To the "Karens", and the "Carls" out there😂 Those riding dirty too.

I wouldn't call the Constitution ancient. It doesn't dictate anyone's behavior. It's a legal document restricting the Government from overstepping their authority. The 2nd Amendment is line last line of defense if everything else fails. Hopefully it never comes to that point.

the rest of the world disagrees
Those aren't in the Bill of Rights. Guns are. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
Read the amendment. It never mentions guns. It says arms, and never mentions firearms.

My point wasn’t about the misinterpreted second amendment. It was about uncontrolled use of deadly weapons and your lame argument about inanimate objects.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Swing and a miss. Try again.
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Those aren't in the Bill of Rights. Guns are. Thanks for playing. Better luck next time.
I like how the first phrase and well regulated militia being necessary. Many many many many places in the early foundings limited gun access to people. There were cities even in the great gun state of Texas where your guns were locked up in a communal location in case they were needed for militia purposes.
Read the amendment. It never mentions guns. Is says arms, and never mentions firearms.

My point wasn’t about the misinterpreted second amendment. It was about uncontrolled use of deadly weapons and your lame argument about inanimate objects.

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Swing and a miss. Try again.
Arms literally meant guns.

Everything is a deadly weapon.

"Well regulated" doesn't mean what you think it means. The Supreme Court of the United States disagrees with you.

Swing, and a miss, Fudd.
Arms literally meant guns.

Everything is a deadly weapon.

"Well regulated" doesn't mean what you think it means. The Supreme Court of the United States disagrees with you.

Swing, and a miss, Fudd.
Arms does not literally mean guns. There is a reason for the term firearm. It’s because it is a specific type of arm. You can be armed with a knife. The second amendment doesn’t say firearm. This is not a gun forum.

I understand that your gun probably helps you to compensate for your lackings, but this isn’t the place.

Interpretation of the second amendment often depends on agenda and in regard to the Supreme Court, who nominated the justice.
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Guns are inanimate objects.
Yes, and their sole purpose is to kill. Hand grenades are also inanimate objects. If you put them in the zoo with monkeys or primates who have no malintent they will still go off, just do to their presence. Guns kill due to their mere presence. There is also a psychological factor. Gun ownership makes people paranoid. And then they act like Gollum with the ring from Lord of the Rings. 2032 saw 656 mass shootings, almost two per day. That does not add to the security of a free State: the reason for the amendment. It makes us all less secure. Grade schools now look like minimum security prisons. It is nuts.
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There is a reason for the term firearm. It’s because it is a specific type of arm. You can be armed with a knife. The second amendment doesn’t say firearm. This is not a gun forum. I understand that your gun probably compensates for your lacking a, but this isn’t the place.

Interpretation of the second amendment often depends on agenda and in regard to the Supreme Court, who nominated the justice.
You jumped on me because I simply named other interests than E-Bikes. Nothing more would've been said except that one post has you not started whining.

It absolutely does refer to guns. I'm armed with more than knives. You can throw a temper tantrum about it all you want.
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You jumped on me because I simply named other interests than E-Bikes. Nothing more would've been said except that one post has you not started whining like a spoiled brat.

It absolutely does refer to guns. I'm armed with more than knives. You can throw a temper tantrum about it all you want.

You're a fudd, oath breaker, and a disgrace to all who have served.

What is with your kind's unhealthy obsession with small 🐓s?
I served honorably. I doubt that you can say the same. My oath had nothing to do with a twisted and reckless interpretation of the second amendment.

You say that I am an oath breaker. Are you an Oath Keeper? You must be a very Proud Boy.

I am tired of cowards that need to be heavily armed in order to feel safe or strong. If you have to have an AK and 1000 rounds, you are a dangerous person.

I’m sure that your lackings are not just physical. It’s telling that your mind went there. You seem to be lacking in character, intellect, and humanity among other things.

The irony of your thread seems to be lost on you, Carl.
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good grief 4 pages already and so much ... crap. Maybe if I do bullet points I can wade thru it and not write another one of my TL;DR novellas. Skip to the very last line for the executive summary.

