World War III

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"Kiev also has an interesting problem in that they can't tell a story where their army is doing too well"
"An interesting data point today: Ukraine's MoD has embargoed information from the Kherson area."

They're hiding the fact that they're doing too well.
The current pace of casualties of Ukrainian servicemen is 10 times what it averaged for the U.S. during Vietnam. And Ukraine has less than 25% of the population that we had during the Vietnam war. The conscripts and cannon fodder are a Ukranian reality, not a a Russian one. Our corrupt, jackass politicians threw well over 40 billion of tax payer money onto a bonfire in Ukraine.
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It pisses me off that so much money is spent on the war that could have been spent on medicine or more useful things.
It pisses me off that so much money is spent on the war that could have been spent on medicine or more useful things.
People should just surrender first thing and do whatever they are told by men with testosterone poisoning. Be happy with what they are allowed to have. Reason perhaps why life expectancy of males in Russia is 68.2. Alcohol poisoning.
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It doesn't look to me like the Rushka are getting very good returns on their investment, though.

Corporal McPushups here and his comrades got slaughtered in the initial battles around Kiev, particularly around Antonov airport and Vasylkiv:


The lesson is, when a coup de main fails, it fails badly.
I’m surprised the life expectancy is that high…last stat I heard was way lower…but yes toxic masculinity is rampant in Russia as is the alcoholism that goes with it.
The bully boy looks like a Wagner mercenary.
All that blather does not change the facts on the ground. Despite the billions in aid and weapons, Ukraine is getting soundly defeated. But the West know's a good opportunity for grifting the People so they dumped more aid and caused more death and destruction.
My 66" tall 130 lb grandfather killed multiple Germans 1917-18 with a 1903 springfield rifle. Since as a miner he crawled in low coal seams 10 hours a day before he was drafted, he was assigned to crawl out ahead of the lines before attacks to cut the barbed wire. Indian Scout is what his Sergeant called him. We natives see better by starlight than European people. His brother was similarly experienced; Mother hid under the porch one Sunday afternoon in 1931 and heard the brothers talking.
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They have been doing this since the Manhattan Project. A black hole that gobbles up America's wealth.
I've lost more money in the market than I made at my job this year. Maybe I'll lose it all. So what?

God, spare me the whining. "Oooh, look at the high gas prices!" Russia is the sworn enemy of the United States and the enemy our allies. It's imperative that they be defeated by Ukraine. That will require sacrifice. Tighten your damn belt, stand up straight, and act like a US citizen-- if you are one.

The Russia-supporting posts on this thread are a disgrace to our country. You should be embarrassed to run your mouth like that-- in any forum, or in any public place. It's shameful that our friends from other countries have to listen to such hand-wringing spinelessness.
I've lost more money in the market than I made at my job this year. Maybe I'll lose it all. So what?

God, spare me the whining. "Oooh, look at the high gas prices!" Russia is the sworn enemy of the United States and the enemy our allies. It's imperative that they be defeated by Ukraine. That will require sacrifice. Tighten your damn belt, stand up straight, and act like a US citizen-- if you are one.

The Russia-supporting posts on this thread are a disgrace to our country. You should be embarrassed to run your mouth like that-- in any forum, or in any public place. It's shameful that our friends from other countries have to listen to such hand-wringing spinelessness.
Imperatives ought to really be imperatives rather than wishes. And if they decidedly ARE imperatives, then they need to be tended to.

Here's the problem. Ukraine has used up and lost weapons and munitions faster than they can be replaced by the whole western world. What they call for is much more than today's production capacity of, say 2000 of a certain missile annually. 500 gone "like that". Russia on the other hand, has been using them like drinking straws they have so many and such capability.

The EU and NATO has been effectively demilitarized in just a very few months, by Russia.

To do military supply build-up you need national industrial resources. They have been stripped.

Poopy pants has been stirring up conflict with China, which has a huge industrial base already primed and working, while the west has systematically been de-industrializing on purpose to present a false appearance of environmental care to appease a Green fantasy.

Your military's imperative was being Rainbow.

Obama and now Biden, Trudeau,UK, and EU drove half the world into China's embrace.
Now banking. Theft of accounts. Freezing of accounts. Manipulation to hurt Russia or to stop legal protest has backfired and the damage is not even seen yet..
We cannot ramp up much. We closed mining, pipelines, factories, steel mills.

Your imperative was being Green. Now live it.
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I've lost more money in the market than I made at my job this year. Maybe I'll lose it all. So what?

God, spare me the whining. "Oooh, look at the high gas prices!" Russia is the sworn enemy of the United States and the enemy our allies. It's imperative that they be defeated by Ukraine. That will require sacrifice. Tighten your damn belt, stand up straight, and act like a US citizen-- if you are one.

The Russia-supporting posts on this thread are a disgrace to our country. You should be embarrassed to run your mouth like that-- in any forum, or in any public place. It's shameful that our friends from other countries have to listen to such hand-wringing spinelessness.
Lol, Ukraine is a victim of the U.S. as was Iran, Iraq, Libya and Syria. You are rooting for evil, for those who are betraying humanity. So foolish and misguided......
Try something other than the Goebbels Media.
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Poopy Pants was RUNNING Ukraine in the buildup, with his crackhead son as bagman. The whole political mob was over there funneling tax dollars into their own pockets while encouraging the descent of Ukraine into a murderous cesspool. On what grounds can anyone justify Hunter Biden directing biolab funding?
Biden on a billion$ loan guarantee : : "If the prosecutor is not fired your're not getting the money"..the prosecutor was investigating Hunter Biden corruption.
His sister in law/wife threw his gun into a garbage bin close to a school, because she was so afraid he would be swinging it around while stoned out of his mind again. Nothing was done about it. Teams had to go out and to recover it from a waste disposal.
Poopy and Hunter were running Ukraine into the ground. Maybe holding them responsible in some way would be a worthy imperative. Then getting back on track as a nation that has industrial capability and jobs and can survive a month without China.


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