Supercharger GT touring HS: How to maintain and what tools are needed ?


New Member
Good morning everyone, first time poster here :)

So after A LOT of consideration and thinking I am pretty much set on the Supercharger GT Touring HS.
But before purchase I have some questions about how to take care of it.

What would you recommend I should have always with me on the bike (tools and everything needed in case a tire dies or something, is there any kind of small toolbox that I can easily carry ?)

When should I check for defect ? every X km ? every X months ?

I am also looking for nice bags to put on the back rack, any recommendations ? (Cause I have absolutely no idea what to take)

Finally what about head protection (mandatory in my country) any recommendation for that too ?

Thanks a lot !
What drivetrain?

I just had one hell of a flat tire yesterday, and had to change the inner tube: all that was needed was a 15mm wrench. The rear tire can be removed by hand after that.

This is with the Enviolo/Nuvinci rear hub and a Gates belt drive.
The bare-minimum kit I think you'd need:
  • A good multi-tool
  • Tire levers
  • Patch kit
  • Mini bike pump
All of this stuff except the pump will easily fit in a tiny bike bag mounted to your seat or you can make a small homemade frame bag and mount it in your triangle.

I'd really strongly recommend developing a "pre-flight" check that you do before every ride, and possibly a couple of times over the course of a long day's ride. Like this video:

Just get the best tires and use downhill tubes(thicker) and you will never need any tools.
In 3500miles i’ve had zero issues. I’m not riding a R&M but it applies to all new ebikes.

My preferred Nr. 1 tire is Specialized Electrak 2.0 in 48c. That one is a beast-flatproof, fast , good for rain, safe and durable.
And I usually dislike Specialized very much but they are definitely specialized in a few key areas of biking.

Ps- The reason i say new ebikes is b/c for a used ebike that was bought from other person/shop you never know the history and you may need a backpack full of ?....
You're using a chain and derailleur, so probably a chain breaking tool and a few spare links will serve you well. It allows you to fix a broken chain link and so get back on the road. It won't happen often but it might happen with a new chain or one that's heavily worn. Get a chain wear indicator for your home toolbox.

For tyres you'll be on schwalbe super Moto-X which are pretty puncture resistant, but a mini pump is never a bad idea.
Can someone tell me how I can reset the servicemodus on my 2018 supercharger with Rohlof , everytime I start it comes on the display. I service the bike by myself.