Wanted: Lightweight (less than 20kg), high Torque (90NM), Motor offering large amount of power 500w+, removable large battery

Apologies everyone. I have been trying out some of the bikes you've suggested but caused myself a new lifting injury, trying to find something heavier than the 14kg I was hoping for and trying to be more realistic. I tried a Specialised Vado but it was way too heavy even though it was great going up our steep hills. Work got a little busy and I needed to focus on it a bit. Back to the search when work eases up again. Thanks all for your ideas.
Thanks for checking in ...
Apologies everyone. I have been trying out some of the bikes you've suggested but caused myself a new lifting injury, trying to find something heavier than the 14kg I was hoping for and trying to be more realistic. I tried a Specialised Vado but it was way too heavy even though it was great going up our steep hills. Work got a little busy and I needed to focus on it a bit. Back to the search when work eases up again. Thanks all for your ideas.

Welcome back and best wishes for a speedy recovery.