heading east towards the city of Stirling where I had my only incident of the day! Its one of those places with constant roundabouts and I was going along fine until almost the last roundabout when I was going straight through and noticed a white Audi approaching the roundabout to my left which meant I had right of way! I kept looking at him and thought, this guy isn't slowing down which he most certainly should be:rolleyes: I let out a roar for him to slow down as he was heading straight for me, thankfully my voice was heard and he finally braked and looked at me as if to say, whats your problem? Total idiot...

Anyway I finally got out of the city and was heading towards Airth, from here you get a nice view of the Ochil Hills!

This is looking back towards the Wallace Monument!

The final photo of the day looking towards the Clackmannanshire Bridge in the distance, just before arriving in Airth!

Onwards towards Falkirk now and I changed my second battery at 25% with 82 miles covered so I got 43 miles from the second battery which was pretty good considering the cold temps! So I now had a fully charged battery with around 20 miles to go and lots of climbing to come, so I cranked the assist up to Sport (level 4) and flew up the remaining hills with relative ease despite some pretty tired legs! I did have one more incident going through Glenn Village when a van decided he just had to get in front of me before the huge climb up to Shieldhill, his pass was actually fine but I was right on his tail down the descent before the climb and hit a big drain right in the middle of the road which I didn't see because I was so close to the van! Thankfully I kept control but it really jolted me and my right shoulder was very painful for a bit! Thankfully the pain passed soon and I enjoyed the remainder of the ride home!

What a brilliant day, it really makes a huge difference when you don't have a howling wind buffeting you all over the place! I had a very filthy salt covered bike when I arrived home so it got a good wash and a chain lube, then it was my turn to get a wash and boy did I enjoy that hot shower!:D


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my heated gloves were keeping my hands nice and toasty! @Readytoride This was my first long ride since receiving the new batteries and they lasted for over 7 hours on the first setting, they switched off just a couple of miles from home so I was very happy with that👍
Outstanding news. I have yet to use mine since I've stopped riding for a bit - I've been VERY busy with other obligations and have zero time to ride, plus the weather has not been "bike friendly" at all. As soon as i can hop on my bike again, I'll let you know how my gloves are performing.😁
Seven hour forty minutes at -1 C! Rab...
-1C at the start, not all the way ;) It did take a few hours to go above zero though!
Outstanding news. I have yet to use mine since I've stopped riding for a bit - I've been VERY busy with other obligations and have zero time to ride, plus the weather has not been "bike friendly" at all. As soon as i can hop on my bike again, I'll let you know how my gloves are performing.😁
Just a heads up regarding charging, leave them on charge for a few hours after the green light appears!