What do you drink?


Well-Known Member
Macomb, Illinois
Not in the evening but during your ride. Seems obvious but I have a lightly insulated water bottle that I pack full of ice and then add water. It holds 24 ounces and I’ve found if I ride much over 20 miles it’s not enough. I often take a bottle of Power Aid Zero with me and put it on my bag.

What do you take with?
I don't drink much at all on a ride unless its hot. I will put a bottle in the pack on warmer days but if its not warm I don't bother.
H2O but the other day I did stop mid 20 mile ride when going through town, or what passes for that here, for a 12oz mocha on my way to pick berries.
Just water on the bike. We may stop for coffee or beer, but while riding just water.
While riding I drink plain old water. When the group I often ride with stops for coffee I have a protein milk shake, with magnesium that I bring along with me.
If it's a long ride, (70+ km) I have a big glass of water with Magsmart, which has magnesium and taruine. This seems to help with my leg cramps.

One of the best bike related thing I've purchased has been the Zojirushi vacuum insulated bottle. It not cheap, but I haven't found any other thermos that keep cold liquids cold and hot liquids hot for anywhere as long.
I used to take just water. Now I have two thermos type bottles @ 500ml and take one or both depending on the ride. Also pack NUUN tabs to add to the water.
Water while riding. Coconut water after a hard, hot ride really hits the spot. Vita Coco is my preferred brand.
Not in the evening but during your ride. Seems obvious but I have a lightly insulated water bottle that I pack full of ice and then add water. It holds 24 ounces and I’ve found if I ride much over 20 miles it’s not enough. I often take a bottle of Power Aid Zero with me and put it on my bag.

What do you take with?
Gin or Vodka Tonics. Oh, you mean when I ride? Same.
Water and lots of it. Old rule of thumb was if riding in the summer heat here, if you wait until you are thirsty to drink, its too late and you're on your way to heat exhaustion. When I was younger and riding clear across town and back again to go to work, then to school and back to work I had heat exhaustion twice before I learned the lesson.

I either use a 1L Camelbak bottle strapped to the front of the head tube on the side, or a 3L reservoir, either on my back or with an extended hose, mounted on my back rack. If I am going to be outdoors for a full day, I freeze the 3L reservoir the night before so it starts out as a solid block of ice. Then I start out with a small bottle so it has time to thaw a little.
Water when I ride. I have sensitive teeth so I can drink anything at room temp. I have a weak spot for Mountain Dew, or kid coffee as we call it. I was trying to quit but I fall off the wagon very easily. Gatorade as well but I take a sip of Gatorade and a gulp of water. Actually do the same with the Dew now.
I understand it is necessary to have the body hydrated, especially on long rides on warm days. I drink something that is only available in Poland. OSHEE Zero.


OSHEE is a series of isotonic sports drinks made by a Polish business that has actually taken the market in my country. The bottle is ingenious. It is a 0.7 l disposable bottle of the diameter matching the standard water-bottle cage. The bottle is only too long for MTBs. Once you have broken the seal, it is easy to open the cap with your teeth, and you close it easily, too. OSHEE Zero is one of the very few of isotonic sports drinks without sugar available here (essential for me as a diabetic). Three flavours of the Zero are available: Blue, White, and Yellow.

However, OSHEE Zero is not always available. If I need to replenish the bottle in such a situation, I fill it with Coke Zero. For non-diabetics, there are plethora of OSHEE tastes and composition. There is even a Cycling version with glucose added!
I add Liquid IV Lemon Lime to my 24 oz insulated water bottles. Hydrating before, during and after a long ride is very important
for a ride up to 35 miles or so, i don't bring anything. i like to travel light and go fast.

for a ride in the 35-50 mile range, i'll bring a 750ml bottle of ice and gatorade, and typically stop once, refilling the bottle and drinking another similar amount of water.

for 50-80 miles, same thing with two stops.

the couple times i felt truly awful during/after a long ride, i actually think it was lack of food, not water.
Filtered water during the ride, then this as a reward after the ride


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