World War III

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Read This: "Putin’s Troops Sabotage Missile System to Sell as Scrap Metal: Ukraine"
Ukrainian authorities say they have uncovered an alleged new scheme from fed-up Russian troops angling to get out of the war: They’re apparently now sabotaging their own weapons and trying to sell the parts as scrap metal.

That’s according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry, which on Tuesday named and shamed the Russian forces they say failed spectacularly in a recent attempt to sell off parts of Russian missile systems in the Donetsk region.

“In order to avoid going to the frontline, the commanders of a squadron from the 933rd anti-aircraft missile regiment… decided to make their equipment unfit for active service,” the agency said in a statement. The troops “removed the control units from Tor-M2U [missile systems] and decided to sell them at a collection point for precious metals.”
The plan is said to have backfired when the troops demanded a higher payoff for the goods, prompting the local workers at the scrap metal point to alert law enforcement of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic.

Ukrainian intelligence says the damaged Russian equipment was ultimately blamed on active fighting rather than sabotage, with the entrepreneurial troops sent back to the frontline despite their best efforts. They were identified as members of the 933rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the 150th Motorized Rifle Division, part of the 8th Guards Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District.

The intelligence arm of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry did not disclose how it learned of the apparent sabotage scheme. But the report adds to a long list of increasingly creative attempts by Russian troops to abandon the fight, from fake marriage to self-injury.

In response to the rock-bottom morale among troops, there have been reports of the Russian military sending in FSB officers and high-ranking brass to keep tabs on disloyal troops.
Well, there is not a lot to write about except that both sides seem to be taking fearsome casualties for very little being accomplished on the ground.

Other news has eclipsed the War in the last few days here in the States.
I don't believe Ukraine can pay for anything. Their economy has been shut down at the Black Sea and Sea of Azov ports. Grain has been languishing in bins which the Russians blow up occasionally. They were selling aircraft & missile parts to Russia, but those factories were blown up early in the conflict.
They got 40 billion grifted from U.S. tax payers!
Read This: "Putin’s Troops Sabotage Missile System to Sell as Scrap Metal: Ukraine"
Ukrainian authorities say they have uncovered an alleged new scheme from fed-up Russian troops angling to get out of the war: They’re apparently now sabotaging their own weapons and trying to sell the parts as scrap metal.

That’s according to the Main Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine’s Defense Ministry, which on Tuesday named and shamed the Russian forces they say failed spectacularly in a recent attempt to sell off parts of Russian missile systems in the Donetsk region.

“In order to avoid going to the frontline, the commanders of a squadron from the 933rd anti-aircraft missile regiment… decided to make their equipment unfit for active service,” the agency said in a statement. The troops “removed the control units from Tor-M2U [missile systems] and decided to sell them at a collection point for precious metals.”
The plan is said to have backfired when the troops demanded a higher payoff for the goods, prompting the local workers at the scrap metal point to alert law enforcement of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic.

Ukrainian intelligence says the damaged Russian equipment was ultimately blamed on active fighting rather than sabotage, with the entrepreneurial troops sent back to the frontline despite their best efforts. They were identified as members of the 933rd Anti-Aircraft Missile Regiment of the 150th Motorized Rifle Division, part of the 8th Guards Combined Arms Army of the Southern Military District.

The intelligence arm of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry did not disclose how it learned of the apparent sabotage scheme. But the report adds to a long list of increasingly creative attempts by Russian troops to abandon the fight, from fake marriage to self-injury.

In response to the rock-bottom morale among troops, there have been reports of the Russian military sending in FSB officers and high-ranking brass to keep tabs on disloyal troops.
Keep gobling up that Goebbels Media garbage.........
Mulezen, you're always posting links/articles from the Daily Beast. Is this a reputable news source? I don't know it so I am genuinely asking, not just casting aspersions.
It's Clintonite media.

Chelsea Clinton nets $9M since 2011 from corporate board​

Evie Fordham
January 7, 2020

Chelsea Clinton, the daughter of ex-President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton, has made nearly $9 million worth of stock since she joined the board of media company IAC/InterActiveCorp in 2011, according to SEC filings.
Clinton, 39, has worked for consulting firm McKinsey & Company and NBC in addition to serving on the board of IAC, which is led by Clinton ally Barry Diller.
She is also on the board of travel technology company Expedia, which Diller chairs. She has been awarded roughly $80,000 worth of Expedia stock since 2017, according to SEC filings.
IAC, whose portfolio includes and The Daily Beast...
Here‘s their latest wish list. Anything else ?

