Vitesse Ebike Rear wheel


New Member
United Kingdom
Hi to all
I have a Vitesse signal 21” Ebike
Now four years old and been an absolutely brilliant Bike used Daily
Now the rear wheel drive cog Cartridge is faulty
The Motor Drive works perfect but the Cogs move freely in both directions
So questions
Where can I buy a Cog cartridge or where can I buy a new complete replacement wheel
Thank you very much for your time
the rear wheel drive cog Cartridge
It is called the "cassette". It looks your cassette cogs went loose, and the lockring of that cassette needs to be tightened (if it was not lost).
Any bicycle mechanic can diagnose and repair the thing. It might involve installing a brand new cassette and a new chain as 4 years is a lot for the drivetrain.
No need to replace the wheel at all!

It is not the e-bike specific thing. It is just a bicycle thing.
well it looks like the free hub is toast. or it just needs cleaned hard to tell. I would take the wheel into a shop and see if it can be cleaned and will work. it could just be the Pauls are stuck.