Vado 5.0 IGH versus Tero 5.0 (EQ pack)

The X 6.0 uses the 710wh battery and a 10-50 cassette - better, but at $6500 I probably still would have bought the Tero 5.0, which cost me $4,500. A $2,000 up-charge for rear suspension didn’t (and still doesn’t) seem worth it to me. I still haven’t done enough riding on my PNW suspension dropper to know how much it really helps, but so far it seems better than without.
Last edited: are updating the UK site.
I'm afraid @DeepintheShires will not be able to resist it and spends all his money on a Tero X 6.0 :)
I’m actually glad I wasn’t faced with that dilemma. When I first decided to get e-bikes I thought I would be in the $2500 range. It didn’t take long for that to double.
It is even not a bike.
Have you heard names such as Wahoo Kickr and Zwift? There are even World Championships on Zwift.
The main difference is you are riding your own bike on the Kickr.

See, ignorance showing again. Stop putting your biases on others. It helps no one.

Which one of my own bikes would that be? Oh, I would have to buy such a bike. Yes? Make sure it's one I would actually want to ride when not on the trainer.

FYI: I tried those as well. Guess what won by miles and miles? Trying them at my bike fitter is what *caused* me to buy a peloton.

So, you go put down the total purchase cost of a wahoo whatever, bike, ability to gather and track the data, audio/class content and data shared out to plenty of platforms. I'll wait.

Then, explain to me how spending all that is somehow superior to just buying a peloton?

Here is the advantage to a trainer: For those that compete, having the bio mechanics of using the *exact same bike* you use in competition is an undeniable benefit. For the rest of us: Any indoor bike that lets us bike more frequently and/or longer is the best option. Whether that's peloton, an airdyne or a trainer. You buy the tool that most readily fits into your life. You don't avoid a tool because a biased guy on the internet said "It is even not a bike."

You have exceptional knowledge of specialized and their products. Your biases keep you from having knowledge of other options that maybe aren't the best *for you* but very likely could be for others.

@DeepintheShires Go try some stuff. And stop listening to us. We sound like chatGPT bots having a war. Buy the thing that will make you *want* to bike the most. That *isn't* necessarily the "best" thing.

When I first decided to get e-bikes I thought I would be in the $2500 range. It didn’t take long for that to double.

HA! Oh those days were wonderful. I thought I had managed it when I bought two priority currents from costco. Felt like I beat the system. ;)
Oh, I would have to buy such a bike.
Yes, you should buy a bike. A bike that will stand your personality. I am indeed sorry for going personal but it seems either no bike likes you or a bike for you has not been designed yet :)

You have exceptional knowledge of specialized and their products. Your biases keep you from having knowledge of other options that maybe aren't the best *for you* but very likely could be for others.
The point being, all cyclists I'm riding with (and who are too scared of the cold outside) ride their own bikes on bicycle trainers and pay subscription for Zwift and other virtual environments. These are people who can ride long and fast. I asked my FB cycling crowd what they knew of Peloton. Nothing. It looks the thing has not emerged outside North America.
@DeepintheShires Go try some stuff. And stop listening to us. We sound like chatGPT bots having a war. Buy the thing that will make you *want* to bike the most. That *isn't* necessarily the "best" thing.
I exceptionally agree with you :)
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It has been very enlightening to be here asking my original question and learning of all the different experiences you have all kindly shared (thanks to all contributors). There is no one size fits all or one solution for all - is the ultimate summary. I hope anyone in the future reading this post may find it help crystallize their own decision. Who knows, the Tero may even become discontinued. I am test riding the vado 5.0 IGH tomorrow. If there are any new revelations to share, I will post them in due course. If I don't get on with the IGH, I think the Tero 4 EQ may come from behind and win the race for me!

