These Enviolo automatiq hubs are a bit of an unknown quantity for me. I find mine sometimes (but not always) gives a strange sensation when peddling, it can feel like the gearing is varying slightly between easier and harder every couple of pedal crank revolutions, almost like I'm getting pulses of assistance from the motor. The thing is.... it can do this even with assistance turned off!!!!
When I went to calibrate the hub the Enviolo app I found there was a firmware updated available, which I thought might improve things. After installing it and calibrating the hub, the pulsing sensation seems slightly more pronounced, although it might just be because I'm focussing on it now. I also tried using the Gates Carbon Drive app to assess the belt tension by analysing the sound frequency when the belt is "twanged". The trouble was that the frequency varied enormously between "twangs" even though I tried to do it consistently

so I've left the tension alone for the moment as it could just be down to my "twanging" technique!
Generally though, I really like the smooth and silent transmission and am glad I got it, if I could just manage to do away withe the minor niggle I mentioned above it would be perfect for me.
Any suggestions on how to address this phenomena would be gratefully received!
A couple of things occurred to me after posting that load of old b*ll*x above.
1. Could it be that the rear wheel/hub/frame aren't aligned somehow? (I don't know if that is even possibly a thing)
Nothing LOOKS to be wrong or out of true but I just don't know!
2. Why didn't I just try calibrating the hub again?
I ran the calibration form the app again, this time with the wheel off the ground levered using the side stand and turning the pedal cranks by hand, rather than just riding the bike like I did the first time.
I also noticed there was a setting in the app to adjust the start up gearing, so I broke my own rule and made a second change... nudging the slider down a couple of positions.
Did a quick 6 mile trip to the shops (without assistance) and the hub seemed to be behaving itself + it felt a lot less like I was riding through treacle... more of my power seemed to be going to driving me forward rather than being absorbed by the hub. Only a short test, but it seems to have been a noticeable improvement... I guess time will tell