World War III

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Russia is happy to annihilate what's left of Ukraine's fighting capability in the Donbas. The denazification continues nicely.
I wondered about our forum nazis and their actual commitment to justice, to anti-Putin rhetoric, anti-Russia rhetoric, about Crimea, about I did a search on Putin, on Russia, on Crimea, on Ukraine - all prior to the Hillary Clinton campaign invention, back when she was helping illegally sell a major portion of US uranium to Putin.....back before Hunter Biden was being paid by the wife of the Moscow mayor...and they were utterly silent about Putin and the about the invasion of Crimea and about Ukraine. I also searched for previous to the war. Nothing about Ukraine Crimea.

They are the "I Support the Current Thing" nutjob "liberals" 😂
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Probably silly of me to wonder, but are we on this forum reading crap directly from those propagandists?
I will openly admit that the Ukrainian information and PR machine has been dazzlingly effective since the first days of the war. It doesn't hurt that they are the invaded nation and are being invaded by a presumably much stronger and more capable foe. It also doesn't hurt that their propaganda, while sometimes wildly embroidered (e.g. "the ghost of Kiev") has had at least a passing correlation with what is happening on the ground, while the Russian story often seems to be happening in a parallel universe. Kiev also has an interesting problem in that they can't tell a story where their army is doing too well, since they are fighting for their lives and dependent on a firehose of western aid to keep in that fight.

You can't deny that a supposedly much weaker and less experienced Ukrainian military has kicked the snot out of a supposedly superior Russian military. Win or lose, it will likely take many years for Russia to make good the losses they have taken in the last three months.
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I will openly admit that the Ukrainian information and PR machine has been dazzlingly effective since the first days of the war. It doesn't hurt that they are the invaded nation and are being invaded by a presumably much stronger and more capable foe. It also doesn't hurt that their propaganda, while sometimes wildly embroidered (e.g. "the ghost of Kiev") has had at least a passing correlation with what is happening on the ground, while the Russian story often seems to be happening in a parallel universe. Kiev also has an interesting problem in that they can't tell a story where their army is doing too well, since the are fighting for their lives and dependent on a firehose of western aid to keep in that fight.

You can't deny that a supposedly much weaker and less experienced Ukrainian military has kicked the snot out of a supposedly superior Russian military. Win or lose, it will likely take many years for Russia to make good the losses they have taken in the last three months.
Yes, I agree with you.

My comments were actually made in reply to a ridiculous Russia-supporting post. I don’t know who saw it, but it was a copy-and-paste about Scythian antiquities being entirely from Siberia, as evidence that Russians were legally recovering antiquities that had been stolen by the Ukrainians. Unfortunately, he quickly edited the post as he apparently realized it could be easily fact-checked (Scythians also existed in Ukraine and many other areas), making it impossible to quote it in a reply to his post.
I will openly admit that the Ukrainian information and PR machine has been dazzlingly effective since the first days of the war. It doesn't hurt that they are the invaded nation and are being invaded by a presumably much stronger and more capable foe. It also doesn't hurt that their propaganda, while sometimes wildly embroidered (e.g. "the ghost of Kiev") has had at least a passing correlation with what is happening on the ground, while the Russian story often seems to be happening in a parallel universe. Kiev also has an interesting problem in that they can't tell a story where their army is doing too well, since the are fighting for their lives and dependent on a firehose of western aid to keep in that fight.

You can't deny that a supposedly much weaker and less experienced Ukrainian military has kicked the snot out of a supposedly superior Russian military. Win or lose, it will likely take many years for Russia to make good the losses they have taken in the last three months.

"You can't deny that a supposedly much weaker and less experienced Ukrainian military has kicked the snot out of a supposedly superior Russian military. Win or lose, it will likely take many years for Russia to make good the losses they have taken in the last three months."

Sounds a lot like what happened in the USA between 1776 and 1781. Hope there is a similar outcome for Ukraine.
I will openly admit that the Ukrainian information and PR machine has been dazzlingly effective since the first days of the war. It doesn't hurt that they are the invaded nation and are being invaded by a presumably much stronger and more capable foe. It also doesn't hurt that their propaganda, while sometimes wildly embroidered (e.g. "the ghost of Kiev") has had at least a passing correlation with what is happening on the ground, while the Russian story often seems to be happening in a parallel universe. Kiev also has an interesting problem in that they can't tell a story where their army is doing too well, since the are fighting for their lives and dependent on a firehose of western aid to keep in that fight.

