World War III

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BTW…Russia claims there is no blockade yet have attempted to exclude the world from a third of the International waters in the Black Sea. You saw what the Ukrainians did to Russia’s flagship. A small flotilla of our Navy with minesweepers could open the ports with nothing but crying from Putin.
Honest question . Do you feel the USA is in better shape under the Biden administration?
Honest question . Do you feel the USA is in better shape under the Biden administration?
Compared to Trump most definitely yes but we'll need to wait for a couple of more years to know for sure. What we do know is that Trump increased the deficit the same amount as Obama but he did in half the time with no wars and no recession. I've no idea why people seem to think Republicans do better with the economy than Democrats as the past few Presidents seem to say the opposite. What we do know is that Clinton left the economy in great shape. Bush left it in the toilet. Obama brought it back. Trump left it in the toilet. We'll know in a couple of years where Biden will leave it. The one thing I'm very sure of is that if Biden goes for a second term and loses he will not attempt a coup to stay in power. That alone will leave the USA in much better shape than Trump.
The demented Joe is now quietly telling farm suppliers to buy Russian fertilizer. Of course....after he, as a corrupt puppet, led America and the globe in general down the path to ruin.
BTW…Russia claims there is no blockade yet have attempted to exclude the world from a third of the International waters in the Black Sea. You saw what the Ukrainians did to Russia’s flagship. A small flotilla of our Navy with minesweepers could open the ports with nothing but crying from Putin.
So out of touch with reality; Russia already cleared the mines in the area it controls and needs permission from Ukraine to clear the mines Ukraine placed in its own shipping lanes, so that UKraine can export their foodstuffs. Ukraine, though, fears that it makes it easier for Russia to take Odessa, so it refuses and lies about it. There's no blockade, there is just fear
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) judged on 28 May that the Russian military was directing a large part of its combat-effective forces into the battle of Sievierodonetsk, weakening other front lines and risking exhausting its remaining troops. The ISW cautioned that the effort invested in the capture of Sievierodonetsk did not seem fitting for the location's limited strategic value. The Ukrainian military analyst Oleh Zhdanov believes this is the last offensive Russia can undertake before Western military aid reaches Ukrainian forces. Ukrainian forces may be withdrawing to preserve their forces.
These podcasts are awesome:

In the above, they argue that both Ukraine and Russia have taken grevious losses and the war may settle into a phase of mutual exhaustion soon. And that even if the Russians are exhausted first the Ukrainians might not be able to go on the offensive.
The article might be pay walled…in which case tell me
Here are a few of the comments

It's not the Ukrainian forces that must hold, it's the United States and Europe. More than that, we need to go on the offensive and build and ship whatever Ukraine needs. Otherwise, we will have allowed naked aggression to win the day, and then we will have to do this again elsewhere. Hitler taught us that lesson.

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I'm getting a little tired of this narrative that somehow the momentum has shifted to Russia, and that if Russia takes Sievierodonetsk, then we may as well start printing news maps without Ukraine. Consider the following:

(1) A few weeks into the war, Russia controlled 27% of Ukraine. Now it controls 20%.

(2) Ukraine has been mounting successful counteroffensives in the south, along the Kherson axis. You have to dig a bit to find articles about this.

(3) Anyone who has played Risk knows that you can be losing, but turn in a trio of cards and use them to put a bunch of armies on one territory, and use them to mount a successful attack on an adjacent territory or two, but you won't last long. That's kind of like what Russia is doing in Luhansk . . .they are throwing everything they've got on a narrow area. They're having some tactical success, but paying a huge price, and it won't create any sustainable momentum.

(4) There is a significant resistance movement in Russian-occupied parts of Ukraine. And there is significant resistance to Russian efforts to conscript men of military age in their newly created "people's republics" in Luhansk and Donetsk.

All this said, we need to get all the stuff to Ukraine ASAP. And it would help if the American media would stop filling their broadcasts and newspapers with daily articles on gas prices (the content of which is the same each day - interview some "working class looking" guy in a dirty T-shirt gassing up his pickup truck while he claims that he and his family will have to eat sawdust for breakfast), or pablum like the Johnny Depp trial. We need to keep Ukraine front and center in the hearts and minds of America's leaders and ordinary people.

