World War III

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"Savagery appeased can only grow. Once you give in to it, it must escalate, like a fire searching for air." -- David Mamet
BUCHA, Ukraine (AP) — Bodies with bound hands, close-range gunshot wounds and signs of torture lay scattered in a city on the outskirts of Kyiv after Russian soldiers withdrew from the area. Ukrainian authorities accused the departing forces on Sunday of committing war crimes and leaving behind a “scene from a horror movie.”

Personally I think it's time for NATO to get into this fight and drive these pricks out of Ukraine including Crimea. If Putin ever leaves Russia he should be arrested, tried, and executed. Graham was right about something for a change.
[ For evil to triumph it is only necessary for good People to do nothing] , if Putin triumphs in Ukraine it will be a sad reflection on the rest of the World. The Ukraine suffered enough under Stalins grimy paws.
It's hard to know what the right solution is but there has to be some accountability for what Russia is doing and the rest of the world needs to do more before he reduces the whole country to rubble and kills everyone. At the very least do what it takes to halt their sale of fossil fuel. If that means the USA shares our supplies with others that depend on Russian fuel then that's what we should do.
We can't do that. We can't do anything. The US has become an Idiocracy. We haven't the infrastructure to help out the people here who would be hurt--low income people who must commute long distances because they can't afford to live near where they work. They are having a tough time with the gas prices now. Any help for these folks would be labeled Socialist and well, we know the drill. I have no high expectations for this country anymore.
I read that 2/3 of the Russian people support the war, mainly because they get their news from state controlled TV. It would seem to me that if we could manage to broadcast a TV channel which supplies truth and fact, we could change that. Not being a technician, I do not know if this is possible. TV signals are broadcast from towers, via air, like radio signals, no? So maybe there is a way to broadcast TV signals by hitching a ride (so to speak) on existing TV towers? Or by hacking the studios digitally?
I read that 2/3 of the Russian people support the war, mainly because they get their news from state controlled TV. It would seem to me that if we could manage to broadcast a TV channel which supplies truth and fact, we could change that. Not being a technician, I do not know if this is possible. TV signals are broadcast from towers, via air, like radio signals, no? So maybe there is a way to broadcast TV signals by hitching a ride (so to speak) on existing TV towers? Or by hacking the studios digitally?
Unfortunately once authoritarians have successfully convinced / radicalized their followers that any source of information other than their own is false, even having the truth out there does not work.
Ukrainiens who have family in Russia cannot even convince them that Russia is bombing them, destroying everything they own, and killing their loved ones. If you are so polarized that you are not even going to trust a loved one who tells you he is being attacked, what chance is there you are going to trust a source or information that the power in place has convinced you is the fake information....

This is the core of the disaster which has been unfolding even here in the US over the last decade (s). Specific groups have been doing everything they can to radicalize their base, pitch people against each other, and create distrust of the valid sources of information. All so that they could isolate their followers from any critical and rational thinking.
The result is people who are no longer looking for actual information, but who are only listening to sources that tells them things that they "like" and are reinforcing / confirming their acquired Bias.

We have a textbook example of such manipulation on this forum....

Once people do not trust anything anymore (and especially the valid sources of information), a society will fall apart, opening the door for a dictator / authoritarian to restore order by force ...
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This is the core of the disaster which has been unfolding even here in the US over the last decade (s). Specific groups have been doing everything they can to radicalize their base, pitch people against each other, and create distrusts of the valid sources of information. All so that they could isolate their followers from any critical and rational thinking.
The result are people who are no longer looking for actual information, but who are only listening to sources that tells them things that they "like" and are reinforcing / confirming their acquired Bias.

Right on. I've also noticed a lack of understanding in being able to tell the difference between an editorial and actual news. Most people are too lazy to fact check "news". There is just a huge lack of knowledge about how the government works. Saw a post where somebody actually thought that if Biden left office early, He Who Must Not Be Named would be president again. This is pretty scary for me. Wish we had remedial civics required at about age 40 or so.

We have to tread very carefully when dealing with a nuke equipped dictator. Very carefully. We might try to equip the Ukrainians with more weapons. I imagine we do have some military people inside assisting.
“Every society gets the kind of criminal it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of law enforcement it insists on.”
Robert Kennedy
From today's ride:

I read that 2/3 of the Russian people support the war, mainly because they get their news from state controlled TV. It would seem to me that if we could manage to broadcast a TV channel which supplies truth and fact, we could change that. Not being a technician, I do not know if this is possible. TV signals are broadcast from towers, via air, like radio signals, no? So maybe there is a way to broadcast TV signals by hitching a ride (so to speak) on existing TV towers? Or by hacking the studios digitally?
Masha Gessen says about authoritarian societies that at some point they become self-policing as we see in the attack the other day on the Nobel Peace winner on a train in Russia. We see in the US how the hate speech of the right has spilled over into attacks on immigrants and those of Asian descent.
We see in the US how the hate speech of the right has spilled over into attacks on immigrants and those of Asian descent.
Oh, you mean the attacks on elderly Chinese people in San Fran again and again.. and New York ....wonder what brand of voters they have there. What kind of setting loose the most outrageous of repeat criminals they have there.

