World War III

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Looting is deeply set in the Soviet/Russian mentality. "The victor takes it all". At the end of WWII, the Soviets looted the conquered part of Germany totally. It was done on all levels. State-wise, complete factories and their technical documentation were transferred to the East. Ordinary soldiers looted what they could (and raped women). Not only the Soviets. Poland got a large part of the former German territory to compensate the loss of our Eastern lands. As nobody believed the change would last, Polish authorities were demolishing entire former German towns to use the brick for the reconstruction of Warsaw (for instance). Beautiful Tütz (now Tuczno) looks today as a bigger village as almost all buildings were demolished for the said purpose.

There is a popular TV series by the name of "The Four Tank Men and Dog" created in 1960s. A propaganda tool, it shows the fates of several Polish soldiers serving in the People's Polish Army (under the Soviet command), from Siberia (where they mysteriously found themselves after the war started) to the victory in Berlin. In one of the scenes, a hero needs a clock. All his friends roam a conquered German town to find a clock for him, and everyone does it independently. Soon, the confiscated flat gets full of looted clocks! (So funny, indeed... it makes me want to puke). The authors of the series were so simple minded they made the scene, and nobody thought it could look so wrong many years after!


A joke I invented a long time ago, and a friend drew it later. The Soviet soldier says: "Heavy times!" -- "hard times" (Times, or Russian "часы" means just a clock).
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And the first thing I read this morning, is that a chemical attack on Ukraine in the town that I will try to spell, Marsupiul, is being contemplated. It just gets worse. Hope the Ukrainian army has gear to wear.
And the first thing I read this morning, is that a chemical attack on Ukraine in the town that I will try to spell, Marsupiul, is being contemplated. It just gets worse. Hope the Ukrainian army has gear to wear.
Careful, the simplistic statement about a suspected "chemical" attack can have a lot of nuance in the reality of what happened. There's still a lot to be learned about the incident but it's definitely different than the commonly thought about chemical weapon attacks on civilians in Syria, Iraq and Iran.

From a BBC report this morning ...

The Azov battalion, which has been heavily involved in fighting in Mariupol and has strong ties to the far-right, wrote in a Telegram post that Russian forces had dropped "a poisonous substance of unknown origin" during a drone attack at the city's large Azovstal metals plant.
It said that its fighters had suffered minor injuries, including shortness of breath.
One injured man described a "sweet-tasting" white smoke covering an area of the plant after an explosion. Another said he felt immediately unable to breathe and had collapsed with "cotton legs".

Ukraine's Deputy Defence Minister Hanna Maliar said the government was investigating the allegations, adding that early assumptions suggested phosphorous ammunition had been used.
Phosphorus is not classed as a chemical weapon under the Chemical Weapons Convention, but using it as an incendiary weapon near civilians would be illegal.

It would make some sense to use a light weight (important because of the weight limitations when using drones to deliver the weapon) Phosphorus incendiary weapon on an industrial target like a metals plant where you want to set alight many of the specialized stored chemicals.
They were pretty much here, but since Ukraine erupted, it has been quieter. Or maybe it costs too much to fly around now? Who knows?
No, I've seen Hornets (F-18s) flying below my house most every day. The last couple of days have been quieter but I suspect that is due to poor weather (even though they can fly in poor weather and at night they don't like to train in those situations).
Ah loose lips and all, eh.

I also read a bit about the Russians left a trail of abandoned loot while on their retreat. The article did mention.....a washing machine.
I spent several months traveling around Russia some years ago. Interestingly I realized all but the wealthiest people did their laundry by hand, and washing machines in homes were very uncommon. Also coin-op laundromats and shared laundries in apartment blocks were basically nonexistent.

True conversation in a market in Khabarovsk:

Shop lady: So are you married?

Me: No.

Shop lady: But who does your laundry?
Also coin-op laundromats and shared laundries in apartment blocks were basically nonexistent.
We don't have them in Poland either. Everyone owns a washing machine.
I could see shared laundries in Denmark, and laundromats in the UK.

Mind you: Because of a personal disaster, I now live in a social block of flats, which is located in a village. No shared laundries. Even if flats are small, everybody can fit an inexpensive, vertically loaded washing machine in their lavatory.
No, I've seen Hornets (F-18s) flying below my house most every day. The last couple of days have been quieter but I suspect that is due to poor weather (even though they can fly in poor weather and at night they don't like to train in those situations).
Maybe they are not coming over here then. I haven't heard any except for one that flies into the airport here.
Have you heard of the Helsinki Accords? I didn't really know much about them/it. This video explained things to me, and why the invasion of Ukraine is so important to world history. (I recommend you skip the first minute, to jump past the advertising.)

Have you heard of the Helsinki Accords? I didn't really know much about them/it. This video explained things to me, and why the invasion of Ukraine is so important to world history. (I recommend you skip the first minute, to jump past the advertising.)

Excellent material!
I do wonder what is happening to the emergency UN independent forensic investigation into the Bucha massacre that the head of the UN called for. Sure, UK blocked the emergency meeting and put it over to the next scheduled meeting.
UK didn't want it. So that's it. They need a one-sided politically arranged account with the evidence ruined? A bit strange.
Macron is acting nervous too.
"Russian Netflix users are suing the streaming firm for suspending its service as a result of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Netflix, which has only about 1 million subscribers in Russia, suspended its services in March and has halted the development and acquisition of all Russian-made or commissioned TV shows and films.... "

There's the way to get truth about the war in front of Russian eyeballs: Netflix could stream only war news. In Russian.
"Russian Netflix users are suing the streaming firm for suspending its service as a result of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine.

Netflix, which has only about 1 million subscribers in Russia, suspended its services in March and has halted the development and acquisition of all Russian-made or commissioned TV shows and films.... "

There's the way to get truth about the war in front of Russian eyeballs: Netflix could stream only war news. In Russian.
Yes, tell them what the truth is, regarding the UK/UN not willing to institute an immediate independent forensic investigation into Bucha.
I do wonder what is happening to the emergency UN independent forensic investigation into the Bucha massacre that the head of the UN called for. Sure, UK blocked the emergency meeting and put it over to the next scheduled meeting.
UK didn't want it. So that's it. They need a one-sided politically arranged account with the evidence ruined? A bit strange.
Macron is acting nervous too.
Think old money when you consider anything UK, ever hear of a "snob'? I am sure everyone of means is not like that," Money corrupts, old money can have a strange effect on the moral compass". Jesus had a bit to say on that subject.
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