Upgrades to my XM700+

It started dropping the second month I had it around 150 miles and I brought it in as it got worse over the next 100 miles. With the next chain the problem hasn’t come back after almost 600 miles.
Regarding the chain dropping on my Trek XM 700+. My LBS was already ahead of me on this one, a
shop employee has an XM700 that has dropped a chain several times...

Unlike the problem with a 'stiff' chain link etc on your Powerfly 7, my LBS checked said my chain was fine.
The issue with the XM700+ appears to be that unlike the Powerfly7 which has a circular chain guard/guide
around the crank, the XM700+ does not.

My LBS feels that adding the same chain guard/guide the Powerfly has will solve and or reduce the chance
of a drop significantly....Check your Powerfly and you'll see the guard I'm referring to.

My LBS checked Treks Dealer parts website and he's going to contact Trek and order one. The same guard fits
both Bosch motors. Along with this new added guard my LBS is going to leave the extended guard that runs along the chain
off ( at my request ) because should the chain drop the guard makes it nearly impossible to reseat the chain in the field.

Just an FYI....Below is a copy and paste of a very recent XM700+ review directly from the Trek website comments section.....

" I've owned my XM700+ for six months and have ridden about 1100 miles over very hilly terrain. I love this bike as I'm 75 years old
and the 700 ft catagory 4 climb I have to make to get home is a breeze on this machine. I've experienced one problem twice recently
while up shifting in high power settings with the chain comming off the front spocket.

This is not easy to repair on the road due to difficulty removing the chain guard. I immediately returned my bike to my
Trek dealer who made some adjustments, replaced the chain and ordered a replacement front sprocket. while awaiting
the sprocket I have been able to coninue riding my bike by avoiding up shifting to a higher gear at a power setting above
econ while going down hill. This is really not a problem as I can up shift as soon as I reach level or up slope conditions. "
Hey Jeff, Larry and the Gang,
My XM700+ just dropped it's chain from the front sprocket ( second time in 1200 miles) The first time I believe the clutch was off ( ? ) , my LBS
reset the chain, but this time the clutch is on. I'm troubled by this chain drop 'deal'...does little to instill confidence 20-30 miles from home.

I'm assuming the chain coming off is a direct function of the derailleur (?) but could use input on that. If so perhaps a derailleur change, upgrade (?) My
bike is 3 months old....The last time I dealt with chains coming off was as a kid riding a Huffy. : )

I absolutely love my XM700+ and can't wait to ride, but chains coming off is not an acceptable option. I'm going to talk with my LBS,
who are just great so that's not a concern. They'll do what is right.

Any help would be appreciated.

John from CT

There are a few things that can cause the chain to drop, have your LBS check the derailure angle. If you've had a crash it can bend and it causes lots of subtle trouble. Next check if the master link of the chain needs replacement. A new chain is a very inexpensive fix.

There are a few things that can cause the chain to drop, have your LBS check the derailure angle. If you've had a crash it can bend and it causes lots of subtle trouble. Next check if the master link of the chain needs replacement. A new chain is a very inexpensive fix.

Jeff, I will most definitely have the derailleur angle checked. I may have it replaced because I had a minor 'crash' and the derailleur took a little hit. The bike
tech re-aligned slightly. As for the chain I think the LBS is waiting to hear back from Trek on what they will cover, parts wise under warrantee ( my guess ) . As mentioned my LBS
wants to install the outer same chain guide on my XM700+ that is on the Powerfly 7. My LBS had mentioned replacing the chain.

Ironically on Treks website, XM700+ page the latest review for the 700, the new owner mentions his chain dropped as well. Trek was going replace the chain and front sprocket. One thing
for sure I'm having my LBS leave the plastic chain/sprocket off because when installed it's nearly impossible to put the chain back on the front sprocket in the field.

John from CT
My issues was before my crash and went away with a new chain. But in my case the stuck links did not include the master link.

My LBS mentioned replacing the chain and was going to take a couple of measurements. I have 1200 miles. As we know I guess the e-Bikes can be tougher on chains, brakes etc....To change
to the Powerfly 7, I've only ridden mine 60 ish miles, but it sure feels like such a great and solid, stable bike. I love it. I'll never use it as a true mtn bike because I don't have the skills and agility, and can't risk a serious fall, but for me and my rail trails I couldn't be happier. I remember how you said you enjoyed your bike as well.