"New York police arrested a suspect early Wednesday in the brutal assault of a 65-year-old Asian American woman in Manhattan that was caught on camera on Monday. The suspect is already on lifetime parole for murdering his mother, police said."

Or the refusal to go after Antifa as they burned cities, committed murder, and beat many people in those kind of cities where that certain brand of lefties rule

Oh, we don't like to talk about that

Or direction to form angry mobs to

harass unprotected opposition and drive them out
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The result is people who are no longer looking for actual information, but who are only listening to sources that tells them things that they "like" and are reinforcing / confirming their acquired Bias.

We have a textbook example of such manipulation on this forum....
That is pure comedic gold; attack the person for only using sources that agree, and also attack the person for using sources that disagree. Most important, is to never address any issue raised, and instead attack the person. Or the society. Just never address any issue raised, and use group attacks. All against forum rules for the cause of protecting the forum civility.
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These policies sadly have been implemented in my state of Virginia as well as by the craven Governors of Texas and Florida
From Washington Post story
RIGA, Latvia — When Irina Gen’s students in western Russia asked why a European sports competition had barred them from attending, the 55-year-old teacher let loose with a tirade against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Are you on Telegram? Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates on Russia's war in Ukraine.
“So long as Russia doesn’t behave itself in a civilized way, this will go on forever,” she fumed, adding that she endorsed the European ban. Russia “wanted to get to Kyiv, to overthrow Zelensky and the government. This is a sovereign state,” she said. “There’s a sovereign government there.”
Little did she know that her students were recording her outburst and that a copy would make its way to law enforcement, who opened a criminal investigation March 30 under a new national law banning false information about the military.
Gen is one of at least four teachers recently turned in by students or parents for antiwar speech, in some of the starkest examples of the government’s quest to identify and punish individuals who criticize the invasion.

Name the western country that did not prohibit that type of anti-government behavior. Internment camps simply for being of the enemy race or previous nationality.
Now we have this type of tyranny of the mob stirred up by your friends
"Almost half of __________ who voted in the poll think state and federal governments should be allowed to either fine or imprison those who publicly question COVID-19 vaccine efficacy.

Forty-eight percent of __________ taking the poll were in support of the criminal punishment of vaccine critics, whether the criticism appeared on television, radio, or even on social media."

But everything now is Bad Putin as the demented one pushes the world into chaos. Pakistan doesn't agree to go against Russia? Make regime change happen. There. You're gone.

O,h India too? Let's see what we can do to India for not joining our gang.
These policies sadly have been implemented in my state of Virginia as well as by the craven Governors of Texas and Florida
From Washington Post story
RIGA, Latvia — When Irina Gen’s students in western Russia asked why a European sports competition had barred them from attending, the 55-year-old teacher let loose with a tirade against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Are you on Telegram? Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates on Russia's war in Ukraine.
“So long as Russia doesn’t behave itself in a civilized way, this will go on forever,” she fumed, adding that she endorsed the European ban. Russia “wanted to get to Kyiv, to overthrow Zelensky and the government. This is a sovereign state,” she said. “There’s a sovereign government there.”
Little did she know that her students were recording her outburst and that a copy would make its way to law enforcement, who opened a criminal investigation March 30 under a new national law banning false information about the military.
Gen is one of at least four teachers recently turned in by students or parents for antiwar speech, in some of the starkest examples of the government’s quest to identify and punish individuals who criticize the invasion.

Get real. Police crash into home to arrest pregnant woman for facebook post protesting lockdown
These policies sadly have been implemented in my state of Virginia as well as by the craven Governors of Texas and Florida
From Washington Post story
RIGA, Latvia — When Irina Gen’s students in western Russia asked why a European sports competition had barred them from attending, the 55-year-old teacher let loose with a tirade against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Are you on Telegram? Subscribe to our channel for the latest updates on Russia's war in Ukraine.
“So long as Russia doesn’t behave itself in a civilized way, this will go on forever,” she fumed, adding that she endorsed the European ban. Russia “wanted to get to Kyiv, to overthrow Zelensky and the government. This is a sovereign state,” she said. “There’s a sovereign government there.”
Little did she know that her students were recording her outburst and that a copy would make its way to law enforcement, who opened a criminal investigation March 30 under a new national law banning false information about the military.
Gen is one of at least four teachers recently turned in by students or parents for antiwar speech, in some of the starkest examples of the government’s quest to identify and punish individuals who criticize the invasion.

Australian police arrest woman for standing holding a sign, by herself and with her little boy, and drag her away from her child, and break her ankle by slamming the door on it
Get real. Police crash into home to arrest pregnant woman for facebook post protesting lockdown
Have to watch those "fraternities" spend some time in jail with a clueless warden and dingbat deputies( its a circus-at least in the jail where I "served", that jail was basically a "drunk-tank" with a few "hard cases" thrown in for amusement I suppose. Jails and prisons are big business fueled by DA-DAs and CAs, a lot of these forkers are buying into jails. Once upon a time communities handled these quarrels quite effectively without the help of "bullies( LEOs)
[ Those who would trade their liberty for security deserve neither]
We crossed over Indian Island and rode our bikes around Marrowstone Island a week ago. Deer were feeding peacefully inside the fence surrounding the Navy station/magazine.
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