Where to buy SDURO Trekking 4.0 (or should I wait for 2019 models?)


New Member
Hey folks,
After doing a lot of research on various electric bikes, I've settled on the Haibike SDURO Trekking 4.0, as it seems to be the best fit for me given my price range and requirements. Unfortunately, I haven't actually been able to find any stores that have my size (56cm I think - I am ~5'11") in stock. It seems that Haibike has stopped producing them for now because they're in the process of transitioning to their 2019 models.

Does anyone know of any stores that still have the 2018 SDURO Trekking 4.0 in stock? Lots of websites claim they do, but when I call them they're actually not in stock. Or should I just be waiting to buy a 2019 model at this point? When can we expect to see 2019 models on the market in the US, and are the prices expected to increase due to the new eBike tariff?

FWIW, When I bought my Trekking RC, I wondered if I should get the 48 or 52 cm size; I am 5'6". I'm glad I got the 48; 52 would have been too large. Other people who have a Haibike have also commented that they run large.
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Lots of websites claim they do, but when I call them they're actually not in stock.
Been there, done that. The great Haibike selloff began in February, and when I went to buy in May it was slim pickings. I called at least 10 etailers looking for a Hardseven 6.0, and at one point even had PAID FOR one on the east coast on a Monday, only to have the owner call me on Tuesday and apologize, as they has sold it the day before !! So I had to stretch my budget an extra $400 to buy the FullNine 6.0, but it was honestly better to spend more on an FS than to be somewhat limited on rougher MTB trails with the Hardseven.

You may find one if you end up calling every Hailbike dealer in the US - I found they were a fairly close knit community and even knew what their other dealers in other states had available. You don't face an impossible task, but I really do not envy you either, as I've been there and was disappointed until I threw more cash at the issue. We are getting later in the riding season, so I would now start to focus on buying next year's model.
I think I managed to find one. I'm trying not to get too excited until it actually ships, because it almost seems too good to be true, but I did speak with an actual person on the phone to confirm the order. Fingers crossed!
I am REALLY curious if its the same etailer that gave me the same 'in stock' story :D Not naming names, but you can PM me if you want. If it is, I think that starts to really put in question their selling tactics.
I'm sure Mitch is going to get his bike after conversing with him via PM. The etailer is a solid presence, and I look forward to reading his next thread on his impressions of the bike. Always a pleasure to introduce a new ebiker to the fold !!
Not sure if relevant for you but i bought a cross 9 last week for myself and a trekking 5 for my wife. UK so supply position surely different. Did wonder about waiting a while for the 2019 models or bigger discounts on 18 models, but managed to get pretty good discounts (i think - around 20% off list)), and decided wanted to at least get a month or two of decent weather enjoyment out of them this year.

Anyway, key point is i'm 6.1 and went into shop intending to order a 56cm model, but having tried a few of other models (didn't have a cross in sadly), getting measured and reviewing other posts on here switched it to the 52cm model. TBH very glad i did as they do seem pretty huge bikes and the 52 is spot on for me - i have no doubts the 56cm would've been too big.

Maybe i have short legs for my height, and perhaps 56cm will suit you.

Anyway good luck , and hope you enjoy it as much as me and the wife are :)
I'm having a dickens of a time locating a trekking 5, the same as the 4 I assume except for the motor. I'm 6'1" and going to get a 52" if I can find one.
Hm, I either missed or didn't receive notifications about all these new posts... anyhow, as WalkinTarget said, I did order a bike and it's now on the way. I can't mention where I found it because this forum has weird rules around that, but feel free to PM me if you'd like to know. It's scheduled to arrive this Wednesday. I can't wait to try it out!

I did go with the 56cm model. Hopefully it won't be too big. I'll post an update once I've received it.
Got my bike today! I didn't have time to take it for a long ride as I was at work when it arrived, and then I had to partly reassemble it when I got home. (The retailer had already assembled it when I ordered, but they had to partly disassemble it for shipping.) I did have time to take a short ride to the local bike shop to pick up some necessary gear, though.

