Wanted: Lightweight (less than 20kg), high Torque (90NM), Motor offering large amount of power 500w+, removable large battery

Your unicorn has finally arrived... with the claimed range a bit questionable. ;)

A very cool design with a lightweight 26 lb frame, gates belt drive, and integrated battery in the rear hub... with no seat tube for carrying up stairs.

The new Eeyo line of electric bikes from Gogoro focuses on high tech and ultra-lightweight design, to the tune of just 26 lb (11.9 kg) per bike.

In a call with Electrek, Gogoro’s founder and CEO Horace Luke explained that the Eeyo e-bike is intended for e-bike commuters who want a quick, lightweight e-bike that offers a premium experience over other brands. There are many cargo, utility, and mountain e-bikes out there, and Gogoro decided to take their e-bike in a different direction, aiming for a premium ride experience with an ultralight design.This isn’t an e-bike that you wait for the elevator with at the train station. It’s 10 steps, you can just toss the Eeyo over your shoulder and jog up the stairs with it.

The word premium might be an understatement here. The Eeyo 1 features a carbon fiber frame and fork, while the Eeyo 1s also includes carbon fiber rims, seat post, and handlebar. Pretty much anything that can be made out of carbon fiber is made out of carbon fiber. The frame also uses a novel design that removes the typical seat tube. Other than the extra carbon and the paint color options, the two models are otherwise nearly identical.

gogoro eeyo 1 electric bike

Both feature a Gates carbon belt drive transmission with a torque sensor for ultra-smooth pedal assist as well as front disc brakes and rear V brakes. The inclusion of V-brakes on the rear struck me as a bit odd at first, but they make room for the biggest innovation of all: the Gogoro Eeyo Smartwheel. The Smartwheel hides the motor, battery, and controller in the hub of the rear wheel, giving the Gogoro Eeyo 1 its clean look. It offers Sport Mode and Eco Mode, and uses the bike’s torque sensor to provide more accurate power application based on the rider’s own power output. The motor propels the bike up to 19 mph in the US, or a slightly slower 25 km/h in the EU.

The battery is rather small compared to other e-bikes, at just 123Wh. But Gogoro claims that by designing the entire powertrain in-house, their system has been made efficient enough to reach as far as 40 miles (64 km) in Sport Mode or 55 miles (88 km) in Eco Mode. That range equates to an efficiency of around 3 Wh/mi — an efficiency that I have hit before on other e-bikes, and so this range is entirely possible with enough rider input — despite sounding fairly extreme.

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Very nice bike but they seem to suggest a Gates transmission (marketing misleading hype?) but looking at it I would say it’s a single speed. Might be a real challenge on hills if the gearing is as high as they claim.
Very nice bike but they seem to suggest a Gates transmission (marketing misleading hype?) but looking at it I would say it’s a single speed. Might be a real challenge on hills if the gearing is as high as they claim.
Support up steep hills is the main reason i'm getting an ebike so I need to know it can help with those hills. Thanks, Aneesa
Very nice bike but they seem to suggest a Gates transmission (marketing misleading hype?) but looking at it I would say it’s a single speed. Might be a real challenge on hills if the gearing is as high as they claim.
Support up steep hills is the main reason i'm getting an ebike so I need to know it can help with those hills. Thanks, Aneesa

The website specs confirm an assisted single-speed drive designed for fit athletic riders... YMMV ;)

The website specs confirm an assisted single-speed drive designed for fit athletic riders... YMMV ;)

I'm not sure i'd describe myself ... quite... that way, hence the lookout for an ebike that can replace my car so help me up our very steep hills particularly when i'm carrying my music bits and pieces:)
thinking the U.S.-centric way.
I agree, forgot that there are different rules/laws. Same for Canada. I was also away for 2months from posting on EBR and kind of forgot some of this...thete are somany threads now, is hard to keep up.

I just keep it to a minimum:
Specialized Creo , BH Nitro and Trek Domane +HP.
Lately M1 SPITZING EVO Is also in my rearview mirror as well. German build speed pedelec available there where you are !

But she could still get the +HP from US and reg. as a speed pedelec, or maybe no reg. Thousands of riders already do that (S pedelec with no reg.) in Belgium/Holland and other countries there in Eu. It's small risk if one is not riding fast. At least it can accelerate very fast.

Ptobably she will end up with a Turbo Vado 5.0.

That's the only straight forward way. Not light , but fast on hills.
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Did my homework and learned.