1,000 howitzers, chambered in 155mm NATO-standard shells

- 300 multiple-launch rocket systems (MLRS)

- 500 tanks

- 2,000 armoured vehicles

- 1,000 drones
WW III? More like the global betrayal of humanity. The concentration of wealth has opened the way for evil to run unchecked.
[ Written and directed by His "Red Right hand'] I declare some of these actions makes a person believe in a pure unmitigated "Evil Force" "In Hell the streets are neat, the lawns mowed, but there is always a headache or other irritant.,"
I don't believe Ukraine can pay for anything. Their economy has been shut down at the Black Sea and Sea of Azov ports. Grain has been languishing in bins which the Russians blow up occasionally. They were selling aircraft & missile parts to Russia, but those factories were blown up early in the conflict.
51st State?
51st State?
Ukraine was not allowed in NATO partially because so many of their citizens spoke Russian and were watching the Russian media. Now that Russia has blown up the homes of hundreds of thousands of the "Russians" there will not be much doubt of their loyalties in the future. Ukraine belongs in the EU: Who didn't have enough operable equipment to defend them for a month in March. Those German gazelle anti aircraft systems are a big joke. Range 8000 ft, totally obsolete. Ukraine is still being hammered by cruise missiles, some hypersonic.
Indian Indonesian & African Navies should clear the grain ports. They need the grain, and buy enough Russian military equipment to stay on Russia's good list. Turkey has made a proposal. Big problem, Lloyds will not insure the ships against loss in a war zone.
I still think containers of grain by train out through Rotterdam are the best bet. EU could provide a great service: haul containers for free from UKR border to a suitable port. EU's own citizens get paid on the tab. US harvest used to move in 40' box cars until 1980. Doors were blocked by heavy cardboard. Shippers have tunnel vision.
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Ukraine was not allowed in NATO partially because so many of their citizens spoke Russian and were watching the Russian media. Now that Russia has blown up the homes of hundreds of thousands of the "Russians" there will not be much doubt of their loyalties in the future. Ukraine belongs in the EU: Who didn't have enough operable equipment to defend them for a month in March. Those German gazelle anti aircraft systems are a big joke. Range 8000 ft, totally obsolete. Ukraine is still being hammered by cruise missiles, some hypersonic.
Indian Indonesian & African Navies should clear the grain ports. They need the grain, and buy enough Russian military equipment to stay on Russia's good list. Turkey has made a proposal. Big problem, Lloyds will not insure the ships against loss in a war zone. I still think containers of grain by train out through Rotterdam are the best bet. US harvest used to move in 40' box cars until 1980. Doors were blocked by heavy cardboard. Shippers have tunnel vision.
The Nazis are now settling for again shelling civilians - this time including a maternity hospital
What it looks like to me:
  • The Ukrainians seem to be more nimble and react more quickly to Russian actions than the Russians react to Ukrainian actions. On the average, anyway.
  • The Russians seem to be attacking where they can and not necessarily where they want to.
  • Both sides appear to be taking dreadful casualties.
It is hard to judge who is getting the better results of this fight. Yes, the Russians are taking Ukrainian territory, but the Ukrainians are making sure they are paying a lot for doing so. Also, it doesn't seem that the Russian successes in the East were as great as they hoped to accomplish.
Mulezen, you're always posting links/articles from the Daily Beast. Is this a reputable news source? I don't know it so I am genuinely asking, not just casting aspersions.
DB breaks many National Stories…they are professionals unlike the propagandists on Fox. Pine Martin is another far-right troll uninterested in facts who like Putin calls others Nazis while embracing their toxic views…see Tucker
What it looks like to me:
  • The Ukrainians seem to be more nimble and react more quickly to Russian actions than the Russians react to Ukrainian actions. On the average, anyway.
  • The Russians seem to be attacking where they can and not necessarily where they want to.
  • Both sides appear to be taking dreadful casualties.
It is hard to judge who is getting the better results of this fight. Yes, the Russians are taking Ukrainian territory, but the Ukrainians are making sure they are paying a lot for doing so. Also, it doesn't seem that the Russian successes in the East were as great as they hoped to accomplish.
The Russians act with no thought of casualties and like in WW2 they just throw under-equipped teenagers and young men into the fray. They have also been scouring the streets of of the separatists territory for locals to fight. Putin will soon have to begin conscription in Russia which will be unpopular. Russia’s casualty rate is almost certainly way higher than Ukraine but they are a much larger country.
BTW…Russia claims there is no blockade yet have attempted to exclude the world from a third of the International waters in the Black Sea. You saw what the Ukrainians did to Russia’s flagship. A small flotilla of our Navy with minesweepers could open the ports with nothing but crying from Putin.
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