Oh, and I should mention that I actually ended up getting a Trekking 6.0 as the retailer gave me a great discount on it. First impressions:

As I mentioned previously, I went with the 56cm model because most of the sizing guides I looked at recommended that size for my height (5'11"), and I'd already ordered by the time Teb335 posted. It's definitely on the borderline between being an acceptable fit and being too large, so 52cm would have been a better choice. But it's not uncomfortable to ride, and my previous bike was on the taller side too as it had 29" tires, so I'm not too bothered by this.

The ride feels good, although the seat the bike comes with seems a little firmer than might be ideal for a commuter bike. At some point I might invest in a suspension seat post or something to smooth out the bumps a bit more. The brakes feel great and the pedal assist system is suitably responsive. Shifting seems to be delayed sometimes, but that's probably something I'm doing wrong as I haven't ridden a bike in a while.

Accelerating to the top assisted speed of 20mph feels really quick. I had a lot of fun putting it in full power mode and blowing by the road cyclists on the bike trail while putting in way less effort than they were. Of course, they were getting more exercise, but I figure most of the time I'll keep it in eco mode. But going fast is fun, which almost makes me wish I had opted for a 28mph bike, but I'd probably just get myself in trouble with one of those... I think many of the paths around here have a 15mph limit, not that many of the regular bikers obey it either.
Sounds good that enjoying it Mitchl and pleased that sizing seems ok. You guys are fortunate with the speed restrictions - stuck at 15.5mph over here in UK....though tbh thats enough for me as an old bugger and usually have a dog in a seat in front of me :)
Sounds good that enjoying it Mitchl and pleased that sizing seems ok. You guys are fortunate with the speed restrictions - stuck at 15.5mph over here in UK....though tbh thats enough for me as an old bugger and usually have a dog in a seat in front of me :)

There's always the option to chip it to take care of that issue. Works like a charm.
There's always the option to chip it to take care of that issue. Works like a charm.
I chipped mine after claiming I could go without it for at least its first year of me owning it. Note that you CAN just reverse the position of the speed sensor from the rear inside of the dropout to the outside, then reposition the sensor from the spoke to the pedal axle to emulate the hardware chip for free, but that will mess up your accurate ODO and SPEEDO readings, and I did not want to have incorrect numbers for those on my bike.

I think the way it was explained to me was that it really wakes the Yamaha motor up, and it is a completely different animal. And I would find that to be an accurate statement. I thought 20 was fun until I could pedal to 28+. But in saying that, you absolutely MUST exercise caution on when you open it up. I would never blow by another rider at that speed - I use it for wide open stretches or on the 1/2 mile gated community road that I use to access my local rail trail.

My suggestion for you is to ride the bike as is for now. Get used to how it fits you, and how to maneuver at speed, then you can watch the YT video on how to mod it for speed, and maybe go that route next riding season once you are more familiar with the ride. I like it just the way I have it now - it remains a class 1 bike that I can turn off the chip in 4 seconds, and then enable it when needed and off its goes.
Which chip did you get? I'm definitely considering nodding mine for next year, but I was surprised at how expensive some of the chips are.
Which chip did you get? I'm definitely considering nodding mine for next year, but I was surprised at how expensive some of the chips are.
I have the PearTune MSO on my bike and installed it on two other bikes for friends. The maker himself sells them on Ebay for about $150, depending on what system it is for. Comes with very easy to follow instructions and the guy is extremely responsive to questions.
Thanks! Any idea which model I need for the SDURO Trekking 6.0? I think it's the one that's labeled as being for "Yamaha Syncdrive Pedelec," but I'm not sure. I can't find a specification which lists the exact model of the motor on the Trekking 6.0. The eBay page recommends checking the connectors on the bike to see if they match the picture, but the picture doesn't actually show what pins the connectors have. :rolleyes: