Specialized’s ultra-light 120-mile range e-bike - Turbo Vado SL

@Rás Cnoic: One story might cheer you up. I was cycling in Jizera Mts on the Polish-Czech frontier together with my strong brother last Summer. I was riding the "heavy" Vado 5.0 because I had two batteries for it (for the range), and he rode my Giant Trance E+, an e-MTB because of the single and smaller battery. My brother was so strong he had to use a little bit more of assistance at a very steep climb. Besides, the e-MTB has had proper gearing for mountain rides. He climbed the hill easily. I had to downshift to the granny gear, apply the 320% Turbo with 520 Wh max power and made the hill with a big difficulty. A roadie who cycled with us had to walk his bike... :)


The roadie after having had his bike walked up for a while. Can you see the effort on his face? :) Mind you, my brother and me completed the climb before him!
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Thanks for that Copyrider. I'd read with interest your San Francisco hills account & the SL, very very helpful. So that was in my head when I started riding. But it's one thing knowing the theory, another when I turn a corner and see the potholed wall ahead... I've now done a few more (hilly) rides and am getting the hang. I had to stop on one where I misjudged the steepness and length on a very twisty climb. But it's a road I've never ridden up (never dared attempt it) on my ordinary bike and tried it on a whim and ran out of gears, assist and breathing(!) so had to stop. But other then that one I've been able to get up the rest of the hills I attempt. And that is a real victory. Makes me feel lightheaded. As you say it's keeping a comfortable cadence. On the really steep parts where I'm already in granny gear and with only turbo left as an option I occasionally misjudge it and am totally out of breath by the top. But climbs I did on my first ride in turbo I now do on the middle setting, so with time, and increased aerobic fitness I should be able to judge assist and speed better & keep it comfortable.

The bike still feels stiff and a bit clunky but I'm getting used to it and pushing it more. It's great. The one aspect I haven't got to try is straight, level road speed in turbo, because I haven't gone on any straight level roads yet. As there aren't any within my local 6 -8 mile loops! The only flat ground in my town is the cricket pitch which, I guess was bulldozed flat when built long ago! Next weekend I have time to do a longer spin and will hit the cycle trails beyond my local hills. One thought on that- I never considered speed when I got interested in e bikes. Mostly because of the hills. Even downhill you have to guard the brakes as they are so technical, narrow and blind, cars or worse, amazon delivery vans with the drivers on bare minimum wage and paid per delivery can suddenly appear on bends and the lanes are only car width, often with granite walls or sunken lanes and nowhere to escape. I didn't know about the 15mph limitations versus 28mph? in US until I saw the Court video of him trying out a yellow vado on a Specialised Demo day in California, and the speeds he was getting on the main roads. Wow. That looks a lot of fun. I'd never felt in my lifetime on ordinary bikes that I needed to go faster, or rather, needed an assist but that e bike speed looks interesting and it was a lightbulb moment as to why for commuting, powerful e bikes make a lot of sense.

It also shows that arguments about e bike or natural bike, or between which types of e bikes is just pointless. It's completely horses for courses, with terrain, age, fitness, weight and type of riding all factors. Ride what you like. Personally I'd now love to try the powerful Vado's or Treks or those cool looking Moustache bikes, but will also still ride on my steel framed Croix De Fer some days too. It's all fun.
Sounds like you have it well figured out. Nice SL, by the way. Very sleek in matte black!

My entire city is 7 miles x 7 miles, so as you might imagine, plenty of hills within my 6-8 mile loops as well... :) Funny, I've been climbing a couple of SF's 20%+ grades (very hard work) and with most of the weight on the back wheel, it's so steep the front comes up a little and there's a surge of power that *almost* induces a wheelie (if not for the cadence/torque sensors cutting power when they notice it happening). Now that's a steep climb! LOL.

As to the speed on flats, a regular Vado goes like a racehorse. It's actually quite easy to maintain 28mph on the flats, and a few mph more if you're really working.

I don't have a speedo on my SL, but have checked my speed a couple of times for reference. I'm working a a bit harder to maintain 28mph, and am pretty much capped there. Sweet spot for the SL on the flats for me seems more in the 25-26 mph range.

