Slowing down to wife's regular bike speed


Seems like a weird question but after biking rail-trails in VA with standard bikes, it has been easy to "bike together" Now I have a PIM e-bike, not so easy to drop down to 8 mph unless I use the -1, low regeneration mode of assist. I need the assist, especially on the return, upstream part. I tried the lowest level of non-regeneration assist, and the only way to keep around 8 mph was surging back and forth with the cadence. I was in an intermediate gearing level. Should I drop it down to a lower gearing?
Soon she will have the front wheel SWYTCH e-bike mod and that will presumably solve the problem anyway. Just thought I would ask. Cheers all.
When riding with my kids, I swap bikes intermittently - especially on uphill sections. We both get a workout on the oldbike, plus we both get a rush on the ebike.
Do you have a throttle? I wonder if you could use a tiny touch of throttle as needed, and if that might have less kick than the PAS?
When my wife first got her ebike, she hadn't ridden a bike in maybe 30 years, so she was very cautious. We rarely went over 8 mph. (Now she's comfortable at much higher speeds, it just took some time for her to get there.) So when we went out for a ride, I had to work hard to keep my speed down. I kept my bike in a low gear and the lowest level of assist, and just pedaled every so often. The motor would kick in, I'd gain a bit of speed, I'd stop pedaling. 2-3 complete revolutions at a time would do the trick. A minor nuisance IMO, compared to the pleasure of riding together. I still let her set the pace, it's just that the pace is double what she did at first.
I really like the Swych concept, perhaps overswayed by their slick marketing, but do wonder if you will get it before winter. So you'll need a solution this summer.

The big gears on regular bikes are for going slow, mostly up hills. They work the same on an ebike. Use them. If your hub motor wants to run faster than you can pedal, unfortunately you have to turn it off. At least that will help you get stronger.

Come to think of it, none of my ebikes can be pedaled at 8 mph. The motors will take me to 10 mph if they sense any motion. I would have to shut off pedal assist and use leg power, maybe feather the throttle a little bit. PIM got throttle?
Yes the PIM has a throttle so will try that when needed. As to SWYTCH, my wife likes her English Market bike, so will be interesting to see. The front wheel has been made, we will see how long it takes to get here by boat. Suddenly I am one of those people who'll directly feel the new tariffs!
I am guessing that you don't have a torque sensor?

People with torque sensor won't understand your struggle lol.. I have CrossCurrent Air, which is a budget conscious version of CrossCurrent S, and oh boy isn't it hard to ride it slow.
When you only have a cadence sensor, it's like switch on and off, a little abrupt feeling at slow speed.
I thought this was a joke when I first replied. So in the lowest gear on the bike, with the lowest assist, you can't randomly pedal the bike at 8mph? I'll have to experiment on my bikes, but was sure I can't go over that in "grannie gear". If that's the case, one of you is certainly on the wrong bike and one of you has to change.
I have a magnum brand bike and the control unit is programmable. It allow you set the lowest top speed for pedal assist from 28 to as low as 15 mph. This adjust the other 5 assist levels down as well. If I remember correctly, at 15 mph top assist the level one assist is 7 mph. That would be the speed that the motor assist drops off. Not sure what options you controller might have but it is worth asking the manufacturer or the shop you bought it at if that is the case.
I thought this was a joke when I first replied. So in the lowest gear on the bike, with the lowest assist, you can't randomly pedal the bike at 8mph? I'll have to experiment on my bikes, but was sure I can't go over that in "grannie gear". If that's the case, one of you is certainly on the wrong bike and one of you has to change.

I would think your Sondors has the same issue. Cadence type PAS and the motor wants to run 10 mph with any movement of the pedals. Thing is, not much power from the rider is needed for 8 mph, so bike could be turned off.