Here's my two cents worth of opinion:
Research the heck out of the new Specialized Vado SL. It's advertised as 14.5 kg and I've seen some videos of people running up steps while carrying this bike on their shoulders. It's very tempting for me as my current Vado is over 23 kg and it is a beast to lift, even though I love it. My second ebike weighs in at 20.4 kg including the battery but not sure I could lift it up a full flight of steps.
Lifting is a struggle for me because I have wimpy arms and a slightly disabled wrist. My first ebike test ride was back in 2015 and at that time the bike weighed 29 kg. Could not lift that beast even an inch off the ground!!
And I agree with your idea to test riding whatever you are considering.
Research the heck out of the new Specialized Vado SL. It's advertised as 14.5 kg and I've seen some videos of people running up steps while carrying this bike on their shoulders. It's very tempting for me as my current Vado is over 23 kg and it is a beast to lift, even though I love it. My second ebike weighs in at 20.4 kg including the battery but not sure I could lift it up a full flight of steps.
Lifting is a struggle for me because I have wimpy arms and a slightly disabled wrist. My first ebike test ride was back in 2015 and at that time the bike weighed 29 kg. Could not lift that beast even an inch off the ground!!
And I agree with your idea to test riding whatever you are considering.