I should note that I had a nice, 3-point firmware update on my old Vado right before it was stolen. That made the bike noticeably faster (and much more power-hungry). I loved the performance, but it seemed a little over-boosted at the time.
I edited my post.
The rider has to be really strong to keep at 28 mph even if the bike allows it. My brother can, provided it is a downwind ride.
@Rás Cnoic: One story might cheer you up. I was cycling in Jizera Mts on the Polish-Czech frontier together with my strong brother last Summer. I was riding the "heavy" Vado 5.0 because I had two batteries for it (for the range), and he rode my Giant Trance E+, an e-MTB because of the single and smaller battery. My brother was so strong he had to use a little bit more of assistance at a very steep climb. Besides, the e-MTB has had proper gearing for mountain rides. He climbed the hill easily. I had to downshift to the granny gear, apply the 320% Turbo with 520 Wh max power and made the hill with a big difficulty. A roadie who cycled with us had to walk his bike... :)

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The roadie after having had his bike walked up for a while. Can you see the effort on his face? :) Mind you, my brother and me completed the climb before him!
Well I guess I was like that roadie a couple of months back - was climbing the hill into town, a brutal one cut out from cliffs of granite. Anyway I was on my normal bike with my 12yo son on his, both in granny gear and both really suffering. we'd stopped once already and I was now determined to get to the top even if it killed me. On my last legs I heard this growing whirr-whirr, whirr-whirr, coming from behind me- and this little old lady zoomed past me on her e bike! Effortlessly, so I reckon she was well used to the hill and plus was keeping her cadence high. I didn't resent her passing me, I was more marvelling at her ease. I moved here about 16 years ago and back then I rarely saw anyone cycling, because of the hills I guess, just the odd touring bike or roadies on long weekend spins. Now there are several e bike owners locally, plus loads more tourists passing through, and locally it seems mostly older folk who e bike all over doing the shopping in town, living in small hamlets a few miles out from town on the moor or heading to their allotments (gardens). It's lovely to see. A real revolution.
On my last legs I heard this growing whirr-whirr, whirr-whirr, coming from behind me- and this little old lady zoomed past me on her e bike!
Just fancy the shock of the locals at the bottom of extremely steep road near to Kraków who could see me riding up the hill like a rocket on my Trance E+

-- Hey, this guy is crazy! He wants to make that hill!
-- Look! He's making it!
-- A real Cossack of him!

Nobody even tries to cycle up there. I admit I fell on the grass at the hill-top and was breathing heavily but the SyncDrive Pro and the 36-51 gearing made that possible for me, an elderly, ill person... :)
Fair--I should have probably said, "28mph indicated" on the TCD and with my firmware updates. :)
I think I'll only resent the lower 15.5mile limit if I find on flats or straight downhills that I'm hitting the limit and it is spoiling my fun! I won't be using the SL for commuting so it's for exercise and fun really. But I am hoping over winter to go on some big adventures - have invested in plenty of wet weather gear so I have zero excuses not to ride. I picked the matt black as I liked how mean it looked(!) plus the Specialized logo is discreet, that appealed to me. I like Specialised, my boy is riding my Ritchey steel 1997 rockhopper, but the bike cost so much I didn't want it to scream 'expensive'.
ahem, sometimes its best to reconsider whom is the stronger sex,I have been around some absolutely amazing woman and some disappointing Guys( come on, you had to let me beat you at that) I guess its good to keep people guessing, the one thing I have realized if you are uncoordinated everything is harder- when you train its also your nervous system as well,I was thirteen years old before I could ride a bike,I could balance , my legs wouldn't go, don't ask me why, still cannot swim properly( don't float worth a darn- can go a little farther then my first breath will take me, after that I cannot breath till I get out of the water) So I stay out of the drink, and get on my Bike and put out my few watts worth.
Have you tried riding past the speed restrictor, Rás?
No, not yet. I have been turning it off on top of hills and they are steep and twisty going down so I'm not pedalling much at all. Next weekend there is a long 20k bike trail - a rail trail as I've heard them called on these forums, in Uk they are generally just cycle paths. Anyway same idea, it's an old railway bed and is very straight. Has a slight drop heading one way and so I'll bomb along it and see what it's like past 15.5miles, if I hit that speed. I don't have a display and usually keep phone in pocket but I do have an all weather phone mount for the bars so i might attach that and have Mission Control on.
The feeling of riding past the 25 km/h speed restrictor is a sad experience for "full-power" e-bikes. You pedal hard, you approach, say, 28 km/h and the e-bike leaves you alone. It is like hitting the wall. What I can read on these Fora is the Specialized SL e-bikes feel very differently past the speed limiter, feel very natural and no "wall effect" is there. I'd be very interested with your own experience!
The feeling of riding past the 25 km/h speed restrictor is a sad experience for "full-power" e-bikes. You pedal hard, you approach, say, 28 km/h and the e-bike leaves you alone. It is like hitting the wall. What I can read on these Fora is the Specialized SL e-bikes feel very differently past the speed limiter, feel very natural and no "wall effect" is there. I'd be very interested with your own experience!
I’ve occasionally been able to get my SL up to to 28mph and past it. (Not too many places long enough to get up to that speed without needing to slow down for pedestrians, slower riders or stop signs.)