Meanwhile, I will just be a casual reader of the Tero X pages ;)
It has been very enlightening to be here asking my original question and learning of all the different experiences you have all kindly shared (thanks to all contributors). There is no one size fits all or one solution for all - is the ultimate summary. I hope anyone in the future reading this post may find it help crystallize their own decision. Who knows, the Tero may even become discontinued. I am test riding the vado 5.0 IGH tomorrow. If there are any new revelations to share, I will post them in due course. If I don't get on with the IGH, I think the Tero 4 EQ may come from behind and win the race for me!

Meanwhile, I will just be a casual reader of the Tero X pages ;)
The Tero 4.0 also comes in a snappy orange color.
Meanwhile, I will just be a casual reader of the Tero X pages ;)
"Buy me, buy me..." ;)
While the Como, Vado and Tero kept the same motors at the 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 levels, the Tero X has annoyingly increased the number by 1
So the same motor spec version +1 on the Tero X
Just to keep us on our toes.
I note the shortened mudguards/fender on the front wheel to boost its off-road credentials!
And of course, it doesn't need a radar because it won't be on the roads commuting - @dynamic red(onyx) only available in version 5.0 though - in the UK at least - so forget about the 6.0!
While the Como, Vado and Tero kept the same motors at the 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 levels, the Tero X has annoyingly increased the number by 1
So the same motor spec version +1 on the Tero X
Just to keep us on our toes.
I note the shortened mudguards/fender on the front wheel to boost its off-road credentials!
And of course, it doesn't need a radar because it won't be on the roads commuting - @dynamic red(onyx) only available in version 5.0 though - in the UK at least - so forget about the 6.0!
No red in any model here. :( Why would I take this bike mountain biking? Not even sure it can handle vermont roads. ;)
While the Como, Vado and Tero kept the same motors at the 3.0, 4.0 and 5.0 levels, the Tero X has annoyingly increased the number by 1
So the same motor spec version +1 on the Tero X
Because Vado 6.0 already exists in some regions? ;)


(A proud owner of a Vado 6.0 here!) :)


At the lawn of Specialized Warsaw.
I guess my suspicions were right after all. ;)
I gave Spec WAW a phone call when I saw the Tero X page at The Specialized man (who knows me) said: "We do not know anything. There was no premiere of any new e-bike yet. Send us a link so we could learn" :D
$149 from the
You mean like this one that I am holding in my hand?

The integrated varia works quite a bit better and without intervention from me. No charging. No false positive due to less than optimal mounting. And no garmin/gps unit needed. Mastermind only. (Technically, any varia can be paired to mastermind, but the other two issues still stand)

The purpose of specialized for me is the luxury/integration/finesse of their products. That is what justifies the premium. I think they should offer a varia upgrade on every ebike they offer (with power), and specialized designed mounting for the standard varia units on every non e-bike (for optimum rear positioning)

Without integrated varia on the tero, the vado/como remain the most appealing to me.


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No red in any model here. :( Why would I take this bike mountain biking? Not even sure it can handle vermont roads. ;)
Its called Redwood - that help?
You mean like this one that I am holding in my hand?

The integrated varia works quite a bit better and without intervention from me. No charging. No false positive due to less than optimal mounting. And no garmin/gps unit needed. Mastermind only. (Technically, any varia can be paired to mastermind, but the other two issues still stand)

The purpose of specialized for me is the luxury/integration/finesse of their products. That is what justifies the premium. I think they should offer a varia upgrade on every ebike they offer (with power), and specialized designed mounting for the standard varia units on every non e-bike (for optimum rear positioning)

Without integrated varia on the tero, the vado/como remain the most appealing to me.
I ride with a Garmin Edge and sometimes with my phone on the bars. Varia will light up either so I haven’t bothered trying to get Mastermind to recognize it. I rely more on a mirror anyway and Varia is really just a glorified tail light. But its better than nothing so I have it. I don’t think it matters though which display it comes up on because Im usually not looking at the display and hear vehicles before I notice them on the screen. If it made a good loud beep that would be more helpful but I haven’t found that to be the case.

Are there instructions somewhere for getting mastermind to display Varia warnings?