You can't deny that a supposedly much weaker and less experienced Ukrainian military has kicked the snot out of a supposedly superior Russian military. Win or lose, it will likely take many years for Russia to make good the losses they have taken in the last three months.
When the nazis hide in schools hospitals and residential apartment buildings and take women and children into the lairs as shields...that kind of evens up the odds.
I wondered about our forum nazis and their actual commitment to justice, to anti-Putin rhetoric, anti-Russia rhetoric, about Crimea, about I did a search on Putin, on Russia, on Crimea, on Ukraine - all prior to the Hillary Clinton campaign invention, back when she was helping illegally sell a major portion of US uranium to Putin.....back before Hunter Biden was being paid by the wife of the Moscow mayor...and they were utterly silent about Putin and the about the invasion of Crimea and about Ukraine. I also searched for previous to the war. Nothing about Ukraine Crimea.

They are the "I Support the Current Thing" nutjob "liberals" 😂
These neo liberals are an enigma. Support big pharma, the MIC, censorship and the militarization of the police. Ardent Stasi boot lickers and collaborators. Such a shame.
Yes, I agree with you.

My comments were actually made in reply to a ridiculous Russia-supporting post. I don’t know who saw it, but it was a copy-and-paste about Scythian antiquities being entirely from Siberia, as evidence that Russians were legally recovering antiquities that had been stolen by the Ukrainians. Unfortunately, he quickly edited the post as he apparently realized it could be easily fact-checked (Scythians also existed in Ukraine and many other areas), making it impossible to quote it in a reply to his post.
Not quite. You messed that up and are wrong on a few parts. Your fake news and fact checkers are never of concern, though.
My record of being never proven wrong here on any detail is something that I like, and I thought maybe there could be an occurrence on a detail so I killed that post rather immediately.
If you would like to do your best, however, have at it, ray ray.
To start with, there was nothing about Ukrainians having stolen the items. And it was *Southern* Siberia. Nothing about "legally recovering". My belief was that they were from ethnically Russian territory.
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... Kiev also has an interesting problem in that they can't tell a story where their army is doing too well...
An interesting data point today: Ukraine's MoD has embargoed information from the Kherson area. Draw what conclusions you will from that.
The pro Ukraine faction has been caught on numerous occasions using fake videos and telling brazen, outright falsehoods about the war. Hard to get the People to give up forty billion unless your enemy is the Devil himself!
An interesting data point today: Ukraine's MoD has embargoed information from the Kherson area. Draw what conclusions you will from that.
Do you think it has any relation to the strike against the Nikolaev shipbuilding plant at Okean, causing wreckage and a huge number of military men killed there?
It doesn't hurt that they are the invaded nation and are being invaded by a presumably much stronger and more capable foe. It also doesn't hurt that their propaganda, while sometimes wildly embroidered (e.g. "the ghost of Kiev") has had at least a passing correlation with what is happening on the ground, while the Russian story often seems to be happening in a parallel universe.
Sad to see how minds have been tuned into mush. Economies crushed. World famine on the horizon. They giggle as Klaus' machine comes for their grandchildren.
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The pro Ukraine faction has been caught on numerous occasions using fake videos and telling brazen, outright falsehoods about the war. Hard to get the People to give up forty billion unless your enemy is the Devil himself!
When has any party to any war not done the same? War isn’t just about destruction and death. Those are just the unfortunate side-effects.
When has any party to any war not done the same? War isn’t just about destruction and death. Those are just the unfortunate side-effects.
This one is about what Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, John McCain, and sidekick L Graham and lesser RINOs did to Ukraine to direct fortunes into their own pockets. Zelenski amassed a huge fortune in a couple of years. The stupid nazi boys died abandoned and penniless for them.
When has any party to any war not done the same? War isn’t just about destruction and death. Those are just the unfortunate side-effects.
Keep in mind that normal Ukrainian men who wanted no part of it have also been forced into the meatgrinder at gunpoint and Poland is more than happy now to hunt the sane refugees down.
Keep in mind that normal Ukrainian men who wanted no part of it have also been forced into the meatgrinder at gunpoint and Poland is more than happy now to hunt the sane refugees down.
Man, I so want to be sarcastic, but I can’t bring myself to stoop to that level. But what the hell is that crap about Poland hunting refugees down?
SIOP of the far left/right. Find an issue that seems to fit a useful narrative. Cherry pick the facts to fit that narrative, or just misinterpret exiting facts. Weave a new narrative to create a wedge issue to fire up like minded individuals. Call any investigative analysis "fake news", and lather, rinse, repeat. Sigh.
Man, I so want to be sarcastic, but I can’t bring myself to stoop to that level. But what the hell is that crap about Poland hunting refugees down?
Pay attention. They are considered to be draft dodgers.
You don't know when Ukraine is suffering massive losses as you gleefully celebrate.
SIOP of the far left/right. Find an issue that seems to fit a useful narrative. Cherry pick the facts to fit that narrative, or just misinterpret exiting facts. Weave a new narrative to create a wedge issue to fire up like minded individuals. Call any investigative analysis "fake news", and lather, rinse, repeat. Sigh.
Some nitwits think that "PSYOP" is spelled "SIOP", but you're way too smart to fit that bill.
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