I haven’t noticed that “wall” at the top speeds. I have felt it if I‘ve been running at Eco or Sport, hit turbo to pass someone or top a hill and then return to a lower assist level. Then there can be lots of resistance then. It goes away after a while, I think as the cadence and torque balance with the assist.
So far I am not hitting 28 MPH but I haven't yet a long enough straightaway. Heck 24 MPH is pretty fast to me. Really bought the Vado SL 5.0 EQ for the assist in the 12 to 22 mph range anyway. And for that it is awesome.
I’ve occasionally been able to get my SL up to to 28mph and past it. (Not too many places long enough to get up to that speed without needing to slow down for pedestrians, slower riders or stop signs.)

I haven’t noticed that “wall” at the top speeds. I have felt it if I‘ve been running at Eco or Sport, hit turbo to pass someone or top a hill and then return to a lower assist level. Then there can be lots of resistance then. It goes away after a while, I think as the cadence and torque balance with the assist.
Agreed. I never have noticed a "wall." Could be different in the US. Here, it's not a "speed restrictor," but rather an assist cutoff that kicks in... also at much higher speed.
My understanding is that a 700 x 42 mm tire will fit on the Vado SL, but that's not much different than the stock 38. If you go to 650b wheels then I believe a 650 x 47 mm will fit and likely a 50 mm will fit. Whether or not that would make it acceptable to you and your wife is only a question the two of you can answer. I ride both off-road and road, but I have no issues with riding 23 mm tires on my carbon road bike and I've done light gravel in stretches. I am fine with it, but understand many would not.

My guess is that you might be better candidates for something like the Giant Thrive E+ (wife) and the Giant Fastroad for yourself. These bikes come with 27.5 (or 650b) x 2.4" wide tires. I would think that's plenty wide and lots of volume to take care of road chatter. The Giant is cheaper, though it does weigh a fair bit more. I believe it's around 48 lbs or so.
So, I have tried to look this up but aren't getting anywhere. What 650b wheels are Vado SL folks running? I am really considering the switch.
I bought a set of 27.5" or 650b MTB wheels for my Creo. The spacing on the rear works perfectly. The front is 15 x 110 rather than the 12 x 110 that my Creo takes. I got MTB tools to make me an adaptor and I'm good now. I just ordered 27.5 x 1.9 tires for my gravel set up. I think the 1.9s will equate to roughly 48 mm. Wider than I wanted to go as I wanted 42 mm, but I couldn't find anything in stock.
I bought a set of 27.5" or 650b MTB wheels for my Creo. The spacing on the rear works perfectly. The front is 15 x 110 rather than the 12 x 110 that my Creo takes. I got MTB tools to make me an adaptor and I'm good now. I just ordered 27.5 x 1.9 tires for my gravel set up. I think the 1.9s will equate to roughly 48 mm. Wider than I wanted to go as I wanted 42 mm, but I couldn't find anything in stock.
Did you need to get a wheel sensor for the motor to put on the new wheels? Think it's embedded in the rear rotor, or at least, it is with the Vado SL.

Would love to see some photos of the new wheels - this is something I've been thinking of doing with my Vado SL.
Yes, I will need a wheel sensor for my new set. Someone else posted a picture of the part in another thread. It's a part that can be ordered from Specialized. I have toyed with the idea of getting the Planet 3 for my road wheels and then taking that sensor and using it for my gravel wheels. After I get my tires and mount them I'll post a picture.
I bought a set of 27.5" or 650b MTB wheels for my Creo. The spacing on the rear works perfectly. The front is 15 x 110 rather than the 12 x 110 that my Creo takes. I got MTB tools to make me an adaptor and I'm good now. I just ordered 27.5 x 1.9 tires for my gravel set up. I think the 1.9s will equate to roughly 48 mm. Wider than I wanted to go as I wanted 42 mm, but I couldn't find anything in stock.
What exactly did MTB make for you? I ordered a set of 650bs (same front size as yours), so I’ll have to have them make likely the same thing!
Yes, I will need a wheel sensor for my new set. Someone else posted a picture of the part in another thread. It's a part that can be ordered from Specialized. I have toyed with the idea of getting the Planet 3 for my road wheels and then taking that sensor and using it for my gravel wheels. After I get my tires and mount them I'll post a picture.
Assuming this is the part?
