Winter Is Coming - Biking in Cold Weather

Riding 20 minutes is still riding.
How do you know about it?
I was to Helsinki this year (the Midsummer) and I could see all interesting points of the city West to East and North to South on a public share e-scooter. Not a big city.

Have you ever been to Helsinki? Or, to Finland during the winter? (I was, Tampere in the winter. No cycling that I could spot there).
Art: do you know many riders who set off for long rides during Canadian winters? I do cycle all year long. Yet, I fully understand the need of very proper clothing, often heated; and spiked tyres. I had one long ride at -9 C minimum and in a blizzard and I can clearly say: a) it is not for everybody b) Riding at extreme low temperatures is very dangerous. You know that.

We’re talking about riding all year round but that doesn’t necessarily mean completing metric centuries in sub zero temperatures. Let’s be real here. I’m referring to those who choose to do short to med commutes and would rather avoid driving in bumper-to-bumper traffic or like me enjoy riding the local forested trails whenever it’s possible. I rarely travel farther than 20-30km on a ride during the winter and anything below -15 C doesn’t bode well for either body or bike. I can’t be bothered with how far and how cold one is able to ride and so I’ll leave that scenario to those who need something to prove. The OP would prefer to bike trailer his son to daycare in the safest manner as possible and with the right gear, clothing and mindset it can be an enjoyable experience. Yes, I agree that winter biking is not for everyone yet for many out there it’s become a chosen way of life.
It's not bad when its really cold. The snow is nowhere near a slick as it is when the tenps are higher. When I say cold I mean below -12C. I need battery heat and like heated grips along with poggies. I wear a ski helmet and true cold weather cloths. No one-piece fatbag clothing.
Art: do you know many riders who set off for long rides during Canadian winters? I do cycle all year long. Yet, I fully understand the need of very proper clothing, often heated; and spiked tyres. I had one long ride at -9 C minimum and in a blizzard and I can clearly say: a) it is not for everybody b) Riding at extreme low temperatures is very dangerous. You know that.
I’ve worked outdoors most of my working life. From 122F to -30F. And in far more varied conditions than your uppity city butt has ever experienced. Why ever do you need to be so self aggrandizing. Again some of us don’t need to tally our trips about the globe to somehow complete with your idiotic blather. Ever been snow cave camping, flew off a cliff, piloted an aircraft, dirt boated at 70mph, rappelled down a ZA escarpment, or had a kind moment where you allowed anyone else to have experienced life’s adventures you’re to much of a pansy to have experienced? Always the “Richard”. Dick

Thankfully you’re anything but a typical European. Just a spoiled keyboard warrior buying his way through life’s thrills.
I’ve worked outdoors most of my working life. From 122F to -30F. And in far more varied conditions than your uppity city butt has ever experienced. Why ever do you need to be so self aggrandizing. Again some of us don’t need to tally our trips about the globe to somehow complete with your idiotic blather. Ever been snow cave camping, flew off a cliff, piloted an aircraft, dirt boated at 70mph, rappelled down a ZA escarpment, or had a kind moment where you allowed anyone else to have experienced life’s adventures you’re to much of a pansy to have experienced? Always the “Richard”. Dick
For how many miles have you ridden on a bike at temperatures below 20 F?
That would be on topic here.

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If my bike stays up, I plan to use it throughout the winter. When I discovered motorcycles in my early 40s, I couldn't accepted not riding the whole winter, so, I rode at least once a week in the winter, and I just chose the most mild day. [relatively speaking, of course, living in the northeast.]

Now, crossing the 6-0 mark, and discovering ebikes this year, I won't be able to park it all winter. :)

My bike's tires are waiting - 20x4's. :) With the right layers, it's easier than some may think. Eye wear will be essential. My biggest worry will be if my bike is going to take kindly to the harsh temps.
I didn't believe all those Hollywood movies about school bullies until I met Thomas J. Such behaviour would not be tolerated in the continental Europe.

Come on stefan you always seem to be the spelling nazi yet you screw up 'behavior', just playing by your rules.

Interesting statements Stefan, your just projecting like usual. I have many PMs from you where you where quite the bully (according to you namecalling = bully). I would love to share them.

Narcissistic Snobby Europeans are not tolerated here in the US.

There is a reason for the saying "Dont be a Stefan", and you have confirmed it yet again
Come on stefan you always seem to be the spelling nazi yet you screw up 'behavior', just playing by your rules.

Interesting statements Stefan, your just projecting like usual. I have many PMs from you where you where quite the bully (according to you namecalling = bully). I would love to share them.

Narcissistic Snobby Europeans are not tolerated here in the US.

There is a reason for the saying "Dont be a Stefan", and you have confirmed it yet again
I don't have a dog in this fight, but...

It's the way I spell it (Canadian) as well...
For "Richard" Mikes man of the world. Notice the winter lows. Only a city wuss would call winter, "dangerous".
Screen Shot 2022-09-13 at 1.39.55 PM.png
Merino wool works good as a base layer. I also like fleece lined pants. Bring your battery inside when not using the bike. I would also get spiked tires. A great read on this topic is Frostbike by Tom Babin. Good luck.
I decided on tires: ordered the Schwalbe winters. Was debating between those and the Marathon Winter Plus and realized the marathons don’t come in my size.

I also got a winter helmet, more for convenience than anything. Smith Scout, which can be used for skiing and cycling.

I think I now have everything I need for me, my son, and my bike. I’ll report back when I start putting it all to use!
I decided on tires: ordered the Schwalbe winters. Was debating between those and the Marathon Winter Plus and realized the marathons don’t come in my size.

I also got a winter helmet, more for convenience than anything. Smith Scout, which can be used for skiing and cycling.
I think I now have everything I need for me, my son, and my bike. I’ll report back when I start putting it all to use!
Winter Commute gear...

High Vis parka

Heated vest


These gloves have finger protection and zip closure pockets to hold handwarmer packs.




Keeps weather and road salt off of the fork stanchions