11 hours ago
And it would help if the American media would stop filling their broadcasts and newspapers with daily articles on gas prices (the content of which is the same each day - interview some "working class looking" guy in a dirty T-shirt gassing up his pickup truck while he claims that he and his family will have to eat sawdust for breakfast),
I'm not addicted to motor vehicle fuel, but 99.99% of American voters are. More fuel has been exported this year than ever before. Congress needs to act to stop or limit that. I thought the constitution prohibited export limitation, but after reading it, Article 9 only prohibits taxes on exports from any state. We may have long standing gas/diesel supply contracts with Canada/Mexico that should be maintained, but fuel going to Europe Far East & Africa needs to stop. Or the next election will end the US democracy.
I'm not addicted to motor vehicle fuel, but 99.99% of American voters are. More fuel has been exported this year than ever before. Congress needs to act to stop or limit that. I thought the constitution prohibited export limitation, but after reading it, Article 9 only prohibits taxes on exports from any state. We may have long standing gas/diesel supply contracts with Canada/Mexico that should be maintained, but fuel going to Europe Far East & Africa needs to stop. Or the next election will end the US democracy.
I’m not convinced that restricting exports is the answer. I’d rather see domestic production encouraged by a change in the governing party.

As long as the Democratic Party is in control, no intelligent CEO would risk boosting production, as they can’t be certain they won’t be shut down by policy changes. So far, Biden has shut down the Keystone Pipeline, and has been considering shutdown of Line 5 and Line 3. In Washington State, the democrats have declared combustion vehicle sales to be illegal by 2030 (and California by 2035)! Heck, even new registrations will be illegal in Washington, so don’t try to move here with your existing combustion vehicle. 🤡 This crap is stupid, as the shift will ultimately occur without being forced, and the electrical grid can’t yet handle it anyway. Let the free markets operate!
"Let the free markets operate!" It is operating. There is no fuel shortage.
Right….meanwhile, Biden states clearly that he wants to stop all fracking, shuts down Keystone, states ban combustion engines, and we give away taxpayers’ money to incentivize people to buy EV’s. That’s a free market?
It’s sad to think this war probably never would of happened with the re-election of the orange Godzilla. Love him or loathe him, he scared the Hell out of these despots. Nobody is afraid of Biden. Except maybe Cornpop .
Right….meanwhile, Biden states clearly that he wants to stop all fracking, shuts down Keystone, states ban combustion engines, and we give away taxpayers’ money to incentivize people to buy EV’s. That’s a free market?
Not sure where you're getting your information, but it's very misleading.

The reason prices are high is because of 2 things, mainly:

1. Oil companies LIKE high prices - they're making a ton of profit for their investors (which probably include you and me, through mutual funds and retirement investments). They don't WANT to increase production, because that would lower the price.

2. While oil companies received a ton of bailout money, instead of using that to keep their employees, they let over 100,000 of them go, so they have a real labor shortage right now.

I understand you really really really really REALLY want to blame Biden and Democrats, but the facts just don't support you.
Not sure where you're getting your information, but it's very misleading.

The reason prices are high is because of 2 things, mainly:

1. Oil companies LIKE high prices - they're making a ton of profit for their investors (which probably include you and me, through mutual funds and retirement investments). They don't WANT to increase production, because that would lower the price.

2. While oil companies received a ton of bailout money, instead of using that to keep their employees, they let over 100,000 of them go, so they have a real labor shortage right now.

I understand you really really really really REALLY want to blame Biden and Democrats, but the facts just don't support you.
No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry,” Biden stated on stage during a Democrat primary debate.

“No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period,” Biden said of his energy policies if he’d win the presidency. “It ends.”

Have to hand it to him, he kept his word.
No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry,” Biden stated on stage during a Democrat primary debate.

“No more drilling, including offshore. No ability for the oil industry to continue to drill, period,” Biden said of his energy policies if he’d win the presidency. “It ends.”

Have to hand it to him, he kept his word.
Right and if you want to have an inhabitable world left then these are the things that need to be done although it may already be too late.
Right and if you want to have an inhabitable world left then these are the things that need to be done although it may already be too late.
Relying on renewables would be nice but we certainly are not ready for it. Maybe in 20 years, if we are lucky. The Chinese have a new coal fired plant come online every week, so whatever the west does has little overall effect. Even John Kerry admitted that.
Relying on renewables would be nice but we certainly are not ready for it. Maybe in 20 years, if we are lucky. The Chinese have a new coal fired plant come online every week, so whatever the west does has little overall effect. Even John Kerry admitted that.
Your solution is for the USA to do what China does?
There has been a reset the paradigm shifted, things can get a little better, the fact is the past is gone and we will not get to see it totally like it was. It seemed there was too much"good feeling" and there had to be a shakeup, the world is shifting toward parity of sorts with the lower mid-class getting closer to its third-world cousins, while the one percenters and plutocrats will come out of this richer than before( mark my words)
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