  • A $1000 ebike is still scraping the bottom of the barrel. Now... maybe some people don't ride bikes enough to know the difference, or enough to want to spend more, but that doesn't change the fact that a $1000 ebike (or just plain bike for that matter) is still a light-duty toy. You actually want something Chinese (as in Chairman Mao's "Chiyyna" :) ) because over there they make basic bikes of cheap components made to just chug and soldier on using a minimum level of quality to keep rolling.
  • China = cheap. Taiwan = quality. Oftentimes top quality. Vietnam = a country manufacturers moved to in order to avoid tariffs against their China plants and its often pretty good stuff as they are trying to emulate Taiwan not Chiyyna.
  • The decision process isn't that as prices go higher you graduate to a motorcycle. You can't pedal a motorcycle. You don't want to throttle an ebike if you are a cyclist. Higher prices and quality create bikes that can be pedaled for thousands of miles in a year, trouble-free. I put 11,000 miles on my first custom bike (not ebike... bike) in its first year of life. Try that on a $1000 ebike. Oh wait I did and it took 4000 miles and less than a year for the frame to crack (pothole plus loaded rack caused the chainstay rack boss to break and hole the frame).
  • If you can't understand why bicycles cost more money, thats fine and nothing negative from me about that against you. But thats just you and your own desires talking. It says nothing about relative quality and capability.
  • As to not modifying components. By all means if you don't understand the subject stay away from it. But for people who do, and can be intelligent about their actions, not improving on a good thing when you know how is stupid. Thats like saying don't put on different tires, or don't upgrade the derailleur, because the bike engineers know more than the owner does. Thats only true for some. For others who understand the subject matter...
  • As to the bit about "they are going to spoil it for everyone" This is just crap. Every month or so we get another one of these, and they have been standing on a soapbox on the internet of course - since the dawn of ebikes. Ebikes are becoming ubiquitous, and as they become so, politicians will be less and less likely to piss off registered voters in their districts. This is a situation that, long term, is only going to end one way because at some point everyone is going to have an ebike, just like everyone has a bike with a derailleur on it (except a crackpot or two with a fixie, who nobody would listen to at a city council meeting).
The sky is not falling.
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I'm talking about the electrical components of your bike. They're not waterproof no matter what the manufacturer says. Getting caught in a light sprinkle on your way home from somewhere won't harm the those components. Being out in the rain all day will.
This is simply not true. Sure lots of bikes - especially the cheap $1000 variety - shouldn't be let sit out. But even for those bikes, you can put baggies and saran wrap and rubber bands over the less-than-IP65 stuff and you are fine. An exposed battery maybe not so much but myself I use enclosed battery bags that I treat with silicone water repellent (or I build into a box where the pack's construction and the box's makeup takes heat into account) and I have bikes with thousands of all-weather miles on them that have no issue whatsoever with water. That includes a 31ah, 52v pack that resides under the cargo floor of a cargo bike, about 4 inches off the pavement.

Nowadays there are displays and throttles that are made to IPX6 standards and they are still actually quite inexpensive. But you have to know what you are looking for of course. Honestly, the baggies work great so I haven't spent a lot of time worrying about it.

Took this pic on the way to work in the middle of a rainstorm in 2020. If the forum doesn't downsize the resolution too much you should be able to see the bike is covered in water, and not from splashing off the ground. Raindrops are visible falling in the pic. No baggies needed thats a garden variety 860C display which is IP65 rated. And your basic Bafang thumb throttle which is also fine in the rain. Plugs are all Higo/Julets which are water resistant, especially when you moisten the connections wit a bit of dielectric grease on assembly.

The 'atmospheric river' we just had here on the coast of California hit me with 10x that level of water for a week.

This is simply not true. Sure lots of bikes - especially the cheap $1000 variety - shouldn't be let sit out. But even for those bikes, you can put baggies and saran wrap and rubber bands over the less-than-IP65 stuff and you are fine. An exposed battery maybe not so much but myself I use enclosed battery bags that I treat with silicone water repellent (or I build into a box where the pack's construction and the box's makeup takes heat into account) and I have bikes with thousands of all-weather miles on them that have no issue whatsoever with water. That includes a 31ah, 52v pack that resides under the cargo floor of a cargo bike, about 4 inches off the pavement.

Nowadays there are displays and throttles that are made to IPX6 standards and they are still actually quite inexpensive. But you have to know what you are looking for of course. Honestly, the baggies work great so I haven't spent a lot of time worrying about it.