John from CT
My LBS mentioned replacing the chain and was going to take a couple of measurements. I have 1200 miles. As we know I guess the e-Bikes can be tougher on chains, brakes etc....To change
to the Powerfly 7, I've only ridden mine 60 ish miles, but it sure feels like such a great and solid, stable bike. I love it. I'll never use it as a true mtn bike because I don't have the skills and agility, and can't risk a serious fall, but for me and my rail trails I couldn't be happier. I remember how you said you enjoyed your bike as well.

John from CT
Well, I'm not out there going bat $hit crazy on trails these days, I like the uphill flow on dirt trails more than the speed on the way down.

In 2014 I had a pretty gnarly off trail excursion downhill at Steamboat Springs after riding the Gondola up and then riding a rental FS mtn bike back down on my second run. With my lung disease I had a full camelback with a big O2 tank on me, and it threw my balance off. Then I realized I'm getting too old for this and slowed down.

Them 5 months later our car was hit head on at highway speeds (100mph combined) and I broke both of my legs and my daughter broke both of her legs, and we haven't been the same. So with all the hardware in my left leg I gave up fast off-road biking.

However, I did increase my max speed record last week on pavement from 42.7mph to 45.3mph!

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Larry, Wow I'm sitting here.... stunned ! First an O2 bottle on your back, full bore on a FS MTN bike again wow and then the horrible accident and your 'still spinning a wheel '
at 45.3 mph, incredible. Good for you...an amazing accomplishment ! I'll never complain about sore knees again.

Just an FYI, An update on the XM700+ chain dropping...My LBS got creative. You know the motor/crank chain guard on the Powerfly7 , my LBS ordered one from Trek and installed
it on my XM700+ along with permanently removing the stock plastic chain cover/guard and the guard on the the crank. The end result is my XM700+crank, motor etc looks
exactly like my ( and your ) Powerfly7.

The LBS feels the Powerfly7 motor/crank chain guard will prevent my XM700+ chain from dropping. With the stock plastic guard gone should the chain drop
it will be a snap to wrap it back on the front cog...No more getting stranded. I'll keep you posted on how this all works out.

John from CT
Larry, Wow I'm sitting here.... stunned ! First an O2 bottle on your back, full bore on a FS MTN bike again wow and then the horrible accident and your 'still spinning a wheel '
at 45.3 mph, incredible. Good for you...an amazing accomplishment ! I'll never complain about sore knees again.

Just an FYI, An update on the XM700+ chain dropping...My LBS got creative. You know the motor/crank chain guard on the Powerfly7 , my LBS ordered one from Trek and installed
it on my XM700+ along with permanently removing the stock plastic chain cover/guard and the guard on the the crank. The end result is my XM700+crank, motor etc looks
exactly like my ( and your ) Powerfly7.

The LBS feels the Powerfly7 motor/crank chain guard will prevent my XM700+ chain from dropping. With the stock plastic guard gone should the chain drop
it will be a snap to wrap it back on the front cog...No more getting stranded. I'll keep you posted on how this all works out.

John from CT

Yeah - here's some of the bruises and scrapes from that downhill ride ride, as well as the views with my son. You can see I've got an O2 nasal cannula under my nose. The camelback was too small and the tank was sticking out of the top.

Mtn Bike with O2 IMG_1178.JPG
view IMG_1176.JPG
arm IMG_1263.jpg
bruise IMG_1283.jpg
bruise IMG_1267.jpg
view IMG_1253.jpg
That hip picture looks familiar. Bambi didn’t like me on his trail so at 30 mph he came running across the trail and pushed my tire to the right, how far out did yours swell? A year later mine still itches occasionally
That hip picture looks familiar. Bambi didn’t like me on his trail so at 30 mph he came running across the trail and pushed my tire to the right, how far out did yours swell? A year later mine still itches occasionally

It was swollen out by about 1.5" or more after the Mtn bike accident. My hip is still slightly deformed after that, which looks worse after the head-on car crash the next year, that left me with 5 broken ribs, two left ankle surgeries in the first month, one right knee surgery, and two left femur surgeries 11 months apart. I'm lucky to still be around to ride my bike at all.

PS: The screw coming out of the femur rod in the last photo was taken out under local anesthesia in the doctor's office, because I refused to go to the OR a 3rd time for the femur. Not fun being awake for that.