If anyone else needs the info , here it is :

Thanks for this. I wasn't getting updates in my email so I thought you'd all disappeared but see you're still on the case! Thanks guys. SO... with this Specialised Turbo Vado SL, the weight is pretty good (15KG) but do you think it would provide a high level of pulling power up the steep hills I have to go up? I think I read that the torque is only 35NM so I guess the motor must be impressive. How would you say this compares to the Specialised Turbo Levo as regards weight and lots of power up steep hills? Is there a big difference when the battery is removed for carrying indoors? x
Turbo Levo is a full suspension mountain bike. Vado SL meets your weight requirement but only offers 200% assist, so you will have to put your legs to work up hills.
I'm not sure i'd describe myself ... quite... that way, hence the lookout for an ebike that can replace my car so help me up our very steep hills particularly when i'm carrying my music bits and pieces:)

Like most things in life... compromise may be required.

As we say when racing... light, cheap or fast... pick 2! ;)
I'm looking at Alchemy E-Ronin bike (made in USA) https://alchemybicycles.com/product/e-ronin/
has mounts for rack and mudguards.
Starts at $6500 US
Fazua evation motor system.
13.2 kg with battery, without rack
drop handlebars

Very nice bike! In this price range, you may want to also consider the 26 lb Wilier Centro and Pinarello Dyodo gravel and road bikes.

Did my homework and learned.

If anyone else needs the info , here it is :

OMG! I just read the S-pedelec info for the UK. They couldn't make it any more inaccessible. I still have hope that a powerful motor on a manageable, lightish bike is out there. TBH if i can lift it and it gets me up the hills i'd pay for it, even if dear. Drop downs are a bit of a no no as i'm more confident on flat bars. Thank you though. Aneesa x
I think that this thread has now run its natural course... many options have been presented in over a 100+ posts.

Time to pay your money and take your pick... good luck and let us know what you decide on. Long may you ride.
I think that this thread has now run its natural course... many options have been presented in over a 100+ posts.

Time to pay your money and take your pick... good luck and let us know what you decide on. Long may you ride.
Ah, sorry, I didn't realise this was an exclusive club with a moderator. I'm finding the insights from all those who are contributing very helpful so please don't feel you need to stay in my thread if you are bored. I'm new to this world so appreciate the input people have kindly given and given the cost of ebikes feel it's important to consider the different opinions being given.
Hi everyone
I hope you're all well. I'm trying to find the lightest (13kg without battery), high Torque (90NM), Motor offering large amount of power 500w+, removable large battery possible.
My current bike is 13kg and I can just about lift it up the steep, 45 degree steps into our house. I know I can get great heavier bikes but i've really struggled with the weight of these when trialing them with the walk assist feature.
I need to carry up to 10kg of weight in panniers or in a ruck sac up very steep hills so need a powerful motor and a lot of torque. (I'm still learning about all of this but tried 60nm) and felt i still had to put in a lot of effort on the hills which would just put me off using the bike so it needs to be something manageable.
I've tried a Focus Paralane2 which was lovely and light and about 60nm so pretty good up hills but has no rack and Focus advised against me adding one.
Also, an Ezego commute which was lovely, but struggled up the hills and the walk assist failed up the steps. The 20kg weight was really difficult for me to manage.
So, i'm looking for light and powerful. I know it'll be pricey but am looking for realistic suggestions.
Can anyone make any suggestions? I'm learning lots as I go along from some lovely bike shop owners but I'm not quite there with having found my dream, practical bike yet.
Thank you
What do think about this one? Perhaps you would have to remove the bags and battery in order to carry it upstairs though? https://moustachebikes.com/en/electric-bikes/friday-28/friday-28-7/
What do think about this one? Perhaps you would have to remove the bags and battery in order to carry it upstairs though? https://moustachebikes.com/en/electric-bikes/friday-28/friday-28-7/
Thank you for this suggestion. I tried a Focus Paralane2 9 which looks similar in terms of spec. That had 65nm and 250w so the main difference seems to be the 500w instead of 250w battery. I am looking for something with a little more power than the Focus and preferably with flat handle bars. I am expecting to need to remove the pannier and battery which would make this lovely and light to lift... just needs a little more power.
Thank you for this suggestion. I tried a Focus Paralane2 9 which looks similar in terms of spec. That had 65nm and 250w so the main difference seems to be the 500w instead of 250w battery. I am looking for something with a little more power than the Focus and preferably with flat handle bars. I am expecting to need to remove the pannier and battery which would make this lovely and light to lift... just needs a little more power.
My mistake , I thought you wanted a dropbar road bike. How about this then? It will climb with apblomb. https://www.trekbikes.com/ca/en_CA/...s/allant/allant-7/p/30918/?colorCode=bluedark.
Thank you for this suggestion. I tried a Focus Paralane2 9 which looks similar in terms of spec. That had 65nm and 250w so the main difference seems to be the 500w instead of 250w battery. I am looking for something with a little more power than the Focus and preferably with flat handle bars. I am expecting to need to remove the pannier and battery which would make this lovely and light to lift... just needs a little more power.

you need one with at least 90nm and 750watts.
otherwise you throw your hard earned money out the window.