Took this pic on the way to work in the middle of a rainstorm in 2020. If the forum doesn't downsize the resolution too much you should be able to see the bike is covered in water, and not from splashing off the ground. Raindrops are visible falling in the pic. No baggies needed thats a garden variety 860C display which is IP65 rated. And your basic Bafang thumb throttle which is also fine in the rain. Plugs are all Higo/Julets which are water resistant, especially when you moisten the connections wit a bit of dielectric grease on assembly.

The 'atmospheric river' we just had here on the coast of California hit me with 10x that level of water for a week.

View attachment 171878
I can see the rain drops.. Looks like the sky is falling 🙃
I can see the rain drops.. Looks like the sky is falling 🙃
Taking a pic in the rain meant a lot more in 2020 when I needed a picture to prove it ever rains at all, and also to show small children so they knew what the wet stuff was.

Last year and this year, things have been completely different. Plus I am on the coast now so we get squalls here that show up out of nowhere and hit like a bus. Check this pic out... I thought I could get a Costco run in between rain cells (got my meteorology skills on so I suck at it). Took this pic as I rounded a corner and ohhhh $hit thats coming straight at me. I need to go all the way around that point in the distance, run along the shoreline for a couple miles and come up to the top of the hill via the other side. You can see the ground and the sand is all wet... I got less than a mile before the rain reached me. By the time I got to that point and rounded the bend, which is outside the Bay and faces the Pacific, the rain was coming at me face first and almost sideways.


And here's my insurance picture at the Costco lockup about an hour before. By the time I came back that lid was full of water and I had to dump out the trashcan panniers. So ... rain on a bike that is prepped right is not a dealbreaker.

This is funny. Yesterday I mentioned that bikes are like wine, everyone has their tastes, and that it is fine if someone likes $6 bottles. Tastes develop and change with exposure. Last October I gave a friend a bottle that I really like. I had at that time taken another bottle to a friend with a wine shop along with another friend. They were both blown away. It started to really open up after 45 minutes of air. So, I told my friend to open it today over at his house. We let it breath for a half-hour. He was so blown away that he looked it up. One bottle just sold at auction for $1110. I am buying two cases tomorrow. It has been on its side in a cave for 12 years. My friend with the wine shop said that it has the legs to sit in a cave for another 5-years. It is the best I have tasted regardless of what others may say. We are going to sell it. Even if I got $500 per bottle I would be very happy. Was in the industry here in the wine country and developed my own tastes and preferences.
Was in the industry here in the wine country and developed my own tastes and preferences.
Hah I sold wine for a couple of years as a job at a high end seller while I was working thru college. Knew all about what brix meant and blah blah blah. But since I was in college at the time, I was far more interested in the whiskey section, and the 150+ kinds of imported beer my employer sold.

Sadly, my favorite wine gift is no longer available. I was an instant hero when I handed it over.

I just got two cases for $100 each case. That is over $24,000 worth of wine.
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I just got two cases for $100 each case. That is over $24,000 worth of wine.
View attachment 171886
Are you f'n high?
That's $1100 for:
Lot # BB-0125: (56 Cases / 672 Bottles) Third Coast Wines - 2012 Placebo Red Wine Sonoma County - 750ML (1 of 3)

Auction Information
Online Auction of Wine Storage Tenant Abandonment of Over 13,000 Bottles of Wine
viewing lot number 0125

Or $1.63/bottle... You're not even in Boonesfarm territory.

I've been all over wine country and Tuscany and have had glasses that cost hundreds. If you want my opinion... You're all full of s*it and it's all just something to talk about and make yourself think that you're somehow sophisticated.

But yes... Please remember to let it breathe 🙃
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politicians for the violence
I just read that about the wine. Okay, I screwed up on that. I put $100 down. It is still good stuff. I was going by my friend's word by his cell phone and he didn't have his glasses. When I screw up I fess up. So, I screwed up. There.

It is the do nothing politicians that are a big part of the problem with gun violence. This is not tolerable with guns and gun nuts when there are two mass murders per day. What is an AK good for, defending your bedroom? Nope. It is a tactical assault military grade weapon. 'Tacticical' means carefully planed, and that means premeditated. Its sole purpose is premeditated mass killing. Murder 1.